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 _____________________| |__________________________________

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      {  `---'  }  \bWELCOME TO AN \c13I\c04N\c07S\c08P\c03I\c10R\c12C\c06D\c99 NETWORK\x
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       \  \|/  /       If I'm not new, my owner is lazy. ;-)
        /     \    \_
       {       }\  )_\_   _
       |  \_/  |/ /  \_\_/ )
        \__/  /(_/     \__/

      +-- To change this see \bopermotd.txt.example\x --+
      |                                             |
      |   * \bWeb:\x https://www.inspircd.org           |
      |   * \bIRC:\x irc.inspircd.org #inspircd         |
      |   * \bDocs:\x https://docs.inspircd.org         |
      |   * \bIssues:\x https://git.io/JIuYi            |
      |   * \bDiscussions:\x https://git.io/JIuYv       |
      |                                             |
      | We hope you like this software.  Please do  |
      | make sure to customise your configuration,  |
      | though, so you love it.  Enjoy.             |
      |                                             |
      |                        -- The InspIRCd Team |