path: root/src/socketengines/socketengine_iocp.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/socketengines/socketengine_iocp.cpp')
1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/socketengines/socketengine_iocp.cpp b/src/socketengines/socketengine_iocp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84371ca3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/socketengines/socketengine_iocp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+/* +------------------------------------+
+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
+ * +------------------------------------+
+ *
+ * InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2007 InspIRCd Development Team
+ * See:
+ *
+ * This program is free but copyrighted software; see
+ * the file COPYING for details.
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include "socketengines/socketengine_iocp.h"
+#include "exitcodes.h"
+#include <mswsock.h>
+IOCPEngine::IOCPEngine(InspIRCd * Instance) : SocketEngine(Instance)
+ /* Create completion port */
+ m_completionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, (ULONG_PTR)0, 0);
+ if (!m_completionPort)
+ {
+ ServerInstance->Log(SPARSE,"ERROR: Could not initialize socket engine. Your kernel probably does not have the proper features.");
+ ServerInstance->Log(SPARSE,"ERROR: this is a fatal error, exiting now.");
+ printf("ERROR: Could not initialize socket engine. Your kernel probably does not have the proper features.");
+ printf("ERROR: this is a fatal error, exiting now.");
+ }
+ /* Null variables out. */
+ CurrentSetSize = 0;
+ EngineHandle = 0;
+ memset(ref, 0, sizeof(EventHandler*) * MAX_DESCRIPTORS);
+ /* Clean up winsock and close completion port */
+ CloseHandle(m_completionPort);
+ WSACleanup();
+bool IOCPEngine::AddFd(EventHandler* eh)
+ /* Does it at least look valid? */
+ if (!eh)
+ return false;
+ int* fake_fd = new int(GenerateFd(eh->GetFd()));
+ int is_accept = 0;
+ int opt_len = sizeof(int);
+ /* In range? */
+ if ((*fake_fd < 0) || (*fake_fd > MAX_DESCRIPTORS))
+ {
+ delete fake_fd;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Already an entry here */
+ if (ref[*fake_fd])
+ {
+ delete fake_fd;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* are we a listen socket? */
+ getsockopt(eh->GetFd(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_ACCEPTCONN, (char*)&is_accept, &opt_len);
+ /* set up the read event so the socket can actually receive data :P */
+ eh->Extend("internal_fd", fake_fd);
+ unsigned long completion_key = (ULONG_PTR)*fake_fd;
+ /* assign the socket to the completion port */
+ if (!CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE)eh->GetFd(), m_completionPort, completion_key, 0))
+ return false;
+ /* setup initial events */
+ if(is_accept)
+ PostAcceptEvent(eh);
+ else
+ PostReadEvent(eh);
+ /* log message */
+ ServerInstance->Log(DEBUG, "New fake fd: %u, real fd: %u, address 0x%p", *fake_fd, eh->GetFd(), eh);
+ /* post a write event if there is data to be written */
+ if(eh->Writeable())
+ WantWrite(eh);
+ /* we're all good =) */
+ try
+ {
+ m_binding.insert( map<int, EventHandler*>::value_type( eh->GetFd(), eh ) );
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ /* Ohshi-, map::insert failed :/ */
+ return false;
+ }
+ ++CurrentSetSize;
+ ref[*fake_fd] = eh;
+ return true;
+bool IOCPEngine::DelFd(EventHandler* eh, bool force /* = false */)
+ if (!eh)
+ return false;
+ int* fake_fd = NULL;
+ if (!eh->GetExt("internal_fd", fake_fd))
+ return false;
+ int fd = eh->GetFd();
+ void* m_readEvent = NULL;
+ void* m_writeEvent = NULL;
+ void* m_acceptEvent = NULL;
+ ServerInstance->Log(DEBUG, "Removing fake fd %u, real fd %u, address 0x%p", *fake_fd, eh->GetFd(), eh);
+ /* Cancel pending i/o operations. */
+ if (CancelIo((HANDLE)fd) == FALSE)
+ return false;
+ /* Free the buffer, and delete the event. */
+ if (eh->GetExt("windows_readevent", m_readEvent))
+ {
+ if(((Overlapped*)m_readEvent)->m_params != 0)
+ delete ((udp_overlap*)((Overlapped*)m_readEvent)->m_params);
+ delete ((Overlapped*)m_readEvent);
+ eh->Shrink("windows_readevent");
+ }
+ if(eh->GetExt("windows_writeevent", m_writeEvent))
+ {
+ delete ((Overlapped*)m_writeEvent);
+ eh->Shrink("windows_writeevent");
+ }
+ if(eh->GetExt("windows_acceptevent", m_acceptEvent))
+ {
+ delete ((accept_overlap*)((Overlapped*)m_acceptEvent)->m_params);
+ delete ((Overlapped*)m_acceptEvent);
+ eh->Shrink("windows_accepevent");
+ }
+ /* Clear binding */
+ ref[*fake_fd] = 0;
+ m_binding.erase(eh->GetFd());
+ delete fake_fd;
+ eh->Shrink("internal_fd");
+ /* decrement set size */
+ --CurrentSetSize;
+ /* success */
+ return true;
+void IOCPEngine::WantWrite(EventHandler* eh)
+ if (!eh)
+ return;
+ void* m_writeEvent = NULL;
+ int* fake_fd = NULL;
+ if (!eh->GetExt("internal_fd", fake_fd))
+ return;
+ /* Post event - write begin */
+ if(!eh->GetExt("windows_writeevent", m_writeEvent))
+ {
+ ULONG_PTR completion_key = (ULONG_PTR)*fake_fd;
+ Overlapped * ov = new Overlapped(SOCKET_IO_EVENT_WRITE_READY, 0);
+ eh->Shrink("windows_writeevent");
+ eh->Extend("windows_writeevent",ov);
+ PostQueuedCompletionStatus(m_completionPort, 0, completion_key, &ov->m_overlap);
+ }
+bool IOCPEngine::PostCompletionEvent(EventHandler * eh, SocketIOEvent type, int param)
+ if (!eh)
+ return false;
+ int* fake_fd = NULL;
+ if (!eh->GetExt("internal_fd", fake_fd))
+ return false;
+ Overlapped * ov = new Overlapped(type, param);
+ ULONG_PTR completion_key = (ULONG_PTR)*fake_fd;
+ return PostQueuedCompletionStatus(m_completionPort, 0, completion_key, &ov->m_overlap);
+void IOCPEngine::PostReadEvent(EventHandler * eh)
+ if (!eh)
+ return;
+ Overlapped * ov = new Overlapped(SOCKET_IO_EVENT_READ_READY, 0);
+ DWORD flags = 0;
+ DWORD r_length = 0;
+ WSABUF buf;
+ /* by passing a null buffer pointer, we can have this working in the same way as epoll..
+ * its slower, but it saves modifying all network code.
+ */
+ buf.buf = 0;
+ buf.len = 0;
+ /* determine socket type. */
+ DWORD sock_type;
+ int sock_len = sizeof(DWORD);
+ if(getsockopt(eh->GetFd(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, (char*)&sock_type, &sock_len) == -1)
+ {
+ /* wtfhax? */
+ PostCompletionEvent(eh, SOCKET_IO_EVENT_ERROR, 0);
+ delete ov;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch(sock_type)
+ {
+ case SOCK_DGRAM: /* UDP Socket */
+ {
+ udp_overlap * uv = new udp_overlap;
+ uv->udp_sockaddr_len = sizeof(sockaddr);
+ buf.buf = (char*)uv->udp_buffer;
+ buf.len = sizeof(uv->udp_buffer);
+ ov->m_params = (unsigned long)uv;
+ if(WSARecvFrom(eh->GetFd(), &buf, 1, &uv->udp_len, &flags, uv->udp_sockaddr, (LPINT)&uv->udp_sockaddr_len, &ov->m_overlap, 0))
+ {
+ int err = WSAGetLastError();
+ if(err != WSA_IO_PENDING)
+ {
+ delete ov;
+ PostCompletionEvent(eh, SOCKET_IO_EVENT_ERROR, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case SOCK_STREAM: /* TCP Socket */
+ {
+ if(WSARecv(eh->GetFd(), &buf, 1, &r_length, &flags, &ov->m_overlap, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
+ {
+ if(WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
+ {
+ delete ov;
+ PostCompletionEvent(eh, SOCKET_IO_EVENT_ERROR, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ printf("unknwon socket type: %u\n", sock_type);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ eh->Extend("windows_readevent", ov);
+int IOCPEngine::DispatchEvents()
+ DWORD len;
+ Overlapped * ov;
+ EventHandler * eh;
+ ULONG_PTR intfd;
+ int ret;
+ unsigned long bytes_recv;
+ while (GetQueuedCompletionStatus(m_completionPort, &len, &intfd, &overlap, 1000))
+ {
+ if (intfd < 0 || intfd > MAX_DESCRIPTORS)
+ continue;
+ // woot, we got an event on a socket :P
+ eh = ref[intfd];
+ ov = CONTAINING_RECORD(overlap, Overlapped, m_overlap);
+ if (eh == 0)
+ continue;
+ void* m_readEvent = NULL;
+ void* m_writeEvent = NULL;
+ eh->GetExt("windows_readevent", m_readEvent);
+ eh->GetExt("windows_writeevent", m_writeEvent);
+ switch(ov->m_event)
+ {
+ {
+ eh->Shrink("windows_writeevent");
+ eh->HandleEvent(EVENT_WRITE, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ if(ov->m_params)
+ {
+ // if we had params, it means we are a udp socket with a udp_overlap pointer in this long.
+ udp_overlap * uv = (udp_overlap*)ov->m_params;
+ uv->udp_len = len;
+ this->udp_ov = uv;
+ eh->Shrink("windows_readevent");
+ eh->HandleEvent(EVENT_READ, 0);
+ this->udp_ov = 0;
+ delete uv;
+ PostReadEvent(eh);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = ioctlsocket(eh->GetFd(), FIONREAD, &bytes_recv);
+ eh->Shrink("windows_readevent");
+ if(ret != 0 || bytes_recv == 0)
+ {
+ /* end of file */
+ PostCompletionEvent(eh, SOCKET_IO_EVENT_ERROR, EIO); /* Old macdonald had an error, EIEIO. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eh->HandleEvent(EVENT_READ, 0);
+ PostReadEvent(eh);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ /* this is kinda messy.. :/ */
+ eh->HandleEvent(EVENT_READ, ov->m_params);
+ delete ((accept_overlap*)ov->m_params);
+ eh->Shrink("windows_acceptevent");
+ PostAcceptEvent(eh);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ eh->HandleEvent(EVENT_ERROR, ov->m_params);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ delete ov;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void IOCPEngine::PostAcceptEvent(EventHandler * eh)
+ if (!eh)
+ return;
+ int on = 1;
+ u_long arg = 1;
+ struct linger linger = { 0 };
+ setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&on, sizeof(on));
+ /* This is BSD compatible, setting l_onoff to 0 is *NOT* */
+ linger.l_onoff = 1;
+ linger.l_linger = 1;
+ setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char*)&linger,sizeof(linger));
+ ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &arg);
+ int len = sizeof(sockaddr_in) + 16;
+ DWORD dwBytes;
+ accept_overlap* ao = new accept_overlap;
+ memset(ao->buf, 0, 1024);
+ ao->socket = fd;
+ Overlapped* ov = new Overlapped(SOCKET_IO_EVENT_ACCEPT, (int)ao);
+ eh->Extend("windows_acceptevent", ov);
+ if(AcceptEx(eh->GetFd(), fd, ao->buf, 0, len, len, &dwBytes, &ov->m_overlap) == FALSE)
+ {
+ int err = WSAGetLastError();
+ if(err != WSA_IO_PENDING)
+ {
+ printf("PostAcceptEvent err: %d\n", err);
+ }
+ }
+std::string IOCPEngine::GetName()
+ return "iocp";
+EventHandler * IOCPEngine::GetRef(int fd)
+ map<int, EventHandler*>::iterator itr = m_binding.find(fd);
+ return (itr == m_binding.end()) ? 0 : itr->second;
+bool IOCPEngine::HasFd(int fd)
+ return (GetRef(fd) != 0);
+bool IOCPEngine::BoundsCheckFd(EventHandler* eh)
+ int * internal_fd;
+ if (!eh || eh->GetFd() < 0)
+ return false;
+ if(!eh->GetExt("internal_fd", internal_fd))
+ return false;
+ if(*internal_fd > MAX_DESCRIPTORS)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+EventHandler * IOCPEngine::GetIntRef(int fd)
+ if(fd < 0 || fd > MAX_DESCRIPTORS)
+ return 0;
+ return ref[fd];
+int IOCPEngine::Accept(EventHandler* fd, sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
+ SOCKET s = fd->GetFd();
+ Overlapped* acceptevent = NULL;
+ if (!fd->GetExt("windows_acceptevent", acceptevent))
+ /* Shit, no accept event on this socket! :( */
+ return -1;
+ Overlapped* ovl = acceptevent;
+ accept_overlap* ov = (accept_overlap*)ovl->m_params;
+ sockaddr_in* server_address = (sockaddr_in*)&ov->buf[10];
+ sockaddr_in* client_address = (sockaddr_in*)&ov->buf[38];
+ memcpy(addr, client_address, sizeof(sockaddr_in));
+ *addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_in);
+ return ov->socket;
+int IOCPEngine::GetSockName(EventHandler* fd, sockaddr *name, socklen_t* namelen)
+ Overlapped* ovl = NULL;
+ if (!fd->GetExt("windows_acceptevent", ovl))
+ return -1;
+ accept_overlap* ov = (accept_overlap*)ovl->m_params;
+ sockaddr_in* server_address = (sockaddr_in*)&ov->buf[10];
+ sockaddr_in* client_address = (sockaddr_in*)&ov->buf[38];
+ memcpy(name, server_address, sizeof(sockaddr_in));
+ *namelen = sizeof(sockaddr_in);
+ return 0;
+int IOCPEngine::RecvFrom(EventHandler* fd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlen)
+ udp_overlap * ov = NULL;
+ if (!fd->GetExt("windows_readevent", ov))
+ return -1;
+ memcpy(buf, ov->udp_buffer, ov->udp_len);
+ memcpy(from, ov->udp_sockaddr, *fromlen);
+ return ov->udp_len;
+int IOCPEngine::Blocking(int fd)
+ unsigned long opt = 0;
+ return ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &opt);
+int IOCPEngine::NonBlocking(int fd)
+ unsigned long opt = 1;
+ return ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &opt);
+int IOCPEngine::Close(int fd)
+ return closesocket(fd);
+int IOCPEngine::Close(EventHandler* fd)
+ return this->Close(fd->GetFd());