# InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
#   Copyright (C) 2012 Peter Powell <petpow@saberuk.com>
#   Copyright (C) 2008 Robin Burchell <robin+git@viroteck.net>
#   Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Craig Edwards <craigedwards@brainbox.cc>
#   Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Stagner <aquanight@inspircd.org>
#   Copyright (C) 2007 Dennis Friis <peavey@inspircd.org>
# This file is part of InspIRCd.  InspIRCd is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

	require 5.8.0;

package make::configure;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);

use Cwd;
use Exporter 'import';

use make::utilities;

our @EXPORT = qw(cmd_clean cmd_help cmd_update
                 read_configure_cache write_configure_cache
                 get_compiler_info find_compiler
                 run_test test_file test_header
                 get_property get_revision

my $revision;

sub __get_socketengines() {
	my @socketengines;
	foreach (<src/socketengines/socketengine_*.cpp>) {
		push @socketengines, $1;
	return @socketengines;

sub cmd_clean {
	unlink '.config.cache';

sub cmd_help {
	my $PWD = getcwd();
	my $SELIST = join ', ', __get_socketengines();
	print <<EOH;
Usage: $0 [options]

When no options are specified, configure runs in interactive mode and you must
specify any required values manually. If one or more options are specified,
non-interactive configuration is started and any omitted values are defaulted.


  --system                      Automatically set up the installation paths
                                for system-wide installation.
  --prefix=[dir]                The root install directory. If this is set then
                                all subdirectories will be adjusted accordingly.
  --binary-dir=[dir]            The location where the main server binary is
  --config-dir=[dir]            The location where the configuration files and
                                SSL certificates are stored.
  --data-dir=[dir]              The location where the data files, such as the
                                pid file, are stored.
  --log-dir=[dir]               The location where the log files are stored.
  --module-dir=[dir]            The location where the loadable modules are
  --build-dir=[dir]             The location to store files in while building.


  --enable-extras=[extras]      Enables a comma separated list of extra modules.
  --disable-extras=[extras]     Disables a comma separated list of extra modules.
  --list-extras                 Shows the availability status of all extra


  --clean                       Remove the configuration cache file and start
                                the interactive configuration wizard.
  --disable-interactive         Disables the interactive configuration wizard.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.
  --uid=[name]                  Sets the user to run InspIRCd as.
  --socketengine=[name]         Sets the socket engine to be used. Possible
                                values are $SELIST.
  --update                      Updates the build environment.


  CXX=[name]                    Sets the C++ compiler to use when building the
                                server. If not specified then the build system
                                will search for c++, g++, clang++ or icpc.

If you have any problems with configuring InspIRCd then visit our IRC channel
at irc.ChatSpike.net #InspIRCd.

	exit 0;

sub cmd_update {
	unless (-f '.config.cache') {
		print "You have not run $0 before. Please do this before trying to update the build files.\n";
		exit 1;
	print "Updating...\n";
	%main::config = read_configure_cache();
	%main::cxx = get_compiler_info($main::config{CXX});
	$main::topdir = getcwd();
	print "Update complete!\n";
	exit 0;

sub read_configure_cache {
	my %cfg = ();
	open(CACHE, '.config.cache') or return %cfg;
	while (my $line = <CACHE>) {
		next if $line =~ /^\s*($|\#)/;
		my ($key, $value) = ($line =~ /^(\S+)="(.*)"$/);
		$cfg{$key} = $value;
	return %cfg;

sub write_configure_cache(%) {
	my %cfg = @_;
	open(CACHE, ">.config.cache") or return 0;
	while (my ($key, $value) = each %cfg) {
		$value = "" unless defined $value;
		print CACHE "$key=\"$value\"\n";
	return 1;

sub get_compiler_info($) {
	my $binary = shift;
	my $version = `$binary -v 2>&1`;
	if ($version =~ /(?:clang|llvm)\sversion\s(\d+\.\d+)/i) {
		return (
			NAME => 'Clang',
			VERSION => $1,
			UNSUPPORTED => $1 lt '3.0',
			REASON => 'Clang 2.9 and older do not have adequate C++ support.'
	} elsif ($version =~ /gcc\sversion\s(\d+\.\d+)/i) {
		return (
			NAME => 'GCC',
			VERSION => $1,
			UNSUPPORTED => $1 lt '4.1',
			REASON => 'GCC 4.0 and older do not have adequate C++ support.'
	} elsif ($version =~ /(?:icc|icpc)\sversion\s(\d+\.\d+).\d+\s\(gcc\sversion\s(\d+\.\d+).\d+/i) {
		return (
			NAME => 'ICC',
			VERSION => $1,
			UNSUPPORTED => $2 lt '4.1',
			REASON => "ICC $1 (GCC $2 compatibility mode) does not have adequate C++ support."
	return (
		NAME => $binary,
		VERSION => '0.0'

sub find_compiler {
	foreach my $compiler ('c++', 'g++', 'clang++', 'icpc') {
		return $compiler unless system "$compiler -v > /dev/null 2>&1";
		if ($^O eq 'Darwin') {
			return $compiler unless system "xcrun $compiler -v > /dev/null 2>&1";
	return "";

sub run_test($$) {
	my ($what, $result) = @_;
	print "Checking whether $what is available... ";
	print $result ? "yes\n" : "no\n";
	return $result;

sub test_file($$;$) {
	my ($cc, $file, $args) = @_;
	my $status = 0;
	$args ||= '';
	$status ||= system "$cc -o __test_$file make/test/$file $args >/dev/null 2>&1";
	$status ||= system "./__test_$file >/dev/null 2>&1";
	unlink  "./__test_$file";
	return !$status;

sub test_header($$;$) {
	my ($cc, $header, $args) = @_;
	$args ||= '';
	open(CC, "| $cc -E - $args >/dev/null 2>&1") or return 0;
	print CC "#include <$header>";
	return !$?;

sub get_property($$;$)
	my ($file, $property, $default) = @_;
	open(MODULE, $file) or return $default;
	while (<MODULE>) {
		if ($_ =~ /^\/\* \$(\S+): (.+) \*\/$/) {
			next unless $1 eq $property;
			return translate_functions($2, $file);
	return defined $default ? $default : '';

sub get_revision {
	return $revision if defined $revision;
	chomp(my $tags = `git describe --tags 2>/dev/null`);
	$revision = $tags || 'release';
	return $revision;

sub dump_hash()
	print "\n\e[1;32mPre-build configuration is complete!\e[0m\n\n";
	print "\e[0mBase install path:\e[1;32m\t\t$main::config{BASE_DIR}\e[0m\n";
	print "\e[0mConfig path:\e[1;32m\t\t\t$main::config{CONFIG_DIR}\e[0m\n";
	print "\e[0mData path:\e[1;32m\t\t\t$main::config{DATA_DIR}\e[0m\n";
	print "\e[0mLog path:\e[1;32m\t\t\t$main::config{LOG_DIR}\e[0m\n";
	print "\e[0mModule path:\e[1;32m\t\t\t$main::config{MODULE_DIR}\e[0m\n";
	print "\e[0mCompiler:\e[1;32m\t\t\t$main::cxx{NAME} $main::cxx{VERSION}\e[0m\n";
	print "\e[0mSocket engine:\e[1;32m\t\t\t$main::config{SOCKETENGINE}\e[0m\n";
	print "\e[0mGnuTLS support:\e[1;32m\t\t\t$main::config{USE_GNUTLS}\e[0m\n";
	print "\e[0mOpenSSL support:\e[1;32m\t\t$main::config{USE_OPENSSL}\e[0m\n";
