/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf * Copyright (C) 2008 Pippijn van Steenhoven * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Craig Edwards * Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Stagner * Copyright (C) 2007 Dennis Friis * Copyright (C) 2006 Oliver Lupton * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /// $CompilerFlags: find_compiler_flags("openssl") /// $LinkerFlags: find_linker_flags("openssl" "-lssl -lcrypto") /// $PackageInfo: require_system("centos") openssl-devel pkgconfig /// $PackageInfo: require_system("darwin") openssl pkg-config /// $PackageInfo: require_system("ubuntu") libssl-dev openssl pkg-config #include "inspircd.h" #include "iohook.h" #include "modules/ssl.h" // Ignore OpenSSL deprecation warnings on OS X Lion and newer. #if defined __APPLE__ # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif // Fix warnings about the use of `long long` on C++03. #if defined __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++11-long-long" #elif defined __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wlong-long" #endif #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 # pragma comment(lib, "ssleay32.lib") # pragma comment(lib, "libeay32.lib") #endif #if ((OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L) && (!(defined(OPENSSL_NO_ECDH)))) // OpenSSL 0.9.8 includes some ECC support, but it's unfinished. Enable only for 1.0.0 and later. #define INSPIRCD_OPENSSL_ENABLE_ECDH #endif // BIO is opaque in OpenSSL 1.1 but the access API does not exist in 1.0 and older. #if ((defined LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) || (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L)) # define BIO_get_data(BIO) BIO->ptr # define BIO_set_data(BIO, VALUE) BIO->ptr = VALUE; # define BIO_set_init(BIO, VALUE) BIO->init = VALUE; #else # define INSPIRCD_OPENSSL_OPAQUE_BIO #endif enum issl_status { ISSL_NONE, ISSL_HANDSHAKING, ISSL_OPEN }; static bool SelfSigned = false; static int exdataindex; char* get_error() { return ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL); } static int OnVerify(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx); static void StaticSSLInfoCallback(const SSL* ssl, int where, int rc); namespace OpenSSL { class Exception : public ModuleException { public: Exception(const std::string& reason) : ModuleException(reason) { } }; class DHParams { DH* dh; public: DHParams(const std::string& filename) { BIO* dhpfile = BIO_new_file(filename.c_str(), "r"); if (dhpfile == NULL) throw Exception("Couldn't open DH file " + filename); dh = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(dhpfile, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIO_free(dhpfile); if (!dh) throw Exception("Couldn't read DH params from file " + filename); } ~DHParams() { DH_free(dh); } DH* get() { return dh; } }; class Context { SSL_CTX* const ctx; long ctx_options; public: Context(SSL_CTX* context) : ctx(context) { // Sane default options for OpenSSL see https://www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_options.html // and when choosing a cipher, use the server's preferences instead of the client preferences. long opts = SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATION | SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE | SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE; // Only turn options on if they exist #ifdef SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE opts |= SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE; #endif #ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TICKET opts |= SSL_OP_NO_TICKET; #endif ctx_options = SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, opts); long mode = SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE | SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER; #ifdef SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS mode |= SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS; #endif SSL_CTX_set_mode(ctx, mode); SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL); SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(ctx, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF); SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ctx, StaticSSLInfoCallback); } ~Context() { SSL_CTX_free(ctx); } bool SetDH(DHParams& dh) { ERR_clear_error(); return (SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx, dh.get()) >= 0); } #ifdef INSPIRCD_OPENSSL_ENABLE_ECDH void SetECDH(const std::string& curvename) { int nid = OBJ_sn2nid(curvename.c_str()); if (nid == 0) throw Exception("Unknown curve: " + curvename); EC_KEY* eckey = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(nid); if (!eckey) throw Exception("Unable to create EC key object"); ERR_clear_error(); bool ret = (SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(ctx, eckey) >= 0); EC_KEY_free(eckey); if (!ret) throw Exception("Couldn't set ECDH parameters"); } #endif bool SetCiphers(const std::string& ciphers) { ERR_clear_error(); return SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, ciphers.c_str()); } bool SetCerts(const std::string& filename) { ERR_clear_error(); return SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, filename.c_str()); } bool SetPrivateKey(const std::string& filename) { ERR_clear_error(); return SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, filename.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); } bool SetCA(const std::string& filename) { ERR_clear_error(); return SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, filename.c_str(), 0); } long GetDefaultContextOptions() const { return ctx_options; } long SetRawContextOptions(long setoptions, long clearoptions) { // Clear everything SSL_CTX_clear_options(ctx, SSL_CTX_get_options(ctx)); // Set the default options and what is in the conf SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, ctx_options | setoptions); return SSL_CTX_clear_options(ctx, clearoptions); } void SetVerifyCert() { SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE, OnVerify); } SSL* CreateServerSession() { SSL* sess = SSL_new(ctx); SSL_set_accept_state(sess); // Act as server return sess; } SSL* CreateClientSession() { SSL* sess = SSL_new(ctx); SSL_set_connect_state(sess); // Act as client return sess; } }; class Profile : public refcountbase { /** Name of this profile */ const std::string name; /** DH parameters in use */ DHParams dh; /** OpenSSL makes us have two contexts, one for servers and one for clients */ Context ctx; Context clictx; /** Digest to use when generating fingerprints */ const EVP_MD* digest; /** Last error, set by error_callback() */ std::string lasterr; /** True if renegotiations are allowed, false if not */ const bool allowrenego; /** Rough max size of records to send */ const unsigned int outrecsize; static int error_callback(const char* str, size_t len, void* u) { Profile* profile = reinterpret_cast(u); profile->lasterr = std::string(str, len - 1); return 0; } /** Set raw OpenSSL context (SSL_CTX) options from a config tag * @param ctxname Name of the context, client or server * @param tag Config tag defining this profile * @param context Context object to manipulate */ void SetContextOptions(const std::string& ctxname, ConfigTag* tag, Context& context) { long setoptions = tag->getInt(ctxname + "setoptions"); long clearoptions = tag->getInt(ctxname + "clearoptions"); #ifdef SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION if (!tag->getBool("compression", false)) // Disable compression by default setoptions |= SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION; #endif if (!tag->getBool("sslv3", false)) // Disable SSLv3 by default setoptions |= SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3; if (!tag->getBool("tlsv1", true)) setoptions |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1; if (!setoptions && !clearoptions) return; // Nothing to do ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s %s context options, default: %ld set: %ld clear: %ld", name.c_str(), ctxname.c_str(), ctx.GetDefaultContextOptions(), setoptions, clearoptions); long final = context.SetRawContextOptions(setoptions, clearoptions); ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "%s %s context options: %ld", name.c_str(), ctxname.c_str(), final); } public: Profile(const std::string& profilename, ConfigTag* tag) : name(profilename) , dh(ServerInstance->Config->Paths.PrependConfig(tag->getString("dhfile", "dh.pem"))) , ctx(SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method())) , clictx(SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method())) , allowrenego(tag->getBool("renegotiation")) // Disallow by default , outrecsize(tag->getInt("outrecsize", 2048, 512, 16384)) { if ((!ctx.SetDH(dh)) || (!clictx.SetDH(dh))) throw Exception("Couldn't set DH parameters"); std::string hash = tag->getString("hash", "md5"); digest = EVP_get_digestbyname(hash.c_str()); if (digest == NULL) throw Exception("Unknown hash type " + hash); std::string ciphers = tag->getString("ciphers"); if (!ciphers.empty()) { if ((!ctx.SetCiphers(ciphers)) || (!clictx.SetCiphers(ciphers))) { ERR_print_errors_cb(error_callback, this); throw Exception("Can't set cipher list to \"" + ciphers + "\" " + lasterr); } } #ifdef INSPIRCD_OPENSSL_ENABLE_ECDH std::string curvename = tag->getString("ecdhcurve", "prime256v1"); if (!curvename.empty()) ctx.SetECDH(curvename); #endif SetContextOptions("server", tag, ctx); SetContextOptions("client", tag, clictx); /* Load our keys and certificates * NOTE: OpenSSL's error logging API sucks, don't blame us for this clusterfuck. */ std::string filename = ServerInstance->Config->Paths.PrependConfig(tag->getString("certfile", "cert.pem")); if ((!ctx.SetCerts(filename)) || (!clictx.SetCerts(filename))) { ERR_print_errors_cb(error_callback, this); throw Exception("Can't read certificate file: " + lasterr); } filename = ServerInstance->Config->Paths.PrependConfig(tag->getString("keyfile", "key.pem")); if ((!ctx.SetPrivateKey(filename)) || (!clictx.SetPrivateKey(filename))) { ERR_print_errors_cb(error_callback, this); throw Exception("Can't read key file: " + lasterr); } // Load the CAs we trust filename = ServerInstance->Config->Paths.PrependConfig(tag->getString("cafile", "ca.pem")); if ((!ctx.SetCA(filename)) || (!clictx.SetCA(filename))) { ERR_print_errors_cb(error_callback, this); ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Can't read CA list from %s. This is only a problem if you want to verify client certificates, otherwise it's safe to ignore this message. Error: %s", filename.c_str(), lasterr.c_str()); } clictx.SetVerifyCert(); if (tag->getBool("requestclientcert", true)) ctx.SetVerifyCert(); } const std::string& GetName() const { return name; } SSL* CreateServerSession() { return ctx.CreateServerSession(); } SSL* CreateClientSession() { return clictx.CreateClientSession(); } const EVP_MD* GetDigest() { return digest; } bool AllowRenegotiation() const { return allowrenego; } unsigned int GetOutgoingRecordSize() const { return outrecsize; } }; namespace BIOMethod { static int create(BIO* bio) { BIO_set_init(bio, 1); return 1; } static int destroy(BIO* bio) { // XXX: Dummy function to avoid a memory leak in OpenSSL. // The memory leak happens in BIO_free() (bio_lib.c) when the destroy func of the BIO is NULL. // This is fixed in OpenSSL but some distros still ship the unpatched version hence we provide this workaround. return 1; } static long ctrl(BIO* bio, int cmd, long num, void* ptr) { if (cmd == BIO_CTRL_FLUSH) return 1; return 0; } static int read(BIO* bio, char* buf, int len); static int write(BIO* bio, const char* buf, int len); #ifdef INSPIRCD_OPENSSL_OPAQUE_BIO static BIO_METHOD* alloc() { BIO_METHOD* meth = BIO_meth_new(100 | BIO_TYPE_SOURCE_SINK, "inspircd"); BIO_meth_set_write(meth, OpenSSL::BIOMethod::write); BIO_meth_set_read(meth, OpenSSL::BIOMethod::read); BIO_meth_set_ctrl(meth, OpenSSL::BIOMethod::ctrl); BIO_meth_set_create(meth, OpenSSL::BIOMethod::create); BIO_meth_set_destroy(meth, OpenSSL::BIOMethod::destroy); return meth; } #endif } } // BIO_METHOD is opaque in OpenSSL 1.1 so we can't do this. // See OpenSSL::BIOMethod::alloc for the new method. #ifndef INSPIRCD_OPENSSL_OPAQUE_BIO static BIO_METHOD biomethods = { (100 | BIO_TYPE_SOURCE_SINK), "inspircd", OpenSSL::BIOMethod::write, OpenSSL::BIOMethod::read, NULL, // puts NULL, // gets OpenSSL::BIOMethod::ctrl, OpenSSL::BIOMethod::create, OpenSSL::BIOMethod::destroy, // destroy, does nothing, see function body for more info NULL // callback_ctrl }; #else static BIO_METHOD* biomethods; #endif static int OnVerify(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx) { /* XXX: This will allow self signed certificates. * In the future if we want an option to not allow this, * we can just return preverify_ok here, and openssl * will boot off self-signed and invalid peer certs. */ int ve = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx); SelfSigned = (ve == X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT); return 1; } class OpenSSLIOHook : public SSLIOHook { private: SSL* sess; issl_status status; bool data_to_write; reference profile; // Returns 1 if handshake succeeded, 0 if it is still in progress, -1 if it failed int Handshake(StreamSocket* user) { ERR_clear_error(); int ret = SSL_do_handshake(sess); if (ret < 0) { int err = SSL_get_error(sess, ret); if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, FD_WANT_POLL_READ | FD_WANT_NO_WRITE); this->status = ISSL_HANDSHAKING; return 0; } else if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, FD_WANT_NO_READ | FD_WANT_SINGLE_WRITE); this->status = ISSL_HANDSHAKING; return 0; } else { CloseSession(); return -1; } } else if (ret > 0) { // Handshake complete. VerifyCertificate(); status = ISSL_OPEN; SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, FD_WANT_POLL_READ | FD_WANT_NO_WRITE | FD_ADD_TRIAL_WRITE); return 1; } else if (ret == 0) { CloseSession(); } return -1; } void CloseSession() { if (sess) { SSL_shutdown(sess); SSL_free(sess); } sess = NULL; certificate = NULL; status = ISSL_NONE; } void VerifyCertificate() { X509* cert; ssl_cert* certinfo = new ssl_cert; this->certificate = certinfo; unsigned int n; unsigned char md[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(sess); if (!cert) { certinfo->error = "Could not get peer certificate: "+std::string(get_error()); return; } certinfo->invalid = (SSL_get_verify_result(sess) != X509_V_OK); if (!SelfSigned) { certinfo->unknownsigner = false; certinfo->trusted = true; } else { certinfo->unknownsigner = true; certinfo->trusted = false; } char buf[512]; X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), buf, sizeof(buf)); certinfo->dn = buf; // Make sure there are no chars in the string that we consider invalid if (certinfo->dn.find_first_of("\r\n") != std::string::npos) certinfo->dn.clear(); X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(cert), buf, sizeof(buf)); certinfo->issuer = buf; if (certinfo->issuer.find_first_of("\r\n") != std::string::npos) certinfo->issuer.clear(); if (!X509_digest(cert, profile->GetDigest(), md, &n)) { certinfo->error = "Out of memory generating fingerprint"; } else { certinfo->fingerprint = BinToHex(md, n); } if ((ASN1_UTCTIME_cmp_time_t(X509_get_notAfter(cert), ServerInstance->Time()) == -1) || (ASN1_UTCTIME_cmp_time_t(X509_get_notBefore(cert), ServerInstance->Time()) == 0)) { certinfo->error = "Not activated, or expired certificate"; } X509_free(cert); } void SSLInfoCallback(int where, int rc) { if ((where & SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_START) && (status == ISSL_OPEN)) { if (profile->AllowRenegotiation()) return; // The other side is trying to renegotiate, kill the connection and change status // to ISSL_NONE so CheckRenego() closes the session status = ISSL_NONE; BIO* bio = SSL_get_rbio(sess); EventHandler* eh = static_cast(BIO_get_data(bio)); SocketEngine::Shutdown(eh, 2); } } bool CheckRenego(StreamSocket* sock) { if (status != ISSL_NONE) return true; ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Session %p killed, attempted to renegotiate", (void*)sess); CloseSession(); sock->SetError("Renegotiation is not allowed"); return false; } // Returns 1 if application I/O should proceed, 0 if it must wait for the underlying protocol to progress, -1 on fatal error int PrepareIO(StreamSocket* sock) { if (status == ISSL_OPEN) return 1; else if (status == ISSL_HANDSHAKING) { // The handshake isn't finished, try to finish it return Handshake(sock); } CloseSession(); return -1; } // Calls our private SSLInfoCallback() friend void StaticSSLInfoCallback(const SSL* ssl, int where, int rc); public: OpenSSLIOHook(IOHookProvider* hookprov, StreamSocket* sock, SSL* session, const reference& sslprofile) : SSLIOHook(hookprov) , sess(session) , status(ISSL_NONE) , data_to_write(false) , profile(sslprofile) { // Create BIO instance and store a pointer to the socket in it which will be used by the read and write functions #ifdef INSPIRCD_OPENSSL_OPAQUE_BIO BIO* bio = BIO_new(biomethods); #else BIO* bio = BIO_new(&biomethods); #endif BIO_set_data(bio, sock); SSL_set_bio(sess, bio, bio); SSL_set_ex_data(sess, exdataindex, this); sock->AddIOHook(this); Handshake(sock); } void OnStreamSocketClose(StreamSocket* user) CXX11_OVERRIDE { CloseSession(); } int OnStreamSocketRead(StreamSocket* user, std::string& recvq) CXX11_OVERRIDE { // Finish handshake if needed int prepret = PrepareIO(user); if (prepret <= 0) return prepret; // If we resumed the handshake then this->status will be ISSL_OPEN { ERR_clear_error(); char* buffer = ServerInstance->GetReadBuffer(); size_t bufsiz = ServerInstance->Config->NetBufferSize; int ret = SSL_read(sess, buffer, bufsiz); if (!CheckRenego(user)) return -1; if (ret > 0) { recvq.append(buffer, ret); int mask = 0; // Schedule a read if there is still data in the OpenSSL buffer if (SSL_pending(sess) > 0) mask |= FD_ADD_TRIAL_READ; if (data_to_write) mask |= FD_WANT_POLL_READ | FD_WANT_SINGLE_WRITE; if (mask != 0) SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, mask); return 1; } else if (ret == 0) { // Client closed connection. CloseSession(); user->SetError("Connection closed"); return -1; } else // if (ret < 0) { int err = SSL_get_error(sess, ret); if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, FD_WANT_POLL_READ); return 0; } else if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, FD_WANT_NO_READ | FD_WANT_SINGLE_WRITE); return 0; } else { CloseSession(); return -1; } } } } int OnStreamSocketWrite(StreamSocket* user, StreamSocket::SendQueue& sendq) CXX11_OVERRIDE { // Finish handshake if needed int prepret = PrepareIO(user); if (prepret <= 0) return prepret; data_to_write = true; // Session is ready for transferring application data while (!sendq.empty()) { ERR_clear_error(); FlattenSendQueue(sendq, profile->GetOutgoingRecordSize()); const StreamSocket::SendQueue::Element& buffer = sendq.front(); int ret = SSL_write(sess, buffer.data(), buffer.size()); if (!CheckRenego(user)) return -1; if (ret == (int)buffer.length()) { // Wrote entire record, continue sending sendq.pop_front(); } else if (ret > 0) { sendq.erase_front(ret); SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, FD_WANT_SINGLE_WRITE); return 0; } else if (ret == 0) { CloseSession(); return -1; } else // if (ret < 0) { int err = SSL_get_error(sess, ret); if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, FD_WANT_SINGLE_WRITE); return 0; } else if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, FD_WANT_POLL_READ); return 0; } else { CloseSession(); return -1; } } } data_to_write = false; SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(user, FD_WANT_POLL_READ | FD_WANT_NO_WRITE); return 1; } void GetCiphersuite(std::string& out) const CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (!IsHandshakeDone()) return; out.append(SSL_get_version(sess)).push_back('-'); out.append(SSL_get_cipher(sess)); } bool IsHandshakeDone() const { return (status == ISSL_OPEN); } }; static void StaticSSLInfoCallback(const SSL* ssl, int where, int rc) { OpenSSLIOHook* hook = static_cast(SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, exdataindex)); hook->SSLInfoCallback(where, rc); } static int OpenSSL::BIOMethod::write(BIO* bio, const char* buffer, int size) { BIO_clear_retry_flags(bio); StreamSocket* sock = static_cast(BIO_get_data(bio)); if (sock->GetEventMask() & FD_WRITE_WILL_BLOCK) { // Writes blocked earlier, don't retry syscall BIO_set_retry_write(bio); return -1; } int ret = SocketEngine::Send(sock, buffer, size, 0); if ((ret < size) && ((ret > 0) || (SocketEngine::IgnoreError()))) { // Blocked, set retry flag for OpenSSL SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WRITE_WILL_BLOCK); BIO_set_retry_write(bio); } return ret; } static int OpenSSL::BIOMethod::read(BIO* bio, char* buffer, int size) { BIO_clear_retry_flags(bio); StreamSocket* sock = static_cast(BIO_get_data(bio)); if (sock->GetEventMask() & FD_READ_WILL_BLOCK) { // Reads blocked earlier, don't retry syscall BIO_set_retry_read(bio); return -1; } int ret = SocketEngine::Recv(sock, buffer, size, 0); if ((ret < size) && ((ret > 0) || (SocketEngine::IgnoreError()))) { // Blocked, set retry flag for OpenSSL SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_READ_WILL_BLOCK); BIO_set_retry_read(bio); } return ret; } class OpenSSLIOHookProvider : public refcountbase, public IOHookProvider { reference profile; public: OpenSSLIOHookProvider(Module* mod, reference& prof) : IOHookProvider(mod, "ssl/" + prof->GetName(), IOHookProvider::IOH_SSL) , profile(prof) { ServerInstance->Modules->AddService(*this); } ~OpenSSLIOHookProvider() { ServerInstance->Modules->DelService(*this); } void OnAccept(StreamSocket* sock, irc::sockets::sockaddrs* client, irc::sockets::sockaddrs* server) CXX11_OVERRIDE { new OpenSSLIOHook(this, sock, profile->CreateServerSession(), profile); } void OnConnect(StreamSocket* sock) CXX11_OVERRIDE { new OpenSSLIOHook(this, sock, profile->CreateClientSession(), profile); } }; class ModuleSSLOpenSSL : public Module { typedef std::vector > ProfileList; ProfileList profiles; void ReadProfiles() { ProfileList newprofiles; ConfigTagList tags = ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("sslprofile"); if (tags.first == tags.second) { // Create a default profile named "openssl" const std::string defname = "openssl"; ConfigTag* tag = ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue(defname); ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "No tags found, using settings from the tag"); try { reference profile(new OpenSSL::Profile(defname, tag)); newprofiles.push_back(new OpenSSLIOHookProvider(this, profile)); } catch (OpenSSL::Exception& ex) { throw ModuleException("Error while initializing the default SSL profile - " + ex.GetReason()); } } for (ConfigIter i = tags.first; i != tags.second; ++i) { ConfigTag* tag = i->second; if (tag->getString("provider") != "openssl") continue; std::string name = tag->getString("name"); if (name.empty()) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Ignoring tag without name at " + tag->getTagLocation()); continue; } reference profile; try { profile = new OpenSSL::Profile(name, tag); } catch (CoreException& ex) { throw ModuleException("Error while initializing SSL profile \"" + name + "\" at " + tag->getTagLocation() + " - " + ex.GetReason()); } newprofiles.push_back(new OpenSSLIOHookProvider(this, profile)); } profiles.swap(newprofiles); } public: ModuleSSLOpenSSL() { // Initialize OpenSSL SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); #ifdef INSPIRCD_OPENSSL_OPAQUE_BIO biomethods = OpenSSL::BIOMethod::alloc(); } ~ModuleSSLOpenSSL() { BIO_meth_free(biomethods); #endif } void init() CXX11_OVERRIDE { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "OpenSSL lib version \"%s\" module was compiled for \"" OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT "\"", SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); // Register application specific data char exdatastr[] = "inspircd"; exdataindex = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, exdatastr, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (exdataindex < 0) throw ModuleException("Failed to register application specific data"); ReadProfiles(); } void OnModuleRehash(User* user, const std::string ¶m) CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (param != "ssl") return; try { ReadProfiles(); } catch (ModuleException& ex) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, ex.GetReason() + " Not applying settings."); } } void OnCleanup(ExtensionItem::ExtensibleType type, Extensible* item) CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (type == ExtensionItem::EXT_USER) { LocalUser* user = IS_LOCAL((User*)item); if ((user) && (user->eh.GetModHook(this))) { // User is using SSL, they're a local user, and they're using one of *our* SSL ports. // Potentially there could be multiple SSL modules loaded at once on different ports. ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(user, "SSL module unloading"); } } } ModResult OnCheckReady(LocalUser* user) CXX11_OVERRIDE { const OpenSSLIOHook* const iohook = static_cast(user->eh.GetModHook(this)); if ((iohook) && (!iohook->IsHandshakeDone())) return MOD_RES_DENY; return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; } Version GetVersion() CXX11_OVERRIDE { return Version("Provides SSL support for clients", VF_VENDOR); } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleSSLOpenSSL)