#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(getcwd); sub find_output; sub gendep($); sub dep_cpp($$); sub dep_dir($); sub run(); my %f2dep; run; exit 0; sub run() { my $build = $ENV{BUILDPATH}; mkdir $build; chdir $build or die "Could not open build directory: $!"; symlink "$ENV{SOURCEPATH}/include", 'include'; mkdir $_ for qw/bin modules obj/; # BSD make has a horribly annoying bug resulting in an extra chdir of the make process # Create symlinks to work around it symlink "../$_", "obj/$_" for qw/bin modules obj/; $build = getcwd(); open MAKE, '>real.mk' or die "Could not write real.mk: $!"; chdir "$ENV{SOURCEPATH}/src"; if ($ENV{PURE_STATIC}) { run_static(); } else { run_dynamic(); } close MAKE; } sub run_dynamic() { my $build = $ENV{BUILDPATH}; print MAKE <<END; # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE # It is autogenerated by make/calcdep.pl, and will be overwritten # every time you rerun make in the main directory VPATH = \$(SOURCEPATH)/src bad-target: \@echo "This Makefile must be run by a sub-make from the source" \@echo "in order to set the correct environment variables" \@exit 1 all: inspircd commands modules END my(@core_deps, @cmdlist, @modlist); for my $file (<*.cpp>, <modes/*.cpp>, <socketengines/*.cpp>, "threadengines/threadengine_pthread.cpp") { my $out = find_output $file; dep_cpp $file, $out; next if $file =~ m#^socketengines/# && $file ne "socketengines/$ENV{SOCKETENGINE}.cpp"; push @core_deps, $out; } for my $file (<commands/*.cpp>) { my $out = find_output $file; dep_cpp $file, $out; push @cmdlist, $out; } opendir my $moddir, 'modules'; for my $file (sort readdir $moddir) { next if $file =~ /^\./; if (-e "modules/extra/$file" && !-l "modules/$file") { # Incorrect symlink? print "Replacing symlink for $file found in modules/extra\n"; rename "modules/$file", "modules/$file~"; symlink "extra/$file", "modules/$file"; } if ($file =~ /^m_/ && -d "modules/$file" && dep_dir "modules/$file") { mkdir "$build/obj/$file"; push @modlist, "modules/$file.so"; } if ($file =~ /^m_.*\.cpp$/) { my $out = find_output "modules/$file"; dep_cpp "modules/$file", $out; push @modlist, $out; } } my $core_mk = join ' ', @core_deps; my $cmds = join ' ', @cmdlist; my $mods = join ' ', @modlist; print MAKE <<END; bin/inspircd: $core_mk \$(RUNCC) -o \$\@ \$(CORELDFLAGS) \$(LDLIBS) \$^ \$> inspircd: bin/inspircd commands: $cmds modules: $mods .PHONY: all bad-target inspircd commands modules END } sub run_static() { print MAKE <<END; # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE # It is autogenerated by make/calcdep.pl, and will be overwritten # every time you rerun make in the main directory VPATH = \$(SOURCEPATH)/src bad-target: \@echo "This Makefile must be run by a sub-make from the source" \@echo "in order to set the correct environment variables" \@exit 1 all: inspircd END my(@deps, @srcs); for my $file (<*.cpp>, <modes/*.cpp>, <socketengines/*.cpp>, <commands/*.cpp>, <modules/*.cpp>, <modules/m_*/*.cpp>, "threadengines/threadengine_pthread.cpp") { my $out = find_output $file, 1; if ($out =~ m#obj/([^/]+)/[^/]+.o$#) { mkdir "$ENV{BUILDPATH}/obj/$1"; } dep_cpp $file, $out; next if $file =~ m#^socketengines/# && $file ne "socketengines/$ENV{SOCKETENGINE}.cpp"; push @deps, $out; push @srcs, $file; } my $core_mk = join ' ', @deps; my $core_src = join ' ', @srcs; print MAKE <<END; obj/ld-extra.cmd: $core_src \@\$(SOURCEPATH)/make/unit-cc.pl -f\$(VERBOSE) \$\@ \$^ \$> bin/inspircd: obj/ld-extra.cmd $core_mk \@\$(SOURCEPATH)/make/unit-cc.pl -l\$(VERBOSE) \$\@ \$^ \$> inspircd: bin/inspircd .PHONY: all bad-target inspircd END } sub find_output { my($file, $static) = @_; my($path,$base) = $file =~ m#^((?:.*/)?)([^/]+)\.cpp# or die "Bad file $file"; if ($path eq 'modules/' || $path eq 'commands/') { return $static ? "obj/$base.o" : "modules/$base.so"; } elsif ($path eq '' || $path eq 'modes/' || $path =~ /^[a-z]+engines\/$/) { return "obj/$base.o"; } elsif ($path =~ m#modules/(m_.*)/#) { return "obj/$1/$base.o"; } else { die "Can't determine output for $file"; } } sub gendep($) { my $f = shift; my $basedir = $f =~ m#(.*)/# ? $1 : '.'; return $f2dep{$f} if exists $f2dep{$f}; $f2dep{$f} = ''; my %dep; my $link = readlink $f; if (defined $link) { $link = "$basedir/$link" unless $link =~ m#^/#; $dep{$link}++; } open my $in, '<', $f or die "Could not read $f"; while (<$in>) { if (/^\s*#\s*include\s*"([^"]+)"/) { my $inc = $1; next if $inc eq 'inspircd_version.h' && $f eq '../include/inspircd.h'; my $found = 0; for my $loc ("$basedir/$inc", "../include/$inc") { next unless -e $loc; $found++; $dep{$_}++ for split / /, gendep $loc; $loc =~ s#^\.\./##; $dep{$loc}++; } if ($found == 0 && $inc ne 'inspircd_win32wrapper.h') { print STDERR "WARNING: could not find header $inc for $f\n"; } elsif ($found > 1 && $basedir ne '../include') { print STDERR "WARNING: ambiguous include $inc in $f\n"; } } } close $in; $f2dep{$f} = join ' ', sort keys %dep; $f2dep{$f}; } sub dep_cpp($$) { my($file, $out) = @_; gendep $file; print MAKE "$out: $file $f2dep{$file}\n"; print MAKE "\t@\$(SOURCEPATH)/make/unit-cc.pl \$(VERBOSE) \$\@ \$< \$>\n"; } sub dep_dir($) { my($dir) = @_; my @ofiles; opendir DIR, $dir; for my $file (sort readdir DIR) { next unless $file =~ /(.*)\.cpp$/; my $ofile = find_output "$dir/$file"; dep_cpp "$dir/$file", $ofile; push @ofiles, $ofile; } closedir DIR; if (@ofiles) { my $ofiles = join ' ', @ofiles; print MAKE "$dir.so: $ofiles\n\t\$(RUNCC) \$(PICLDFLAGS) -o \$\@ \$^ \$>\n"; return 1; } else { return 0; } }