#                                                                      #
#               ___                ___ ____   ____    _                #
#              |_ _|_ __  ___ _ __|_ _|  _ \ / ___|__| |               #
#               | || '_ \/ __| '_ \| || |_) | |   / _` |               #
#               | || | | \__ \ |_) | ||  _ <| |__| (_| |               #
#              |___|_| |_|___/ .__/___|_| \_\\____\__,_|               #
#                            |_|                                       #
#      ____             __ _                       _   _               #
#     / ___|___  _ __  / _(_) __ _ _   _ _ __ __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __    #
#    | |   / _ \| '_ \| |_| |/ _` | | | | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \   #
#    | |__| (_) | | | |  _| | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |  #
#     \____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|  \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|  #
#                            |___/                                     #
#                                                                      #
#                                                                      #
#         This is an example of the config file for InspIRCd.          #
#             Change the options to suit your network                  #
#                                                                      #
#     $Id$     #
#                                                                      #
#    ____                _   _____ _     _       ____  _ _   _         #
#   |  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | |_   _| |__ (_)___  | __ )(_) |_| |        #
#   | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |   | | | '_ \| / __| |  _ \| | __| |        #
#   |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |   | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | |_|_|        #
#   |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|   |_| |_| |_|_|___/ |____/|_|\__(_)        #
#                                                                      #
#   Lines prefixed with READ THIS BIT, as shown above, are IMPORTANT   #
#   lines, and you REALLY SHOULD READ THEM. Yes, THIS MEANS YOU. Even  #
#   if you've configured InspIRCd before, these probably indicate      #
#   something new or different to this version and you SHOULD READ IT. #
#                                                                      #
#                                                                      #
#         Unalphabeticalise the modules list at your own risk          #
#                                                                      #

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  SERVER DESCRIPTION  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
#                                                                     #
#   Here is where you enter the information about your server.        #
#                                                                     #
#  Syntax is as follows:                                              #
#                                                                     #
#     <server name="server.name"                                      #
#      description="Server Description"                               #
#      id="serverid"                                                  #
#      network="MyNetwork">                                           #
#                                                                     #
#  The server name should be a syntactically valid hostname, with at  #
#  least one '.', and does not need to resolve to an IP address.      #
#                                                                     #
#  The description is freeform text. Remember you may put quotes in   #
#  this field by escaping it using \".                                #
#                                                                     #
#  The network field indicates the network name given in on connect   #
#  to clients. It is used by many clients such as mIRC to select a    #
#  perform list, so it should be identical on all servers on a net    #
#  and should not contain spaces.                                     #
#                                                                     #
#  The server ID is optional, and if omitted automatically calculated # 
#  from the server name and description. This is similar in           #
#  in behaviour to the server id on ircu and charybdis ircds.         #
#  You should only need to set this manually if there is a collision  #
#  between two server ID's on the network. The server ID must be      #
#  three digits or letters long, of which the first digit must always #
#  be a number, and the other two letters may be any of 0-9 and A-Z.  #
#  For example, 3F9, 03J and 666 are all valid server IDs, and A9D,   #
#  QFX and 5eR are not. Remember, in most cases you will not need to  #
#  even set this value, it is calculated for you from your server     #
#  name and description. Changing these will change your auto-        #
#  generated ID.                                                      #
#                                                                     #

<server name="penguin.omega.org.za"
        description="Waddle World"

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-   ADMIN INFORMATION   -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
#   Describes the Server Administrator's real name (optionally),      #
#   nick, and email address.                                          #
#                                                                     #
#  Syntax is as follows:                                              #
#       <admin name="real name"                                       #
#              nick="nick name"                                       #
#              email="email@address.com">                             #
#                                                                     #

<admin name="Johnny English"

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-   PORT CONFIGURATION   -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
#                                                                     #
#   Enter the port and address bindings here.                         #
#                                                                     #
#  bind address - Specifies which address ports bind to. Leaving this #
#                 field blank binds the port to all IP's available.   #
#                                                                     #
#  port         - The port number to bind to. You may specify a port  #
#                 range here, e.g. "6667-6669,7000,7001". If you do   #
#                 this, the server will count each port within your   #
#                 range as a separate binding, making the above       #
#                 example equivalent to five separate bind tags.      #
#                 A failure on one port in the range does not prevent #
#                 the entire range from being bound, just that one    #
#                 port number.                                        #
#                                                                     #
#  type         - Can be 'clients' or 'servers'. The clients type is  #
#                 a standard TCP based socket, the servers type is a  #
#                 also a TCP based connection but of a different      #
#                 format. SSL support is provided by modules, to      #
#                 enable SSL support, please read the module section  #
#                 of this configuration file.                         #
#                                                                     #
#  ssl          - When using m_ssl_gnutls.so or m_ssl_openssl.so      #
#                 modules, you must define this value to use ssl on   #
#                 that port. Valid values are 'gnutls' or 'openssl'   #
#                 respectively. If the module is not loaded, this     #
#                 setting is ignored.                                 #
#                                                                     #
#  transport    - If you have m_spanningtree.so loaded, along with    #
#                 either one of the SSL modules (m_ssl_gnutls or      #
#                 m_ssl_openssl) or m_ziplinks.so, then you may make  #
#                 use of this value.                                  #
#                 Setting it to 'openssl' or 'gnutls' or 'zip'        #
#                 indicates that the port should accept connections   #
#                 using the given transport name. Transports are      #
#                 layers which sit on top of a socket and change the  #
#                 way data is sent and received, e.g. encryption,     #
#                 compression, and other such things. Because this    #
#                 may not be limited in use to just encryption,       #
#                 the 'ssl' value used for client ports does not      #
#                 exist for servers, and this value is used instead.  #
#    ____                _   _____ _     _       ____  _ _   _        #
#   |  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | |_   _| |__ (_)___  | __ )(_) |_| |       #
#   | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |   | | | '_ \| / __| |  _ \| | __| |       #
#   |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |   | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | |_|_|       #
#   |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|   |_| |_| |_|_|___/ |____/|_|\__(_)       #
#                                                                     #
#  If you want to link servers to InspIRCd you must load the          #
#  m_spanningtree.so module! Please see the modules list below for    #
#  information on how to load this module! If you do not load this    #
#  module, server ports will NOT be bound!                            #
#                                                                     #
#  Leaving address empty binds to all available interfaces            #
#                                                                     #
#  Syntax is as follows:                                              #
#                                                                     #
# <bind address="ip address" port="port" type="clients">              #
# <bind address="ip address" port="port" type="servers">              #
#                                                                     #
# If InspIRCd is built for IPv6, and you wish to accept IPv4 clients, #
# then you can specify IPv4 ip addresses here to bind. You may also   #
# use the 4in6 notation, ::ffff:, where is the IPv4    #
# address to bind the port, but as of InspIRCd 1.1.1, this is not     #
# required.                                                           #
#                                                                     #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#                                                                     #
# PLEASE NOTE: If you have build InspIRCd as an IPv6 server, and you  #
# specify an empty bind address, the binding will be bound to ALL THE #
# IPv6 IP ADDRESSES, and not the IPv4 addresses. If you are using an  #
# IPv6 enabled InspIRCd and want to bind to multiple IPv4 addresses   #
# in this way, you must specify them by hand. If you have built the   #
# server for IPv4 connections only, then specifying an empty bind     #
# address binds the port to all IPv4 IP addresses, as expected.       #
#                                                                     #

<bind address="" port="6000" type="clients">
<bind address="" port="6660-6669" type="clients" ssl="gnutls">

# When linking servers, the openssl and gnutls transports are largely
# link-compatible and can be used alongside each other or either/or
# on each end of the link without any significant issues.

<bind address="" port="7000,7001" type="servers">
<bind address="" port="7005" type="servers" transport="openssl">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  DIE/RESTART CONFIGURATION   -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
#                                                                     #
#   You can configure the passwords here which you wish to use for    #
#   the die and restart commands. Only trusted IRCop's who will       #
#   need this ability should know the die and restart password.       #
#                                                                     #
#  Syntax is as follows:                                              #
#       <power diepass="die password" restartpass="restart password"  #
#        pause="secs before dying">                                   #
#                                                                     #

<power diepass="" restartpass="" pause="2">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#  INCLUDE CONFIGURATION  #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# This optional tag allows you to include another config file         #
# allowing you to keep your configuration tidy. The configuration     #
# file you include will be treated as part of the configuration file  #
# which includes it, in simple terms the inclusion is transparent.    #
#                                                                     #
# All paths to config files are relative to the directory of the main #
# config file inspircd.conf, unless the filename starts with a forward#
# slash (/) in which case it is treated as an absolute path.          #
#                                                                     #
# You may also include an executable file, in which case if you do so #
# the output of the executable on the standard output will be added   #
# to your config at the point of the include tag.                     #
#                                                                     #
# Syntax is as follows:                                               #
#<include file="file.conf">                                           #
#<include executable="/path/to/executable parameters">                #
#                                                                     #

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  CONNECTIONS CONFIGURATION  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
#   This is where you can configure which connections are allowed     #
#   and denied access onto your server. The password is optional.     #
#   You may have as many of these as you require. To allow/deny all   #
#   connections, use a '*' or                              #
#                                                                     #
#  Syntax is as follows:                                              #
#                                                                     #
#       <connect name="myallow" allow="" limit="5"          #
#                password="blahblah" timeout="10" timeout="blah"      #
#                flood="5" threshold="8" pingfreq="120" sendq="99999" #
#                revcq="696969" localmax="3" globalmax="3"            #
#                port="6660" maxchans="50" limit="999">               #
#                                                                     #
#       <connect name="blocked" deny="" port="6667">         #
#                                                                     #
#       <connect name="something" parent="myallow" pingfreq="60">     #
#                                                                     #
#   IP masks may be specified in CIDR format or wildcard format,      #
#   for IPv4 and IPv6. You *cannot* use hostnames in the allow or     #
#   deny field, as the state is applied before the user's DNS has     #
#   been resolved.                                                    #
#                                                                     #
#   You can optionally name your connect allow/deny tags. If you do   #
#   this, you may reference this connect tag as the parent of another #
#   connect tag with the <connect:parent> option as shown above. If   #
#   you do this, any options not explicitly specified in the tag will #
#   be copied from the parent.                                        #
#                                                                     #
#   If the value maxchans is included, this overrides all other max   #
#   channels related settings, including the separate oper maximum.   #
#   You may set this to any (sane) value you wish and it applies to   #
#   all users within this connect tag.                                #
#                                                                     #
#   You may optionally include timeout="x" on any allow line, which   #
#   specifies the amount of time given before an unknown connection   #
#   is closed if USER/NICK/PASS are not given. This value is in secs. #
#                                                                     #
#   You may optionally limit the number of clients that are matched   #
#   by a single <connect> tag by specifying the maximum in the limit  #
#   parameter. If set to 0, there is no limit, which is the default.  #
#                                                                     #
#   You should also include a flood="x" line which indicates          #
#   the number of lines a user may place into their buffer at once    #
#   before they are disconnected for excess flood. This feature can   #
#   not be disabled, however it can be set to extremely high values,  #
#   rendering it effectively disabled. A recommended value is 10.     #
#   A counter is maintained for each user which is reset every        #
#   'threshold' seconds and specifying this threshold value with      #
#   threshold="X" indicates how often the counter is reset. For       #
#   example, with flood="5" and threshold="8", the user may not send  #
#   more than 5 lines in 8 secs.                                      #
#                                                                     #
#   You may optionally specify the sendq size and ping frequency of   #
#   each connect:allow line using the pingfreq="X" and sendq="X"      #
#   settings as shown in the full example below.                      #
#   The ping frequency is specified in seconds, and the sendq size    #
#   in bytes. It is recommended, although not enforced, that you      #
#   should never set your sendq size to less than 8K. Send Queues are #
#   dynamically allocated and can grow as needed up to the maximum    #
#   size specified.                                                   #
#                                                                     #
#   The optional recvq value is the maximum size which users in this  #
#   group may grow their receive queue to. This is recommended to be  #
#   kept pretty low compared to the sendq, as users will always       #
#   receive more than they send in normal circumstances. The default  #
#   if not specified is 4096.                                         #
#                                                                     #
#   The sendq is the data waiting to be sent TO THE USER.             #
#   The recvq is the data being received FROM THE USER.               #
#   The names sendq and recvq are from the SERVER'S PERSPECTIVE not   #
#   that of the user... Just to clear up any confusion or complaints  #
#   that these are backwards :p                                       #
#                                                                     #
#   The localmax and globalmax values can be used to enforce local    #
#   and global session limits on connections. The session limits are  #
#   counted against all users, but applied only to users within the   #
#   class. For example, if you had a class 'A' which has a session    #
#   limit of 3, and a class 'B' which has a session limit of 5, and   #
#   somehow, two users managed to get into class B which also match   #
#   class A, there is only one connection left for this IP now in A,  #
#   but if they can connect again to B, there are three. You get the  #
#   idea (i hope).                                                    #
#                                                                     #
#   NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE!                                    #
#    The maximum limits by default apply to individual IP addresses   #
#    This *MAY* be changed by modifying the <cidr> block, in order    #
#    to detect cloning across an ISP.                                 #
#                                                                     #
#   The optional port value determines which port the connect tag is  #
#   handling. If left out the connect tag covers all bound ports else #
#   only incoming connections on the specified port will match. Port  #
#   tags may be used on connect allow and connect deny tags.          #
#                                                                     #
#   The limit value determines the maximum number of users which may  #
#   be in this class. Combine this with CIDR masks for various ISP    #
#   subnets to limit the number of users which may connect at any one #
#   time from a certain ISP. Omit this value to not limit the tag.    #
#                                                                     #

<connect allow="196.12.*"  password="secret" port="6667">

<connect allow="*"

<connect deny="69.254.*">
<connect deny="3ffe::0/32">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  CIDR CONFIGURATION   -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
#                                                                     #
# CIDR configuration allows detection of clones and applying of       #
# throttle limits across a CIDR range. (A CIDR range is a group of    #
# IPs, for example, the CIDR range may be   #
# represented as This means that abuse across an ISP #
# is detected and curtailed much easier.                              #
#                                                                     #
# ipv4clone:                                                          #
#  This specifies how many bits of an IP address should be checked    #
#  against cloning in the <connect> tags, for example, if <connect>   #
#  tags specified a limit of 2 (low!), and three users attempted to   #
#  connect in the IP range, and ipv4clone   #
#  was set to '24', the third connection would be disconnected.       #
#                                                                     #
#  Valid values are 0-32, but you *don't* want 0. Using values which  #
#  are not multiples of 8 can give confusing behaviour.               #
#  For more info, see: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/CIDR_Tutorial     #
#                                                                     #
# ipv6clone works in the same way, except for ipv6 addresses. Valid   #
# range is 0-128, but you *don't* want anything too small.            #
#                                                                     #
# Setting these to their maximum value (32, 128) will result in       #
# no actual CIDR checking being done, and clone checking will only be #
# done across individual IPs. This is the default behaviour.          #


#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  CLASS CONFIGURATION   -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
#                                                                     #
#   Classes are a group of commands which are grouped together and    #
#   given a unique name. They're used to define which commands        #
#   are available to certain types of Operators.                      #
#                                                                     #
#  Syntax is as follows:                                              #
#                                                                     #
#       <class name="name" commands="oper commands"                   #
#       usermodes="allowed oper only usermodes"                       #
#       chanmodes="allowed oper only channelmodes">                   #
#                                                                     #
# The name value indicates a name for this class.                     #
# The commands value indicates a list of one or more commands that    #
# are allowed by this class (see also 'READ THIS BIT' below).         #
# The usermodes and chanmodes values indicate lists of usermodes and  #
# channel modes this oper can execute. This only applies to modes     #
# that are marked oper-only such as usermode +Q and channelmode +O.   #
#    ____                _   _____ _     _       ____  _ _   _        #
#   |  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | |_   _| |__ (_)___  | __ )(_) |_| |       #
#   | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |   | | | '_ \| / __| |  _ \| | __| |       #
#   |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |   | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | |_|_|       #
#   |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|   |_| |_| |_|_|___/ |____/|_|\__(_)       #
#                                                                     #
#  You are not forced to give these classes the names given below.    #
#  You can create your own named classes, if you want, in fact that   #
#  is the whole idea of this system!                                  #
#                                                                     #
#  Note: It is possible to make a class which covers all available    #
#  commands. To do this, specify commands="*". This is not really     #
#  recommended, as it negates the whole purpose of the class system,  #
#  however it is provided for fast configuration (e.g. in test nets)  #
#                                                                     #

<class name="Shutdown" commands="DIE RESTART REHASH LOADMODULE UNLOADMODULE RELOAD" usermodes="*" chanmodes="*">
<class name="ServerLink" commands="CONNECT SQUIT RCONNECT MKPASSWD MKSHA256" usermodes="*" chanmodes="*">
<class name="BanControl" commands="KILL GLINE KLINE ZLINE QLINE ELINE" usermodes="*" chanmodes="*">
<class name="OperChat" commands="WALLOPS GLOBOPS SETIDLE SPYLIST SPYNAMES" usermodes="*" chanmodes="*">
<class name="HostCloak" commands="SETHOST SETIDENT SETNAME CHGHOST CHGIDENT" usermodes="*" chanmodes="*">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  OPERATOR COMPOSITION   -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
#   This is where you specify which types of operators you have on    #
#   your server, as well as the commands they are allowed to use.     #
#   This works alongside with the classes specified above.            #
#                                                                     #
#  type name  - A name for the combined class types.                  #
#               a type name cannot contain spaces, however if you     #
#               put an _ symbol in the name, it will be translated    #
#               to a space when displayed in a WHOIS.                 #
#                                                                     #
#  classes    - Specified above, used for flexibility for the         #
#               server admin to decide on which operators get         #
#               what commands. Class names are case sensitive,        #
#               separate multiple class names with spaces.            #
#                                                                     #
#  host       - Optional hostmask operators will receive on oper-up.  #
#                                                                     #
#  Syntax is as follows:                                              #
#                                                                     #
#     <type name="name" classes="class names" host="oper hostmask">   #
#                                                                     #
#    ____                _   _____ _     _       ____  _ _   _        #
#   |  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | |_   _| |__ (_)___  | __ )(_) |_| |       #
#   | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |   | | | '_ \| / __| |  _ \| | __| |       #
#   |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |   | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | |_|_|       #
#   |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|   |_| |_| |_|_|___/ |____/|_|\__(_)       #
#                                                                     #
#  You are not forced to give these types the names given below.      #
#  You can create your own named types, if you want, in fact that     #
#  is the whole idea of this system!                                  #
#                                                                     #

<type name="NetAdmin" classes="OperChat BanControl HostCloak Shutdown ServerLink" host="netadmin.omega.org.za">
<type name="GlobalOp" classes="OperChat BanControl HostCloak ServerLink" host="ircop.omega.org.za">
<type name="Helper" classes="HostCloak" host="helper.omega.org.za">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  OPERATOR CONFIGURATION   -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
#   Opers are defined here. This is a very important section.         #
#   Remember to only make operators out of trust worthy people.       #
#                                                                     #
#  name        - Oper name, this is case sensitive, so it is best to  #
#                use lower-case.                                      #
#                                                                     #
#  password    - Password to oper-up, also case sensitive.            #
#                encryption is supported via modules. You may load    #
#                modules for MD5 or SHA256 encryption, and if you do, #
#                this value will be a hash value, otherwise put a     #
#                plaintext password in this value.                    #
#                                                                     #
#  host        - Hosts of client allowed to oper-up.                  #
#                wildcards accepted, separate multiple hosts with a   #
#                space. You may also specify CIDR IP addresses.       #
#                                                                     #
#  fingerprint - When using the m_ssl_oper_cert.so module, you may    #
#                specify a key fingerprint here. This can be obtained #
#                using the /fingerprint command whilst the module is  #
#                loaded, or from the notice given to you when you     #
#                connect to the ircd using a client certificate,      #
#                and will lock this oper block to only the user who   #
#                has that specific key/certificate pair.              #
#                this enhances security a great deal, however it      #
#                requires that opers use clients which can send ssl   #
#                client certificates, if this is configured for that  #
#                oper. Note that if the m_ssl_oper.so module is not   #
#                loaded, and/or one of m_ssl_openssl or m_ssl_gnutls  #
#                is not loaded, this configuration option has no      #
#                effect and will be ignored.                          #
#                                                                     #
#  type        - Defines the kind of operator. This must match a type #
#                tag you defined above, and is case sensitive.        #
#                                                                     #
#  Syntax is as follows:                                              #
#       <oper name="login"                                            #
#             password="pass"                                         #
#             host="hostmask@of.oper"                                 #
#             fingerprint="hexsequence"                               #
#             type="oper type">                                       #
#                                                                     #

<oper name="Brain"
      host="ident@dialup15.isp.com *@localhost *@server.com *@3ffe::0/16"

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  SERVER LINK CONFIGURATION  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# Defines which servers can link to this one, and which servers this  #
# server may create outbound links to.                                #
#                                                                     #
# name        -   The name is the canonical name of the server, does   #
#                 not have to resolve - but it is expected to be set  #
#                 in the remote servers connection info.              #
#                                                                     #
# ipaddr      -   Valid host or IP address for remote server. These   #
#                 hosts are resolved on rehash, and cached, if you    #
#                 specify a hostname; so if you find that your server #
#                 is still trying to connect to an old IP after you   #
#                 have updated your DNS, try rehashing and then       #
#                 attempting the connect again.                       #
#                                                                     #
# port        -   The TCP port for the remote server.                 #
#                                                                     #
# sendpass    -   Password to send to create an outbound connection   #
#                 to this server.                                     #
#                                                                     #
# recvpass    -   Password to receive to accept an inbound connection #
#                 from this server.                                   #
#                                                                     #
# autoconnect -   Sets the server to autoconnect. Where x is the num. #
# (optional)      of seconds between attempts. e.g. 300 = 5 minutes.  #
#                                                                     #
# transport     - If defined, this is a transport name implemented by #
#                 another module. Transports are layers on top of     #
#                 plaintext connections, which alter them in certain  #
#                 ways. Currently the three supported transports are  #
#                 'openssl' and 'gnutls' which are types of SSL       #
#                 encryption, and 'zip' which is for compression.     #
#                 If you define a transport, both ends of the         #
#                 connection must use a compatible transport for the  #
#                 link to succeed. OpenSSL and GnuTLS are link-       #
#                 compatible with each other.                         #
#                                                                     #
# statshidden   - When using m_spanningtree.so for linking. you may   #
#                 set this to 'yes', and if you do, the IP address/   #
#                 hostname of this connection will NEVER be shown to  #
#                 any opers on the network. In /stats c its address   #
#                 will show as *@<hidden>, and during CONNECT and     #
#                 inbound connections, it's IP will show as <hidden>  #
#                 UNLESS the connection fails (e.g. due to a bad      #
#                 password or servername)                             #
#                                                                     #
# allowmask     - When this is defined, it indicates a range of IP    #
#                 addresses to allow for this link (You may use CIDR  #
#                 or wildcard form for this address).                 #
#                 e.g. if your server is going to connect to you from #
#                 the range through, put #
#                 into this value. If it is not defined, then only    #
#                 the ipaddr field of the server shall be allowed.    #
#                                                                     #
# failover      - If you define this option, it must be the name of a #
#                 different link tag in your configuration. This      #
#                 option causes the ircd to attempt a connection to   #
#                 the failover link in the event that the connection  #
#                 to this server fails. For example, you could define #
#                 two hub uplinks to a leaf server, and set an        #
#                 american server to autoconnect, with a european     #
#                 hub as its failover. In this situation, your ircd   #
#                 will only try the link to the european hub if the   #
#                 american hub is unreachable. NOTE that for the      #
#                 intents and purposes of this option, an unreachable #
#                 server is one which DOES NOT ANSWER THE CONNECTION. #
#                 If the server answers the connection with accept(), #
#                 EVEN IF THE CREDENTIALS ARE INVALID, the failover   #
#                 link will not be tried! Failover settings will also #
#                 apply to autoconnected servers as well as manually  #
#                 connected ones.                                     #
#                                                                     #
# timeout       - If this is defined, then outbound connections will  #
#                 time out if they are not connected within this many #
#                 seconds. If this is not defined, the default of ten #
#                 seconds is used.                                    #
#                                                                     #
# bind          - If you specify this value, then when creating an    #
#                 outbound connection to the given server, the IP you #
#                 place here will be bound to. This is for multi-     #
#                 homed servers which may have multiple IP addresses. #
#                 if you do not define this value, the first IP that  #
#                 is not empty or localhost from your <bind> tags     #
#                 will be bound to. This is usually acceptable,       #
#                 however if your server has multiple network cards   #
#                 then you may have to manually specify the bind      #
#                 value instead of leaving it to automatic binding.   #
#                 you can usually tell if you need to set this by     #
#                 looking for the error 'Could not assign requested   #
#                 address' in your log when connecting to servers.    #
#                                                                     #
# hidden        - If this is set to true, yes, or 1, then the server  #
#                 is completely hidden from non-opers. It does not    #
#                 show in /links and it does not show in /map. Also,  #
#                 any servers which are child servers of this one     #
#                 in the network will *also* be hidden. Use with      #
#                 care! You can use this to 'mask off' sections of    #
#                 the network so that users only see a small portion  #
#                 of a much larger net. It should NOT be relied upon  #
#                 as a security tool, unless it is being used for     #
#                 example to hide a non-client hub, for which clients #
#                 do not have an IP address or resolvable hostname.   #
#                                                                     #
# To u:line a server (give it extra privileges required for running   #
# services, Q, etc) you must include the <uline server> tag as shown  #
# in the example below. You can have as many of these as you like.    #
#                                                                     #
# WARNING: Unlike other ircds, u:lining a server allows ALL users on  #
# that server to operoverride modes. This should only be used for     #
# services and protected oper servers!                                #
#                                                                     #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#                                                                     #
# NOTE: If you have built your server as an IPv6 server, then when a  #
# DNS lookup of a server's host occurs, AAAA records (IPv6) are       #
# prioritised over A records (IPv4). Therefore, if the server you are #
# connecting to has both an IPv6 IP address and an IPv4 IP address in #
# its DNS entry, the IPv6 address will *always* be selected. To       #
# change this behaviour simply specify the IPv4 IP address rather     #
# than the hostname of the server.                                    #
#                                                                     #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#                                                                     #
#    ____                _   _____ _     _       ____  _ _   _        #
#   |  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | |_   _| |__ (_)___  | __ )(_) |_| |       #
#   | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |   | | | '_ \| / __| |  _ \| | __| |       #
#   |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |   | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | |_|_|       #
#   |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|   |_| |_| |_|_|___/ |____/|_|\__(_)       #
#                                                                     #
#  If you want to link servers to InspIRCd you must load the          #
#  m_spanningtree.so module! Please see the modules list below for    #
#  information on how to load this module! If you do not load this    #
#  module, server links will NOT work!                                #
#                                                                     #
#  Also, if you define any transports, you must load the modules for  #
#  these transports BEFORE you load m_spanningtree, e.g. place them   #
#  above it in the configuration file. Currently this means the three #
#  modules m_ssl_gnutls, m_ziplinks and m_ssl_openssl, depending on   #
#  which you choose to use.                                           #
#                                                                     #

<link name="hub.penguin.org"

<link name="services.antarctic.com"

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- ULINES CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# This tag defines a ulined server. A U-Lined server has special      #
# permissions, and should be used with caution. Services servers are  #
# usually u-lined in this manner.                                     #
#                                                                     #
# The 'silent' value, if set to yes, indicates that this server should#
# not generate quit and connect notices, which can cut down on noise  #
# to opers on the network.                                            #
#                                                                     #
<uline server="services.antarctic.com" silent="yes">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  MISCELLANEOUS CONFIGURATION  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
#   These options let you define the path to your motd and rules      #
#   files. If these are relative paths, they are relative to the      #
#   configuration directory.                                           #
#                                                                     #

<files motd="inspircd.motd.example"

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# MAXIMUM CHANNELS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# This optional configuration tag lets you define the maximum number  #
# of channels that both opers and users may be on at any one time.    #
# The default is 20 for users and 60 for opers if this tag is not     #
# defined. Remote users are not restricted in any manner.             #
#                                                                     #

<channels users="20"

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# DNS SERVER -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# Define your DNS server address here. InspIRCd has its own resolver. #
# If you do not define this value, then InspIRCd will attempt to      #
# determine your DNS server from your operating system. On POSIX      #
# platforms, InspIRCd will read /etc/resolv.conf, and populate this   #
# value with the first DNS server address found. On Windows platforms #
# InspIRCd will check the registry, and use the DNS server of the     #
# first active network interface, if one exists.                      #
# If a DNS server cannot be determined from these checks, the default #
# value '' is used instead. The timeout value is in seconds. #
#                                                                     #
#    ____                _   _____ _     _       ____  _ _   _        #
#   |  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | |_   _| |__ (_)___  | __ )(_) |_| |       #
#   | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |   | | | '_ \| / __| |  _ \| | __| |       #
#   |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |   | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | |_|_|       #
#   |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|   |_| |_| |_|_|___/ |____/|_|\__(_)       #
#                                                                     #
# When choosing a server, be sure to choose one which will do a       #
# RECURSIVE LOOKUP. InspIRCd's resolver does not currently do these   #
# recursive lookups itself, to save time and resources. The DNS       #
# server recommended by the InspIRCd team is bind, available from the #
# ISC website. If your DNS server does not do a recursive lookup, you #
# will be able to notice this by the fact that none of your users are #
# resolving even though the DNS server appears to be up! Most ISP and #
# hosting provider DNS servers support recursive lookups.             #
#                                                                     #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#                                                                     #
# NOTE: If you have built InspIRCd with IPv6 support, then both       #
# IPv6 and IPv4 addresses are allowed here, and also in the system    #
# resolv.conf file. Remember that an IPv4 DNS server can still        #
# resolve IPv6 addresses, and vice versa.                             #
#                                                                     #

<dns server="" timeout="5">

# An example of using an IPv6 nameserver
#<dns server="::1" timeout="5">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#  PID FILE  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# Define the path to the PID file here. The PID file can be used to   #
# rehash the ircd from the shell or to terminate the ircd from the    #
# shell using shell scripts, perl scripts, etc... and to monitor the  #
# ircd's state via cron jobs. If this is a relative path, it will be  #
# relative to the configuration directory, and if it is not defined,  #
# the default of 'inspircd.pid' is used.                              #
#                                                                     #

#<pid file="/path/to/inspircd.pid">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- BANLIST LIMITS #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# Use these tags to customise the ban limits on a per channel basis.  #
# The tags are read from top to bottom, and any tag found which       #
# matches the channels name applies the banlimit to that channel.     #
# It is advisable to put an entry with the channel as '*' at the      #
# bottom of the list. If none are specified or no maxbans tag is      #
# matched, the banlist size defaults to 64 entries.                   #
#                                                                     #

<banlist chan="#morons" limit="128">
<banlist chan="*" limit="69">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  DISABLED COMMANDS  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# This tag is optional, and specifies one or more commands which are  #
# not available to non-operators. For example you may wish to disable #
# NICK and prevent non-opers from changing their nicknames.           #
# Note that any disabled commands take effect only after the user has #
# 'registered' (e.g. after the initial USER/NICK/PASS on connection)  #
# so for example disabling NICK will not cripple your network.        #
#                                                                     #

#<disabled commands="TOPIC MODE">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  RTFM LINE  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
#   Just remove this... Its here to make you read ALL of the config   #
#   file options ;)                                                   #

<die value="You should probably edit your config *PROPERLY* and try again.">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  SERVER OPTIONS   -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
#   Settings to define which features are usable on your server.      #
#                                                                     #
#  prefixquit    - A prefix to be placed on the start of a client's   #
#                  quit message                                       #
#                                                                     #
#  suffixquit    - A suffix to be placed on the end of a client's     #
#                  quit message.                                      #
#                                                                     #
#  fixedquit     - A fixed quit message to display for all client     #
#                  QUITS. If specified, overrides both prefixquit     #
#                  and suffixquit options.                            #
#                                                                     #
#  prefixpart    - A prefix to be placed on the start of a client's   #
#                  part message                                       #
#                                                                     #
#  suffixpart    - A suffix to be placed on the end of a client's     #
#                  part message.                                      #
#                                                                     #
#  fixedpart     - A fixed part message to display for all client     #
#                  parts. If specified, overrides both prefixpart     #
#                  and suffixpart options.                            #
#                                                                     #
#  allowhalfop   - Allows the +h channel mode                         #
#                                                                     #
#  noservices    - If noservices is true, yes, or 1, then the first   #
#                  user into a channel gets founder status. This is   #
#                  only useful on networks running the m_chanprotect  #
#                  module without services.                           #
#                                                                     #
#  qprefix       - qprefix is used by the chanprotect module to give  #
#                  a visible prefix to users set +q (founder) in chan #
#                  It should be set to something sensible like ~ or ! #
#                  If not set, no prefix is applied to users with +q  #
#                                                                     #
#  aprefix       - aprefix is the same as qprefix, except it is for   #
#                  giving users with mode +a (protected) a prefix     #
#                                                                     #
#  deprotectself - If this value is set to yes, true, or 1, then any  #
#                  user with +q or +a may remove the +q or +a from    #
#                  themselves. The default setting is to not enable   #
#                  this feature, which stops even the founder taking  #
#                  away their founder status without using services.  #
#                                                                     #
#  deprotectothers-If this value is set to yes, true, or 1, then any  #
#                  user with +q or +a may remove the +q or +a from    #
#                  other users. The default setting is to not enable  #
#                  this feature, so that only +q may remove +a, and   #
#                  nothing but services may remove +q.                #
#                                                                     #
#  cyclehosts    - If this is set to true, yes or 1, then when a      #
#                  user's hostname changes, they will appear to quit  #
#                  and then rejoin with their new host. This prevents #
#                  clients from being confused by host changes,       #
#                  especially in the case of bots, and it is          #
#                  recommended that this option is enabled.           #
#                                                                     #
#  moduledir     - This optional value indicates a runtime change of  #
#                  the location where modules are to be found. This   #
#                  does not add a supplementary directory. There can  #
#                  only be one module path.                           #
#                                                                     #
#  syntaxhints   - If set to yes, true or 1, when a user does not     #
#                  give enough parameters for a command, a syntax     #
#                  hint will be given (using the RPL_TEXT numeric)    #
#                  as well as the standard ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS.        #
#                                                                     #
#  announcets    - If this value is defined to yes, true, or 1, then  #
#                  a channels' timestamp is updated, the users on     #
#                  the channel will be informed of the change via     #
#                  a server notice to the channel with the old and    #
#                  new TS values in the timestamp. If you think this  #
#                  is just pointless noise, define the value to 0.    #
#                                                                     #
#  ircumsgprefix - Use undernet style message prefix for channel      #
#                  NOTICE and PRIVMSG adding the prefix to the line   #
#                  of text sent out. Eg. NOTICE @#test :@ testing     #
#                  vs. the off setting: NOTICE @#test :testing        #
#                                                                     #
#  hostintopic   - If this is set to yes (the default) then the full  #
#                  nick!user@host is shown for who set a TOPIC last.  #
#                  if set to no, then only the nickname is shown.     #
#                                                                     #
#  serverpingfreq- This value, when set, allows you to change the     #
#                  frequency of server to server PING messages. This  #
#                  can help if you are having certain network issues. #
#                                                                     #
#  pingwarning   - This should be set to a number between 1 and 59 if #
#                  defined, and if it is defined will cause the server#
#                  to send out a warning via snomask +l if a server   #
#                  does not answer to PING after this many seconds.   #
#                  This can be useful for finding servers which are   #
#                  at risk of pinging out due to network issues.      #
#                                                                     #
#  defaultmodes  - The default modes to be given to each channel on   #
#                  creation. Defaults to 'nt'. There should be no +   #
#                  or - symbols in this sequence, if you add them     #
#                  they will be ignored. You may add parameters for   #
#                  modes which take them.                             #
#                                                                     #
#  moronbanner   - The NOTICE to show to users who are glined, zlined #
#                  klined or qlined when they are disconnected. This  #
#                  is totally freeform, you may place any text here   #
#                  you wish.                                          #
#                                                                     #
#  exemptchanops - This option allows channel operators to be exempted#
#                  from certain channel modes.                        #
#                  Supported modes are +SfFgNc. Defaults to off.      #
#                                                                     #
#  invitebypassmodes - This option allows /invite to bypass modes     #
#    other than +i.                                                   #
#                                                                     #
#                                                                     #

<options prefixquit="Quit: "
         moronbanner="You're banned! Email haha@abuse.com with the ERROR line below for help."

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# PERFORMANCE CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
#  maxwho        - The maximum number of results returned by a /WHO   #
#                  query. This is to prevent /WHO being used as a     #
#                  spam vector or means of flooding an ircd. The      #
#                  default is 128, it is not recommended to raise it  #
#                  above 1024. Values up to 65535 are permitted. If   #
#                  this value is omitted, any size WHO is allowed by  #
#                  anyone.                                            #
#                                                                     #
#  somaxconn     - The maximum number of sockets that may be waiting  #
#                  in the accept queue. This usually allows the ircd  #
#                  to soak up more connections in a shorter space of  #
#                  time when increased but please be aware there is a #
#                  system defined maximum value to this, the same way #
#                  there is a system defined maximum number of file   #
#                  descriptors. Some systems may only allow this to   #
#                  be up to 5 (ugh) while others such as FreeBSD will #
#                  default to a much nicer 128.                       #
#                                                                     #
#  softlimit     - This optional feature allows a defined softlimit.  #
#                  if defined sets a soft maxconnections value, has   #
#                  to be less than the ./configure maxclients         #
#                                                                     #
#  nouserdns     - If set to yes, true or 1, no user DNS lookups      #
#                  will be performed for connecting users. This can   #
#                  save a lot of resources on very busy IRC servers.  #
#                                                                     #
#  quietbursts   - When synching or splitting from the network, a     #
#                  server can generate a lot of connect and quit      #
#                  snotices to the +C and +Q snomasks. Setting this   #
#                  value to yes squelches those messages, which can   #
#                  make them more useful for opers, however it will   #
#                  degrade their use by certain third party programs  #
#                  such as BOPM which rely on them to scan users when #
#                  a split heals in certain configurations.           #
#                                                                     #
#  netbuffersize - Size of the buffer used to receive data from       #
#                  clients. The ircd may only read() this amount      #
#                  of text in one go at any time. (OPTIONAL)          #
#                                                                     #

<performance netbuffersize="10240"

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# SECURITY CONFIGURATION  #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# announceinvites                                                     #
#                - If this option is set, then invites are announced  #
#                  to the channel when a user invites another user.   #
#                  If you consider this to be unnecessary noise,      #
#                  set this to 'none'. To announce to all ops, set    #
#                  this to 'ops' and to announce to all users set the #
#                  value to 'all'.                                    #
#                                                                     #
#                  The value 'dynamic' varies between 'ops' and 'all' #
#                  settings depending on if the channel is +i or not. #
#                  When the channel is +i, messages go only to ops,   #
#                  and when the channel is not +i, messages go to     #
#                  everyone. In short, the messages will go to every  #
#                  user who has power of INVITE on the channel. This  #
#                  is the recommended setting.                        #
#                                                                     #
#  disablehmac   - If you are linking your InspIRCd to older versions #
#                  then you can specify this option and set it to     #
#                  yes. 1.1.6 and above support HMAC and challenge-   #
#                  response for password authentication. These can    #
#                  greatly enhance security of your server to server  #
#                  connections when you are not using SSL (as is the  #
#                  case with a lot of larger networks). Linking to    #
#                  older versions of InspIRCd should not *usually* be #
#                  a problem, but if you have problems with HMAC      #
#                  authentication, this option can be used to turn it #
#                  off.                                               #
#                                                                     #
#  hidemodes     - If this option is enabled, then the listmodes      #
#                  given (e.g. +eI), will be hidden from users below  #
#                  halfop. This is not recommended to be set on mode  #
#                  +b, as it may break some features in popular       #
#                  clients such as mIRC.                              #
#                                                                     #
#  hidesplits    - When set to 'yes', will hide split server names    #
#                  from non-opers. Non-opers will see '*.net *.split' #
#                  instead of the server names in the quit message,   #
#                  identical to the way IRCu displays them.           #
#                                                                     #
#  hidebans      - When set to 'yes', will hide gline, kline, zline   #
#                  and qline quit messages from non-opers. For        #
#                  example, user A who is not an oper will just see   #
#                  (G-Lined) while user B who is an oper will see the #
#                  text (G-Lined: Reason here) instead.               #
#                                                                     #
#  hidewhois     - When defined with a non-empty value, the given     #
#                  text will be used in place of the user's server    #
#                  in WHOIS, when a user is WHOISed by a non-oper.    #
#                  For example, most nets will want to set this to    #
#                  something like '*.netname.net' to conceal the      #
#                  actual server the user is on.                      #
#                                                                     #
#  flatlinks     - When you are using m_spanningtree.so, and this     #
#                  value is set to yes, true or 1, /MAP and /LINKS    #
#                  will be flattened when shown to a non-opers.       #
#                                                                     #
#  hideulines    - When you are using m_spanningtree.so, and this     #
#                  value is set to yes, true or 1, then U-lined       #
#                  servers will be hidden in /LINKS and /MAP for non  #
#                  opers. Please be aware that this will also hide    #
#                  any leaf servers of a U-lined server, e.g. jupes.  #
#                                                                     #
#  userstats     - The userstats field is optional and specifies      #
#                  which stats characters in /STATS may be requested  #
#                  by non-operators. Stats characters in this field   #
#                  are case sensitive and are allowed to users        #
#                  independent of if they are in a module or the core #
#                                                                     #
#  operspywhois  - If this is set then when an IRC operator uses      #
#                  /WHOIS on a user they will see all channels, even  #
#                  ones if channels are secret (+s), private (+p) or  #
#                  if the target user is invisible +i.                #
#                                                                     #
#  customversion - If you specify this configuration item, and it is  #
#                  not set to an empty value, then when a user does   #
#                  a /VERSION command on the ircd, this string will   #
#                  be displayed as the second portion of the output,  #
#                  replacing the system 'uname', compile flags and    #
#                  socket engine/dns engine names. You may use this   #
#                  to enhance security, or simply for vanity.         #
#                                                                     #
#  maxtargets    - The maxtargets field is optional, and if not       #
#                  defined, defaults to 20. It indicates the maximum  #
#                  number of targets which may be given to commands   #
#                  such as PRIVMSG, KICK etc.                         #
#                                                                     #
#  hidekills     - The hidekills value, if set, replaces the source   #
#                  of all oper-generated kills to be the given text   #
#                  to provide anonimity to your opers.                #
#                                                                     #

<security announceinvites="dynamic"

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# LIMITS CONFIGURATION  #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# This configuration tag defines the maximum sizes of various types   #
# on IRC, such as the maximum length of a channel name, and the       #
# maximum length of a channel. Note that with the exception of the    #
# identmax value all values given here are the exact values you would #
# expect to see on IRC. This contrasts with the older InspIRCd        #
# releases where these values would be one character shorter than     #
# defined to account for a null terminator on the end of the text.    #
#                                                                     #
# The identmax value has special meaning, as it may grow one          #
# character longer than you specify, to accomodate for a ~ character  #
# when m_ident is loaded.                                             #
#                                                                     #
# These values should match network-wide, otherwise you may end up    #
# with desyncs, and confusing your users by being able to use a nick  #
# of a certain length on one server but not on another. Servers will  #
# link with mismatched values, but this is NOT recommended as a long  #
# term measure!                                                       #
#                                                                     #
# Values here should be self explanitory:                             #
#                                                                     #
# maxnick         - The maximum length of a nickname                  #
# maxchan         - The maximum length of a channel name              #
# maxmodes        - The maximum number of parameterized mode changes  #
#                   per line                                          #
# maxident        - The maximum length of an ident/username value     #
# maxquit         - The maximum length of a quit message              #
# maxtopic        - The maximum length of a channel topic             #
# maxkick         - The maximum length of a kick message              #
# maxgecos        - The maximum length of a GECOS (real name)         #
# maxaway         - The maximum length of an away message             #
#                                                                     #

<limits maxnick="31"

# Logging
# -------
# Logging is covered with the <log> tag, which you may use to change
# the behaviour of the logging of the IRCd.
# In InspIRCd as of 1.2, logging is pluggable and very extensible.
# Different files can log the same thing, different 'types' of log can
# go to different places, and modules can even extend the log tag
# to do what they want.
# An example log tag would be:
#	<log method="file" type="OPER" level="default" target="opers.log">
# which  would log all information on /oper (failed and successful) to
# a file called opers.log.
# There are many different types which may be used, and modules may
# generate their own. A list of useful types:
#	- USERS - information relating to user connection and disconnection
#	- CHANNELS - information relating to joining and parting of channels.
# XXX someone doc more on this
# You may also log *everything* by using a type of *, and subtract things out
# of that by using -TYPE - for example "* -USERINPUT -USEROUTPUT".
# The following log tag is highly default and uncustomised. It is recommended you
# sort out your own log tags. This is just here so you get some output.
<log method="file" type="* -USERINPUT -USEROUTPUT -m_spanningtree" level="default" target="ircd.log">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  WHOWAS OPTIONS   -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# This tag lets you define the behaviour of the /whowas command of    #
# your server.                                                        #
#                                                                     #
# groupsize      - Controls the maximum entries per nick shown when   #
#                  performing a /whowas nick. Setting this to 0 dis-  #
#                  ables whowas completely.                           #
#                                                                     #
# maxgroups      - The maximum number of nickgroups that can be added #
#                  to the list. If max is reached, oldest group will  #
#                  be deleted first like a FIFO. A groupsize of 3 and #
#                  a maxgroups of 5000 will allow for 5000 nicks to   #
#                  be stored with a history of 3, thus giving a total #
#                  of 3 * 5000 = 15000 entries. A setting of 0 dis-   #
#                  ables whowas completely.                           #
#                                                                     #
# maxkeep        - The maximum time a nick is kept in the whowas list #
#                  before being pruned. Time may be specified in      #
#                  seconds, or in the following format: 1y2w3d4h5m6s  #
#                  meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,  #
#                  5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format #
#                  are optional. Minimum is 1 hour, if less InspIRCd  #
#                  will default back to 1 hour.                       #
#                                                                     #
#<whowas groupsize="10"                                               #
#        maxgroups="100000"                                           #
#        maxkeep="3d">                                                #

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-  BAN OPTIONS  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# The ban tags define nick masks, host masks and ip ranges which are  #
# banned from your server. All details in these tags are local to     #
# Your server.                                                        #
#                                                                     #
#                                                                     #
# badip lines ban an ip range (same as a zline)                       #
#                                                                     #
# ipmask       -          The ip range to ban (wildcards possible)    #
#                         CIDR is supported in the IP mask.           #
# reason       -          Reason to display when disconnected         #
#                                                                     #
# badnick lines ban a nick mask (same as a qline)                     #
#                                                                     #
# nick         -          Nick mask to ban (wildcards possible)       #
# reason       -          Reason to display on /NICK                  #
#                                                                     #
# badhost lines ban a user@host mask (same as a kline)                #
#                                                                     #
# host         -          ident@hostname (wildcards possible)         #
#                         If you specify an IP, CIDR is supported.    #
# reason       -          Reason to display on disconnection          #
#                                                                     #
# exception lines define a hostmask that is excempt from [kzg]lines   #
#                                                                     #
# host         -          ident@hostname (wildcards possible)         #
#                         If you specify an IP, CIDR is supported.    #
# reason       -          Reason, shown only in /stats e              #
#                                                                     #

<badip ipmask="" reason="No porn here thanks.">

<badnick nick="ChanServ" reason="Reserved For Services">
<badnick nick="NickServ" reason="Reserved For Services">
<badnick nick="OperServ" reason="Reserved For Services">
<badnick nick="MemoServ" reason="Reserved For Services">

<badhost host="*@hundredz.n.hundredz.o.1337.kiddies.com" reason="Too many 1337 kiddiots">
<badhost host="*@localhost" reason="No irc from localhost!">
<badhost host="*@" reason="This subnet is bad.">

<exception host="*@ircop.host.com" reason="Opers hostname">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- INSANE BAN OPTIONS  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
# This optional tag allows you to specify how wide a gline, eline,    #
# kline, zline or qline can be before it is forbidden from being      #
# set. By setting hostmasks="yes", you can allow all G, K, E lines,   #
# no matter how many users the ban would cover. This is not           #
# recommended! By setting ipmasks="yes", you can allow all Z lines,   #
# no matter how many users these cover too. Needless to say we        #
# don't recommend you do this, or, set nickmasks="yes", which will    #
# allow any qline.                                                    #
#                                                                     #
# The trigger value indicates how wide any mask will be before it is  #
# prevented from being set. The default value is 95.5% if this tag is #
# not defined in your configuration file, meaning that if your        #
# network has 1000 users, a gline matching over 955 of them will be   #
# prevented from being added.                                         #
#                                                                     #
# Please note that remote servers (and services) are exempt from      #
# these restrictions and expected to enforce their own policies       #
# locally!                                                            #
#                                                                     #

<insane hostmasks="no" ipmasks="no" nickmasks="no" trigger="95.5">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- YAWN  -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#                                                                     #
#   You should already know what to do here :)                        #

<die value="User error. Insert new user and press any key. (you didn't edit your config properly.)">

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# MODULES #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#    ____                _   _____ _     _       ____  _ _   _        #
#   |  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | |_   _| |__ (_)___  | __ )(_) |_| |       #
#   | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |   | | | '_ \| / __| |  _ \| | __| |       #
#   |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |   | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | |_|_|       #
#   |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|   |_| |_| |_|_|___/ |____/|_|\__(_)       #
#                                                                     #
# Well done, you've reached the end of this.                          #
# We now suggest you read and edit modules.conf, as modules are what  #
# provide almost all the features of InspIRCd. :)                     #
#                                                                     #
# The default does nothing -- we include it for simplicity for you.   #
<include file="modules.conf">

#                                                                       #
#                     - InspIRCd Development Team -                     #
#                        http://www.inspircd.org                        #
#                                                                       #