path: root/configure
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'configure')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configure b/configure
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ec8ad7f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+# InspIRCd Configuration Script
+# Copyright 2003 The ChatSpike Development Team
+# <>
+# <>
+# [14:21] Brain: <matrix impression> i know perl-fu!
+# $Id$
+$this = $ENV{PWD}; # PWD, Regardless.
+@modlist = (); # Declare for Module List..
+%config = (); # Initiate Configuration Hash..
+$config{ME} = $ENV{PWD}; # Present Working Directory
+$config{CONFIG_DIR} = $ENV{PWD}."/conf"; # Configuration Directory
+$config{MODULE_DIR} = $ENV{PWD}."/modules"; # Modules Directory
+$config{BINARY_DIR} = $ENV{PWD}."/bin"; # Binary Directory
+$config{OPTIMITEMP} = "0"; # Default Optimisation Value
+$config{OPTIMISATI} = "-g"; # Optimisation Flag
+$config{NICK_LENGT} = "32"; # Default Nick Length
+$config{CHAN_LENGT} = "64"; # Default Channel Name Length
+$config{MAX_CHANNE} = "20"; # Default Max. Channels per user..
+$config{MAXI_MODES} = "20"; # Default Max. Number of Modes set at once.
+$config{HAS_STRLCPY} = "false"; # strlcpy Check.
+chomp($config{MAX_CLIENT_T} = `sh -c \"ulimit -n\"`); # FD Limit
+chomp($config{GCCVER} = `gcc -dumpversion | cut -c 1`); # Major GCC Version
+chomp($config{GCC34} = `gcc -dumpversion | cut -c 3`); # Minor GCC Version
+chomp($config{OSNAME} = `uname -s`); # Operating System Name
+if (!$config{OSNAME}) {
+ $config{OSNAME} = "Unknown"; # For use when uname fails.
+if (!$config{MAX_CLIENT_T}) {
+ $config{MAX_CLIENT_T} = 1024; # Set a reasonable 'Default'
+ $fd_scan_fail = "true"; # Used Later
+# Get and Set some important vars..
+my $arg = $ARGV[0]; # Do Some Argument Checks..
+if ($arg eq "-clean") { `rm -rf .config.cache`; } # Remove the config.cache file.
+if ($arg eq "-update") {
+ # Does the cache file exist?
+ if (!getcache()) {
+ # No, No it doesn't.. *BASH*
+ print "You have not run ./configure before. Please do this before trying to run the update script.\n";
+ exit 0;
+ } else {
+ # We've Loaded the cache file and all our variables..
+ print "Updating Files..\n";
+ writefiles();
+ print "Complete.\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+getcache(); # Load the config.cache file.
+if (!$config{MAX_CLIENT}) {
+ # If the cache hasn't set the max clients, copy the variable of MAX_CLIENT_T, this
+ # allows us to keep _T for testing purposes. (ie. "Are you sure you want to go
+ # higher than the found value" :))
+ $config{MAX_CLIENT} = $config{MAX_CLIENT_T};
+# Perform the strlcpy() test..
+open(STRLCPY, ">.test.cpp");
+print STRLCPY "#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main() { char a[10]; char b[10]; strlcpy(a,b,10); printf(\"%d\\n\",9); }\n";
+# Build the Binary..
+system("g++ -o .test .test.cpp 2>&1");
+# Was the build succesful?
+if (-e ".test") {
+ $config{HAS_STRLCPY} = "true";
+ system("rm -f .test .test.cpp");
+# Clear the Screen..
+# Display Splash Logo..
+chomp($wholeos = `uname -mnr`);
+# Display Introduction Message..
+print "
+Welcome to the InspIRCd Configuration program!
+*** If you are unsure of any of these values, leave it blank for ***
+*** standard settings that will work, and your server will run ***
+*** using them. If you are running this server as part of a ***
+*** larger network, you must consult with your network admins ***
+*** for the proper values to use, or server links will be unstable! ***
+Press \033[1m<RETURN>\033[0m to accept the default for any option, or enter
+a new value. Please note: You will \033[1mHAVE\033[0m to read the docs
+dir, otherwise you won't have a config file!
+Your operating system is: \033[1;32m$config{OSNAME}\033[0m ($wholeos), fdmax: $config{MAX_CLIENT_T}\n\n";
+# Directory Settings..
+dir_check("are the configuration files", "CONFIG_DIR");
+dir_check("are the modules to be compiled to", "MODULE_DIR");
+dir_check("is the IRCd binary to be placed", "BINARY_DIR");
+# File Descriptor Settings..
+my $continue = 0;
+while (!$continue) {
+ print "Maximum number of clients at any one time ($config{MAX_CLIENT_T})\n";
+ print "[\033[1;32m$config{MAX_CLIENT}\033[0m] -> ";
+ chomp($var = <STDIN>);
+ if ($var eq "") { $var = $config{MAX_CLIENT}; }
+ if ($var =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ if (($var > $config{MAX_CLIENT_T}) && ($fd_scan_failed ne true)) {
+ # Client has entered a larger number than the 'discovered' value
+ # Confirm.
+ print "WARNING: Our scans have indicated that you are attempting
+to use more sockets than there are avaliable. Are you sure
+you wish to do this? It may cause the IRCd to malfunction [y/n]
+[\033[1;32mn\033[0m] -> $c";
+ chomp($tmp = <STDIN>);
+ if ($tmp ne "y") {
+ print "Please enter the correct value.\n\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "You must enter a number in this field. Please try again.\n\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # If we get here, we should be good to go.
+ $config{MAX_CLIENT} = $var;
+ $continue = 1;
+ print "\n";
+my $continue = 0;
+while (!$continue) {
+ print "What is the Maximum length of nicknames?\n";
+ print "[\033[1;32m$config{NICK_LENGT}\033[0m] -> ";
+ chomp($var = <STDIN>);
+ if ($var eq "") { $var = $config{NICK_LENGT}; }
+ if ($var =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ # We don't care what the number is, set it and be on our way.
+ $config{NICK_LENGT} = $var;
+ $continue = 1;
+ print "\n";
+ } else {
+ print "You must enter a number in this field. Please try again.\n\n";
+ }
+my $continue = 0;
+while (!$continue) {
+ print "What is the Maximum number of mode changes in one line?\n";
+ print "[\033[1;32m$config{MAXI_MODES}\033[0m] -> ";
+ chomp($var = <STDIN>);
+ if ($var eq "") { $var = $config{MAXI_MODES}; }
+ if ($var =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ # We don't care what the number is, set it and be on our way.
+ $config{MAXI_MODES} = $var;
+ $continue = 1;
+ print "\n";
+ } else {
+ print "You must enter a number in this field. Please try again.\n\n";
+ }
+# Code Optimisation
+print "Enter the Level Of Binary optimisation. This is a number between 0 and 3 (inclusive)
+The InspIRCd Team will _NOT_ support any bug reports above 0.
+Also note, the IRCd behaviour will be different depending on this value.
+Please read the documentation for more information.
+The Higher the number, the more optimised your binary will be. This value will default to 0
+If you either a) Dont enter a number, or b) Enter a value outside the range.\n";
+print "[\033[1;32m0\033[0m] -> ";
+chomp($var = <STDIN>);
+if ($var == 1) {
+ $config{OPTIMITEMP} = 1;
+ $config{OPTIMISATI} = "-O";
+} elsif ($var == 2) {
+ $config{OPTIMITEMP} = 2;
+ $config{OPTIMISATI} = "-O2";
+} elsif ($var == 3) {
+ $config{OPTIMITEMP} = 3;
+ $config{OPTIMISATI} = "-O3";
+} else {
+ $config{OPTIMITEMP} = 0;
+ $config{OPTIMISATI} = "-g";
+print "\n\033[1;32mPre-build configuration is complete!\033[0m\n\n";
+print "\033[0mConfig path:\033[1;32m\t\t\t$config{CONFIG_DIR}\n";
+print "\033[0mModule path:\033[1;32m\t\t\t$config{MODULE_DIR}\n";
+print "\033[0mMax connections:\033[1;32m\t\t$config{MAX_CLIENT}\n";
+print "\033[0mMax User Channels\033[1;32m\t\t$config{MAX_CHANNE}\n";
+print "\033[0mMax nickname length:\033[1;32m\t\t$config{NICK_LENGT}\n";
+print "\033[0mMax channel length:\033[1;32m\t\t$config{CHAN_LENGT}\n";
+print "\033[0mMax mode length:\033[1;32m\t\t$config{MAXI_MODES}\n";
+print "\033[0mGCC Version Found:\033[1;32m\t\t$config{GCCVER}.$config{GCC34}\n";
+print "\033[0mOptimatizaton Flag:\033[1;32m\t\t$config{OPTIMISATI}\033[0m\n\n";
+print "\n\n";
+print "To build your server with these settings, please type '\033[1;32m$config{MAKEPROG}\033[0m' now.\n";
+print "*** \033[1;32mRemember to edit your configuration files!!!\033[0m ***\n\n\n";
+sub getcache {
+ # Retrieves the .config.cache file, and loads values into the main config hash.
+ open(CACHE, ".config.cache") or return undef;
+ while (<CACHE>) {
+ chomp;
+ # Ignore Blank lines, and comments..
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ next if /^\s*#/;
+ my ($key, $value) = split("=", $_);
+ $value =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/;
+ # Do something with data here!
+ $config{$key} = $1;
+ }
+ close(CONFIG);
+ return "true";
+sub makecache {
+ # Dump the contents of %config
+ print "Writing \033[1;32mcache file\033[0m for future ./configures ...\n";
+ open(FILEHANDLE, ">.config.cache");
+ foreach $key (keys %config)
+ {
+ print FILEHANDLE "$key=\"$config{$key}\"\n";
+ }
+ close(FILEHANDLE);
+sub dir_check {
+ my ($desc, $hash_key) = @_;
+ my $complete = 0;
+ while (!$complete) {
+ print "In what directory $desc?\n";
+ print "[\033[1;32m$config{$hash_key}\033[0m] -> ";
+ chomp($var = <STDIN>);
+ if ($var eq "") { $var = $config{$hash_key}; }
+ if (substr($var,0,1) ne "/")
+ {
+ # Assume relative Path was given.. fill in the rest.
+ $var = $this . "/$var";
+ }
+ if (substr($var, 0, 1) eq "~") {
+ # Convert it to a full path..
+ $var = $this . substr(1,0);
+ }
+ if (! -e $var) {
+ print "$var does not exist. Create it?\n[\033[1;32my\033[0m] ";
+ chomp($tmp = <STDIN>);
+ if (($tmp eq "") || ($tmp = "y")) {
+ # Attempt to Create the Dir..
+ $chk = system("mkdir -p \"$var\" >> /dev/null 2>&1") / 256;
+ if ($chk != 0) {
+ print "Unable to create directory. ($var)\n\n";
+ # Restart Loop..
+ next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # They said they don't want to create, and we can't install there.
+ print "\n\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!is_dir($var)) {
+ # Target exists, but is not a directory.
+ print "File $var exists, but is not a directory.\n\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # Either Dir Exists, or was created fine.
+ $config{$hash_key} = $var;
+ $complete = 1;
+ print "\n";
+ }
+sub getosflags {
+ if ($config{OSNAME} eq "FreeBSD") {
+ $config{LDLIBS} = "-Ldl";
+ $config{FLAGS} = "-fPIC -frtti $OPTIMISATI -Wcomment -Wformat -Wunused -Wshadow -Werror -Wswitch -Wchar-subscripts -Wparentheses -Woverloaded-virtual";
+ $config{MAKEPROG} = "gmake";
+ } else {
+ $config{LDLIBS} = "-ldl";
+ $config{FLAGS} = "-fPIC -frtti $OPTIMISATI -Wcomment -Wformat -Wunused -Wshadow -Werror -Wswitch -Wchar-subscripts -Wparentheses -Woverloaded-virtual";
+ $config{MAKEPROG} = "make";
+ }
+sub is_dir {
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ if (chdir($path)) {
+ chdir($this);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ # Just in case..
+ chdir($this);
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub getmodules {
+ my $i = 0;
+ opendir(DIRHANDLE, "src/modules");
+ foreach $name (sort readdir(DIRHANDLE)) {
+ if ($name =~ /^m_(.+)\.cpp$/)
+ {
+ $modlist[$i++] = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(DIRHANDLE);
+sub writefiles {
+ print "Writing \033[1;32minspircd_config.h\033[0m\n";
+ # First File.. inspircd_config.h
+ chomp(my $incos = `uname -n -s -r`);
+ chomp(my $version = `sh ./src/`);
+ open(FILEHANDLE, "> include/inspircd_config.h");
+/* Auto generated by configure, do not modify! */
+#define CONFIG_FILE "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/inspircd.conf"
+#define MOD_PATH "$config{MODULE_DIR}"
+#define VERSION "$version"
+#define MAXCLIENTS $config{MAX_CLIENT}
+#define NICKMAX $config{NICK_LENGT}
+#define CHANMAX $config{CHAN_LENGT}
+#define MAXCHANS $config{MAX_CHANNE}
+#define MAXMODES $config{MAXI_MODES}
+#define SYSTEM "$incos"
+#define MAXBUF 514
+ if ($config{GCCVER} == 3) {
+ print FILEHANDLE "#define GCC3\n";
+ if ($config{GCC34} > 3) {
+ print FILEHANDLE "#define GCC34\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($config{HAS_STRLCPY} eq "true") {
+ print FILEHANDLE "#define HAS_STRLCPY\n";
+ }
+ close(FILEHANDLE);
+ # Now the Makefile..
+ print "Writing \033[1;32mMakefile\033[0m\n";
+ my $makefile = "";
+ open(FILEHANDLE, "");
+ while (<FILEHANDLE>) {
+ $makefile .= $_;
+ }
+ # Create a Modules List..
+ my $modules = "";
+ foreach $i (@modlist)
+ {
+ $modules .= "m_".$i.".so ";
+ }
+ chomp($modules); # Remove Redundant whitespace..
+ $makefile =~ s/\@MAKEPROG\@/$config{MAKEPROG}/;
+ $makefile =~ s/\@FLAGS\@/$config{FLAGS}/;
+ $makefile =~ s/\@LDLIBS\@/$config{LDLIBS}/;
+ $makefile =~ s/\@CONFIG_DIR\@/$config{CONFIG_DIR}/;
+ $makefile =~ s/\@MODULE_DIR\@/$config{MODULE_DIR}/;
+ $makefile =~ s/\@BINARY_DIR\@/$config{BINARY_DIR}/;
+ $makefile =~ s/\@MODULES\@/$modules/;
+ open(FILEHANDLE, ">Makefile");
+ print FILEHANDLE $makefile;
+ close(FILEHANDLE);
+ # Modules Makefile..
+ print "Writing \033[1;32msrc/modules/Makefile\033[0m\n";
+ open(FILEHANDLE, ">src/modules/Makefile");
+# (C) ChatSpike development team
+# Makefile by <>
+# Many Thanks to Andrew Church <>
+# for assisting with making this work right.
+# Automatically Generated by ./configure to add a modules
+# please run ./configure --update
+all: \$(MODULES)
+ # Create a Modules List..
+ my $modules = "";
+ my $flags = "";
+ foreach $i (@modlist)
+ {
+ $flags = getcompilerflags("src/modules/m_".$i.".cpp");
+$ $i.cpp ../../include/modules.h ../../include/users.h ../../include/channels.h ../../include/servers.h ../../include/base.h
+ \$(CC) -I../../include \$(FLAGS) -shared $flags -o $ $i.cpp
+ \@cp $ \$(MODPATH)/
+ }
+sub getcompilerflags {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ open(FLAGS, $file);
+ while (<FLAGS>) {
+ if ($_ =~ /^\/\* \$CompileFlags: (.+) \*\/$/) {
+ close(FLAGS);
+ return $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(FLAGS);
+ return undef;
+sub show_splash {
+ print "'\033[1;33m####\033[0m:'\033[1;33m##\033[0m::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m::'\033[1;33m######\033[0m::'\033[1;33m########\033[0m::'\033[1;33m####\033[0m:'\033[1;33m########\033[0m:::'\033[1;33m######\033[0m::'\033[1;33m########\033[0m::\n";
+ print ". \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m###\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:'\033[1;33m##\033[0m... \033[1;33m##\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m.... \033[1;33m##\033[0m:. \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m.... \033[1;33m##\033[0m:'\033[1;33m##\033[0m... \033[1;33m##\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m.... \033[1;33m##\033[0m:\n";
+ print ": \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m####\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:::..:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:::..:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:\n";
+ print ": \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m \033[1;33m##\033[0m \033[1;33m##\033[0m:. \033[1;33m######\033[0m:: \033[1;33m########\033[0m::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m########\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m::::::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:\n";
+ print ": \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m. \033[1;33m####\033[0m::..... \033[1;33m##\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m.....:::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m.. \033[1;33m##\033[0m::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m::::::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:\n";
+ print ": \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:. \033[1;33m###\033[0m:'\033[1;33m##\033[0m::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m::::::::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m::. \033[1;33m##\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:::: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:\n";
+ print "'\033[1;33m####\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m::. \033[1;33m##\033[0m:. \033[1;33m######\033[0m:: \033[1;33m##\033[0m::::::::'\033[1;33m####\033[0m: \033[1;33m##\033[0m:::. \033[1;33m##\033[0m:. \033[1;33m######\033[0m:: \033[1;33m########\033[0m::\n";
+ print "\033[0m\033[0m....::..::::..:::......:::..:::::::::....::..:::::..:::......:::........:::\n\n";