#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <gnutls/gnutls.h>

#include "inspircd_config.h"
#include "configreader.h"
#include "users.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "helperfuncs.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "hashcomp.h"

/* $ModDesc: Provides SSL support for clients */
/* $CompileFlags: `libgnutls-config --cflags` */
/* $LinkerFlags: `libgnutls-config --libs` `perl ../gnutls_rpath.pl` */


bool isin(int port, const std::vector<int> &portlist)
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < portlist.size(); i++)
		if(portlist[i] == port)
			return true;
	return false;

class issl_session : public classbase
	gnutls_session_t sess;
	issl_status status;
	std::string outbuf;
	int inbufoffset;
	char* inbuf;
	int fd;

class ModuleSSLGnuTLS : public Module
	Server* Srv;
	ServerConfig* SrvConf;
	ConfigReader* Conf;

	char* dummy;
	CullList culllist;
	std::vector<int> listenports;
	int inbufsize;
	issl_session sessions[MAX_DESCRIPTORS];
	gnutls_certificate_credentials x509_cred;
	gnutls_dh_params dh_params;
	std::string keyfile;
	std::string certfile;
	std::string cafile;
	std::string crlfile;
	int dh_bits;
	ModuleSSLGnuTLS(Server* Me)
		: Module::Module(Me)
		Srv = Me;
		SrvConf = Srv->GetConfig();
		// Not rehashable...because I cba to reduce all the sizes of existing buffers.
		inbufsize = SrvConf->NetBufferSize;
		gnutls_global_init(); // This must be called once in the program

		if(gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials(&x509_cred) != 0)
			log(DEFAULT, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Failed to allocate certificate credentials");

		// Guessing return meaning
		if(gnutls_dh_params_init(&dh_params) < 0)
			log(DEFAULT, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Failed to initialise DH parameters");

		// Needs the flag as it ignores a plain /rehash
		// Void return, guess we assume success
		gnutls_certificate_set_dh_params(x509_cred, dh_params);
	virtual void OnRehash(const std::string &param)
		if(param != "ssl")
		Conf = new ConfigReader;
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listenports.size(); i++)
		for(int i = 0; i < Conf->Enumerate("bind"); i++)
			// For each <bind> tag
			if(((Conf->ReadValue("bind", "type", i) == "") || (Conf->ReadValue("bind", "type", i) == "clients")) && (Conf->ReadValue("bind", "ssl", i) == "gnutls"))
				// Get the port we're meant to be listening on with SSL
				unsigned int port = Conf->ReadInteger("bind", "port", i, true);
				if(SrvConf->AddIOHook(port, this))
					// We keep a record of which ports we're listening on with SSL
					log(DEFAULT, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Enabling SSL for port %d", port);
					log(DEFAULT, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: FAILED to enable SSL on port %d, maybe you have another ssl or similar module loaded?", port);
		std::string confdir(CONFIG_FILE);
		// +1 so we the path ends with a /
		confdir = confdir.substr(0, confdir.find_last_of('/') + 1);
		cafile	= Conf->ReadValue("gnutls", "cafile", 0);
		crlfile	= Conf->ReadValue("gnutls", "crlfile", 0);
		certfile	= Conf->ReadValue("gnutls", "certfile", 0);
		keyfile	= Conf->ReadValue("gnutls", "keyfile", 0);
		dh_bits	= Conf->ReadInteger("gnutls", "dhbits", 0, false);
		// Set all the default values needed.
		if(cafile == "")
			cafile = "ca.pem";
		if(crlfile == "")
			crlfile = "crl.pem";
		if(certfile == "")
			certfile = "cert.pem";
		if(keyfile == "")
			keyfile = "key.pem";
		if((dh_bits != 768) && (dh_bits != 1024) && (dh_bits != 2048) && (dh_bits != 3072) && (dh_bits != 4096))
			dh_bits = 1024;
		// Prepend relative paths with the path to the config directory.	
		if(cafile[0] != '/')
			cafile = confdir + cafile;
		if(crlfile[0] != '/')
			crlfile = confdir + crlfile;
		if(certfile[0] != '/')
			certfile = confdir + certfile;
		if(keyfile[0] != '/')
			keyfile = confdir + keyfile;
		if(gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(x509_cred, cafile.c_str(), GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM) < 0)
			log(DEFAULT, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Failed to set X.509 trust file: %s", cafile.c_str());
		if(gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl_file (x509_cred, crlfile.c_str(), GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM) < 0)
			log(DEFAULT, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Failed to set X.509 CRL file: %s", crlfile.c_str());
		// Guessing on the return value of this, manual doesn't say :|
		if(gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file (x509_cred, certfile.c_str(), keyfile.c_str(), GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM) < 0)
			log(DEFAULT, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Failed to set X.509 certificate and key files: %s and %s", certfile.c_str(), keyfile.c_str());	
		// This may be on a large (once a day or week) timer eventually.
	void GenerateDHParams()
 		// Generate Diffie Hellman parameters - for use with DHE
		// kx algorithms. These should be discarded and regenerated
		// once a day, once a week or once a month. Depending on the
		// security requirements.
		if(gnutls_dh_params_generate2(dh_params, dh_bits) < 0)
			log(DEFAULT, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Failed to generate DH parameters (%d bits)", dh_bits);
	virtual ~ModuleSSLGnuTLS()
	virtual void OnCleanup(int target_type, void* item)
		if(target_type == TYPE_USER)
			userrec* user = (userrec*)item;
			if(user->GetExt("ssl", dummy) && isin(user->GetPort(), listenports))
				// User is using SSL, they're a local user, and they're using one of *our* SSL ports.
				// Potentially there could be multiple SSL modules loaded at once on different ports.
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Adding user %s to cull list", user->nick);
				culllist.AddItem(user, "SSL module unloading");
	virtual void OnUnloadModule(Module* mod, const std::string &name)
		if(mod == this)
			// We're being unloaded, kill all the users added to the cull list in OnCleanup
			int numusers = culllist.Apply();
			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Killed %d users for unload of GnuTLS SSL module", numusers);
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listenports.size(); i++)
	virtual Version GetVersion()
		return Version(1, 0, 0, 0, VF_VENDOR);

	void Implements(char* List)
		List[I_OnRawSocketAccept] = List[I_OnRawSocketClose] = List[I_OnRawSocketRead] = List[I_OnRawSocketWrite] = List[I_OnCleanup] = 1;
		List[I_OnSyncUserMetaData] = List[I_OnDecodeMetaData] = List[I_OnUnloadModule] = List[I_OnRehash] = List[I_OnWhois] = List[I_OnGlobalConnect] = 1;

	virtual void OnRawSocketAccept(int fd, const std::string &ip, int localport)
		issl_session* session = &sessions[fd];
		session->fd = fd;
		session->inbuf = new char[inbufsize];
		session->inbufoffset = 0;
		gnutls_init(&session->sess, GNUTLS_SERVER);

		gnutls_set_default_priority(session->sess); // Avoid calling all the priority functions, defaults are adequate.
		gnutls_credentials_set(session->sess, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, x509_cred);
		gnutls_certificate_server_set_request(session->sess, GNUTLS_CERT_REQUEST); // Request client certificate if any.
		gnutls_dh_set_prime_bits(session->sess, dh_bits);
		/* This is an experimental change to avoid a warning on 64bit systems about casting between integer and pointer of different sizes
		 * This needs testing, but it's easy enough to rollback if need be
		 * Old: gnutls_transport_set_ptr(session->sess, (gnutls_transport_ptr_t) fd); // Give gnutls the fd for the socket.
		 * New: gnutls_transport_set_ptr(session->sess, &fd); // Give gnutls the fd for the socket.
		 * With testing this seems to...not work :/
		gnutls_transport_set_ptr(session->sess, (gnutls_transport_ptr_t) fd); // Give gnutls the fd for the socket.

	virtual void OnRawSocketClose(int fd)
		log(DEBUG, "OnRawSocketClose: %d", fd);
	virtual int OnRawSocketRead(int fd, char* buffer, unsigned int count, int &readresult)
		issl_session* session = &sessions[fd];
			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead: No session to read from");
			readresult = 0;
			return 1;
		log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead(%d, buffer, %u, %d)", fd, count, readresult);
		if(session->status == ISSL_HANDSHAKING_READ)
			// The handshake isn't finished, try to finish it.
				// Handshake successfully resumed.
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead: successfully resumed handshake");
				// Couldn't resume handshake.	
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead: failed to resume handshake");
				return -1;
		else if(session->status == ISSL_HANDSHAKING_WRITE)
			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead: handshake wants to write data but we are currently reading");
			return -1;
		// If we resumed the handshake then session->status will be ISSL_HANDSHAKEN.
		if(session->status == ISSL_HANDSHAKEN)
			// Is this right? Not sure if the unencrypted data is garaunteed to be the same length.
			// Read into the inbuffer, offset from the beginning by the amount of data we have that insp hasn't taken yet.
			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: gnutls_record_recv(sess, inbuf+%d, %d-%d)", session->inbufoffset, inbufsize, session->inbufoffset);
			int ret = gnutls_record_recv(session->sess, session->inbuf + session->inbufoffset, inbufsize - session->inbufoffset);

			if(ret == 0)
				// Client closed connection.
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Client closed the connection");
				readresult = 0;
				return 1;
			else if(ret < 0)
				if(ret == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN || ret == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED)
					log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead: Not all SSL data read: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
					return -1;
					log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead: Error reading SSL data: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
					readresult = 0;
				// Read successfully 'ret' bytes into inbuf + inbufoffset
				// There are 'ret' + 'inbufoffset' bytes of data in 'inbuf'
				// 'buffer' is 'count' long
				unsigned int length = ret + session->inbufoffset;
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead: Read %d bytes, now have %d waiting to be passed up", ret, length);
				if(count <= length)
					memcpy(buffer, session->inbuf, count);
					// Move the stuff left in inbuf to the beginning of it
					memcpy(session->inbuf, session->inbuf + count, (length - count));
					// Now we need to set session->inbufoffset to the amount of data still waiting to be handed to insp.
					session->inbufoffset = length - count;
					// Insp uses readresult as the count of how much data there is in buffer, so:
					readresult = count;
					// There's not as much in the inbuf as there is space in the buffer, so just copy the whole thing.
					memcpy(buffer, session->inbuf, length);
					// Zero the offset, as there's nothing there..
					session->inbufoffset = 0;
					// As above
					readresult = length;
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead: Passing %d bytes up to insp:", length);
				Srv->Log(DEBUG, std::string(buffer, readresult));
		else if(session->status == ISSL_CLOSING)
			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketRead: session closing...");
			readresult = 0;
		return 1;
	virtual int OnRawSocketWrite(int fd, const char* buffer, int count)
		issl_session* session = &sessions[fd];
		const char* sendbuffer = buffer;

			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: No session to write to");
			return 1;
		if(session->status == ISSL_HANDSHAKING_WRITE)
			// The handshake isn't finished, try to finish it.
				// Handshake successfully resumed.
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: successfully resumed handshake");
				// Couldn't resume handshake.	
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: failed to resume handshake"); 
		else if(session->status == ISSL_HANDSHAKING_READ)
			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: handshake wants to read data but we are currently writing");

		log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: Adding %d bytes to the outgoing buffer", count);		
		session->outbuf.append(sendbuffer, count);
		sendbuffer = session->outbuf.c_str();
		count = session->outbuf.size();

		if(session->status == ISSL_HANDSHAKEN)
			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: Trying to write %d bytes:", count);
			Srv->Log(DEBUG, session->outbuf);
			int ret = gnutls_record_send(session->sess, sendbuffer, count);
			if(ret == 0)
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: Client closed the connection");
			else if(ret < 0)
				if(ret == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN || ret == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED)
					log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: Not all SSL data written: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
					log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: Error writing SSL data: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
				log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: Successfully wrote %d bytes", ret);
				session->outbuf = session->outbuf.substr(ret);
		else if(session->status == ISSL_CLOSING)
			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: OnRawSocketWrite: session closing...");
		return 1;
	// :kenny.chatspike.net 320 Om Epy|AFK :is a Secure Connection
	virtual void OnWhois(userrec* source, userrec* dest)
		// Bugfix, only send this numeric for *our* SSL users
		if(dest->GetExt("ssl", dummy) || (IS_LOCAL(dest) &&  isin(dest->GetPort(), listenports)))
			source->WriteServ("320 %s %s :is using a secure connection", source->nick, dest->nick);
	virtual void OnSyncUserMetaData(userrec* user, Module* proto, void* opaque, const std::string &extname)
		// check if the linking module wants to know about OUR metadata
		if(extname == "ssl")
			// check if this user has an swhois field to send
			if(user->GetExt(extname, dummy))
				// call this function in the linking module, let it format the data how it
				// sees fit, and send it on its way. We dont need or want to know how.
				proto->ProtoSendMetaData(opaque, TYPE_USER, user, extname, "ON");
	virtual void OnDecodeMetaData(int target_type, void* target, const std::string &extname, const std::string &extdata)
		// check if its our metadata key, and its associated with a user
		if ((target_type == TYPE_USER) && (extname == "ssl"))
			userrec* dest = (userrec*)target;
			// if they dont already have an ssl flag, accept the remote server's
			if (!dest->GetExt(extname, dummy))
				dest->Extend(extname, "ON");
	bool Handshake(issl_session* session)
		int ret = gnutls_handshake(session->sess);
      if(ret < 0)
				// Handshake needs resuming later, read() or write() would have blocked.
				if(gnutls_record_get_direction(session->sess) == 0)
					// gnutls_handshake() wants to read() again.
					session->status = ISSL_HANDSHAKING_READ;
					log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Handshake needs resuming (reading) later, error string: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
					// gnutls_handshake() wants to write() again.
					session->status = ISSL_HANDSHAKING_WRITE;
					log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Handshake needs resuming (writing) later, error string: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
				// Handshake failed.
			   log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Handshake failed, error string: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
			   session->status = ISSL_CLOSING;
			return false;
			// Handshake complete.
			log(DEBUG, "m_ssl_gnutls.so: Handshake completed");
			// This will do for setting the ssl flag...it could be done earlier if it's needed. But this seems neater.
			userrec* extendme = Srv->FindDescriptor(session->fd);
			if (extendme)
				if (!extendme->GetExt("ssl", dummy))
					extendme->Extend("ssl", "ON");

			// Change the seesion state
			session->status = ISSL_HANDSHAKEN;
			// Finish writing, if any left
			return true;

	virtual void OnGlobalConnect(userrec* user)
		// This occurs AFTER OnUserConnect so we can be sure the
		// protocol module has propogated the NICK message.
		if ((user->GetExt("ssl", dummy)) && (IS_LOCAL(user)))
			// Tell whatever protocol module we're using that we need to inform other servers of this metadata NOW.
			std::deque<std::string>* metadata = new std::deque<std::string>;
			metadata->push_back("ssl");		// The metadata id
			metadata->push_back("ON");		// The value to send
			Event* event = new Event((char*)metadata,(Module*)this,"send_metadata");
			event->Send();				// Trigger the event. We don't care what module picks it up.
	void MakePollWrite(issl_session* session)
		OnRawSocketWrite(session->fd, NULL, 0);
	void CloseSession(issl_session* session)
			gnutls_bye(session->sess, GNUTLS_SHUT_WR);
			delete[] session->inbuf;
		session->inbuf = NULL;
		session->sess = NULL;
		session->status = ISSL_NONE;

class ModuleSSLGnuTLSFactory : public ModuleFactory
	virtual Module * CreateModule(Server* Me)
		return new ModuleSSLGnuTLS(Me);

extern "C" void * init_module( void )
	return new ModuleSSLGnuTLSFactory;