/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2008 InspIRCd Development Team * See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits * * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ #include "inspircd.h" /* $ModDesc: Provides aliases of commands. */ /** An alias definition */ class Alias : public classbase { public: /** The text of the alias command */ irc::string text; /** Text to replace with */ std::string replace_with; /** Nickname required to perform alias */ std::string requires; /** Alias requires ulined server */ bool uline; /** Requires oper? */ bool operonly; /* is case sensitive params */ bool case_sensitive; /** Format that must be matched for use */ std::string format; }; class ModuleAlias : public Module { private: /* We cant use a map, there may be multiple aliases with the same name. * We can, however, use a fancy invention: the multimap. Maps a key to one or more values. * -- w00t */ std::multimap Aliases; virtual void ReadAliases() { ConfigReader MyConf(ServerInstance); Aliases.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < MyConf.Enumerate("alias"); i++) { Alias a; std::string txt; txt = MyConf.ReadValue("alias", "text", i); a.text = txt.c_str(); a.replace_with = MyConf.ReadValue("alias", "replace", i, true); a.requires = MyConf.ReadValue("alias", "requires", i); a.uline = MyConf.ReadFlag("alias", "uline", i); a.operonly = MyConf.ReadFlag("alias", "operonly", i); a.format = MyConf.ReadValue("alias", "format", i); a.case_sensitive = MyConf.ReadFlag("alias", "matchcase", i); Aliases.insert(std::make_pair(txt, a)); } } public: ModuleAlias(InspIRCd* Me) : Module(Me) { ReadAliases(); Me->Modules->Attach(I_OnPreCommand, this); Me->Modules->Attach(I_OnRehash, this); } virtual ~ModuleAlias() { } virtual Version GetVersion() { return Version("$Id$", VF_VENDOR,API_VERSION); } std::string GetVar(std::string varname, const std::string &original_line) { irc::spacesepstream ss(original_line); varname.erase(varname.begin()); int index = *(varname.begin()) - 48; varname.erase(varname.begin()); bool everything_after = (varname == "-"); std::string word; for (int j = 0; j < index; j++) ss.GetToken(word); if (everything_after) { std::string more; while (ss.GetToken(more)) { word.append(" "); word.append(more); } } return word; } void SearchAndReplace(std::string& newline, const std::string &find, const std::string &replace) { std::string::size_type x = newline.find(find); while (x != std::string::npos) { newline.erase(x, find.length()); newline.insert(x, replace); x = newline.find(find); } } virtual int OnPreCommand(std::string &command, std::vector ¶meters, User *user, bool validated, const std::string &original_line) { std::multimap::iterator i; /* If theyre not registered yet, we dont want * to know. */ if (user->registered != REG_ALL) return 0; /* We dont have any commands looking like this? Stop processing. */ i = Aliases.find(command); if (i == Aliases.end()) return 0; irc::string c = command.c_str(); /* The parameters for the command in their original form, with the command stripped off */ std::string compare = original_line.substr(command.length()); while (*(compare.c_str()) == ' ') compare.erase(compare.begin()); std::string safe(original_line); /* Escape out any $ symbols in the user provided text */ SearchAndReplace(safe, "$", "\r"); while (i != Aliases.end()) { DoAlias(user, &(i->second), compare, safe); i++; } // If aliases have been processed, aliases took it. return 1; } void DoAlias(User *user, Alias *a, const std::string compare, const std::string safe) { User *u = NULL; /* Does it match the pattern? */ if (!a->format.empty()) { if (a->case_sensitive) { if (InspIRCd::Match(compare, a->format, case_sensitive_map)) return; } else { if (InspIRCd::Match(compare, a->format)) return; } } if ((a->operonly) && (!IS_OPER(user))) return; if (!a->requires.empty()) { u = ServerInstance->FindNick(a->requires); if (!u) { user->WriteNumeric(401, ""+std::string(user->nick)+" "+a->requires+" :is currently unavailable. Please try again later."); return; } } if ((u != NULL) && (!a->requires.empty()) && (a->uline)) { if (!ServerInstance->ULine(u->server)) { ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('A', "NOTICE -- Service "+a->requires+" required by alias "+std::string(a->text.c_str())+" is not on a u-lined server, possibly underhanded antics detected!"); user->WriteNumeric(401, ""+std::string(user->nick)+" "+a->requires+" :is an imposter! Please inform an IRC operator as soon as possible."); return; } } /* Now, search and replace in a copy of the original_line, replacing $1 through $9 and $1- etc */ std::string::size_type crlf = a->replace_with.find('\n'); if (crlf == std::string::npos) { DoCommand(a->replace_with, user, safe); return; } else { irc::sepstream commands(a->replace_with, '\n'); std::string scommand; while (commands.GetToken(scommand)) { DoCommand(scommand, user, safe); } return; } } void DoCommand(std::string newline, User* user, const std::string &original_line) { std::vector pars; for (int v = 1; v < 10; v++) { std::string var = "$"; var.append(ConvToStr(v)); var.append("-"); std::string::size_type x = newline.find(var); while (x != std::string::npos) { newline.erase(x, var.length()); newline.insert(x, GetVar(var, original_line)); x = newline.find(var); } var = "$"; var.append(ConvToStr(v)); x = newline.find(var); while (x != std::string::npos) { newline.erase(x, var.length()); newline.insert(x, GetVar(var, original_line)); x = newline.find(var); } } /* Special variables */ SearchAndReplace(newline, "$nick", user->nick); SearchAndReplace(newline, "$ident", user->ident); SearchAndReplace(newline, "$host", user->host); SearchAndReplace(newline, "$vhost", user->dhost); /* Unescape any variable names in the user text before sending */ SearchAndReplace(newline, "\r", "$"); irc::tokenstream ss(newline); pars.clear(); std::string command, token; ss.GetToken(command); while (ss.GetToken(token) && (pars.size() <= MAXPARAMETERS)) { pars.push_back(token); } ServerInstance->Parser->CallHandler(command, pars, user); } virtual void OnRehash(User* user, const std::string ¶meter) { ReadAliases(); } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleAlias)