 * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
 *   Copyright (C) 2013, 2017-2019 Sadie Powell <sadie@witchery.services>
 *   Copyright (C) 2013 Adam <Adam@anope.org>
 *   Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Attila Molnar <attilamolnar@hush.com>
 *   Copyright (C) 2012, 2019 Robby <robby@chatbelgie.be>
 *   Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf <danieldg@inspircd.org>
 *   Copyright (C) 2009 Uli Schlachter <psychon@inspircd.org>
 *   Copyright (C) 2009 John Brooks <special@inspircd.org>
 *   Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Robin Burchell <robin+git@viroteck.net>
 *   Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Craig Edwards <brain@inspircd.org>
 *   Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Stagner <aquanight@inspircd.org>
 * This file is part of InspIRCd.  InspIRCd is free software: you can
 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "inspircd.h"
#include "modules/callerid.h"
#include "modules/ctctags.h"


class callerid_data
 	typedef insp::flat_set<User*> UserSet;
	typedef std::vector<callerid_data*> CallerIdDataSet;

	time_t lastnotify;

	/** Users I accept messages from
	UserSet accepting;

	/** Users who list me as accepted
	CallerIdDataSet wholistsme;

	callerid_data() : lastnotify(0) { }

	std::string ToString(bool human) const
		std::ostringstream oss;
		oss << lastnotify;
		for (UserSet::const_iterator i = accepting.begin(); i != accepting.end(); ++i)
			User* u = *i;
			// Encode UIDs.
			oss << "," << (human ? u->nick : u->uuid);
		return oss.str();

struct CallerIDExtInfo : public ExtensionItem
	CallerIDExtInfo(Module* parent)
		: ExtensionItem("callerid_data", ExtensionItem::EXT_USER, parent)

	std::string ToHuman(const Extensible* container, void* item) const CXX11_OVERRIDE
		callerid_data* dat = static_cast<callerid_data*>(item);
		return dat->ToString(true);

	std::string ToInternal(const Extensible* container, void* item) const CXX11_OVERRIDE
		callerid_data* dat = static_cast<callerid_data*>(item);
		return dat->ToString(false);

	void FromInternal(Extensible* container, const std::string& value) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		void* old = get_raw(container);
		if (old)
			this->free(NULL, old);
		callerid_data* dat = new callerid_data;
		set_raw(container, dat);

		irc::commasepstream s(value);
		std::string tok;
		if (s.GetToken(tok))
			dat->lastnotify = ConvToNum<time_t>(tok);

		while (s.GetToken(tok))
			User *u = ServerInstance->FindNick(tok);
			if ((u) && (u->registered == REG_ALL) && (!u->quitting))
				if (dat->accepting.insert(u).second)
					callerid_data* other = this->get(u, true);

	callerid_data* get(User* user, bool create)
		callerid_data* dat = static_cast<callerid_data*>(get_raw(user));
		if (create && !dat)
			dat = new callerid_data;
			set_raw(user, dat);
		return dat;

	void free(Extensible* container, void* item) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		callerid_data* dat = static_cast<callerid_data*>(item);

		// We need to walk the list of users on our accept list, and remove ourselves from their wholistsme.
		for (callerid_data::UserSet::iterator it = dat->accepting.begin(); it != dat->accepting.end(); ++it)
			callerid_data *targ = this->get(*it, false);

			if (!targ)
				ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "ERROR: Inconsistency detected in callerid state, please report (1)");
				continue; // shouldn't happen, but oh well.

			if (!stdalgo::vector::swaperase(targ->wholistsme, dat))
				ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "ERROR: Inconsistency detected in callerid state, please report (2)");
		delete dat;

class CommandAccept : public Command
	/** Pair: first is the target, second is true to add, false to remove
	typedef std::pair<User*, bool> ACCEPTAction;

	static ACCEPTAction GetTargetAndAction(std::string& tok, User* cmdfrom = NULL)
		bool remove = (tok[0] == '-');
		if ((remove) || (tok[0] == '+'))

		User* target;
		if (!cmdfrom || !IS_LOCAL(cmdfrom))
			target = ServerInstance->FindNick(tok);
			target = ServerInstance->FindNickOnly(tok);

		if ((!target) || (target->registered != REG_ALL) || (target->quitting))
			target = NULL;

		return std::make_pair(target, !remove);

	CallerIDExtInfo extInfo;
	unsigned int maxaccepts;
	CommandAccept(Module* Creator) : Command(Creator, "ACCEPT", 1),
		allow_empty_last_param = false;
		syntax = "*|(+|-)<nick>[,(+|-)<nick>]+";

	void EncodeParameter(std::string& parameter, unsigned int index) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		// Send lists as-is (part of 2.0 compat)
		if (parameter.find(',') != std::string::npos)

		// Convert a (+|-)<nick> into a [-]<uuid>
		ACCEPTAction action = GetTargetAndAction(parameter);
		if (!action.first)

		parameter = (action.second ? "" : "-") + action.first->uuid;

	/** Will take any number of nicks (up to MaxTargets), which can be seperated by commas.
	 * - in front of any nick removes, and an * lists. This effectively means you can do:
	 * /accept nick1,nick2,nick3,*
	 * to add 3 nicks and then show your list
	CmdResult Handle(User* user, const Params& parameters) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		if (CommandParser::LoopCall(user, this, parameters, 0))
			return CMD_SUCCESS;

		/* Even if callerid mode is not set, we let them manage their ACCEPT list so that if they go +g they can
		 * have a list already setup. */

		if (parameters[0] == "*")
			return CMD_SUCCESS;

		std::string tok = parameters[0];
		ACCEPTAction action = GetTargetAndAction(tok, user);
		if (!action.first)
			return CMD_FAILURE;

		if ((!IS_LOCAL(user)) && (!IS_LOCAL(action.first)))
			// Neither source nor target is local, forward the command to the server of target
			return CMD_SUCCESS;

		// The second item in the pair is true if the first char is a '+' (or nothing), false if it's a '-'
		if (action.second)
			return (AddAccept(user, action.first) ? CMD_SUCCESS : CMD_FAILURE);
			return (RemoveAccept(user, action.first) ? CMD_SUCCESS : CMD_FAILURE);

	RouteDescriptor GetRouting(User* user, const Params& parameters) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		// There is a list in parameters[0] in two cases:
		// Either when the source is remote, this happens because 2.0 servers send comma seperated uuid lists,
		// we don't split those but broadcast them, as before.
		// Or if the source is local then LoopCall() runs OnPostCommand() after each entry in the list,
		// meaning the linking module has sent an ACCEPT already for each entry in the list to the
		// appropiate server and the ACCEPT with the list of nicks (this) doesn't need to be sent anywhere.
		if ((!IS_LOCAL(user)) && (parameters[0].find(',') != std::string::npos))

		// Find the target
		std::string targetstring = parameters[0];
		ACCEPTAction action = GetTargetAndAction(targetstring, user);
		if (!action.first)
			// Target is a "*" or source is local and the target is a list of nicks

		// Route to the server of the target
		return ROUTE_UNICAST(action.first->server);

	void ListAccept(User* user)
		callerid_data* dat = extInfo.get(user, false);
		if (dat)
			for (callerid_data::UserSet::iterator i = dat->accepting.begin(); i != dat->accepting.end(); ++i)
				user->WriteNumeric(RPL_ACCEPTLIST, (*i)->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(RPL_ENDOFACCEPT, "End of ACCEPT list");

	bool AddAccept(User* user, User* whotoadd)
		// Add this user to my accept list first, so look me up..
		callerid_data* dat = extInfo.get(user, true);
		if (dat->accepting.size() >= maxaccepts)
			user->WriteNumeric(ERR_ACCEPTFULL, InspIRCd::Format("Accept list is full (limit is %d)", maxaccepts));
			return false;
		if (!dat->accepting.insert(whotoadd).second)
			user->WriteNumeric(ERR_ACCEPTEXIST, whotoadd->nick, "is already on your accept list");
			return false;

		// Now, look them up, and add me to their list
		callerid_data *targ = extInfo.get(whotoadd, true);

		user->WriteNotice(whotoadd->nick + " is now on your accept list");
		return true;

	bool RemoveAccept(User* user, User* whotoremove)
		// Remove them from my list, so look up my list..
		callerid_data* dat = extInfo.get(user, false);
		if (!dat)
			user->WriteNumeric(ERR_ACCEPTNOT, whotoremove->nick, "is not on your accept list");
			return false;
		if (!dat->accepting.erase(whotoremove))
			user->WriteNumeric(ERR_ACCEPTNOT, whotoremove->nick, "is not on your accept list");
			return false;

		// Look up their list to remove me.
		callerid_data *dat2 = extInfo.get(whotoremove, false);
		if (!dat2)
			// How the fuck is this possible.
			ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "ERROR: Inconsistency detected in callerid state, please report (3)");
			return false;

		if (!stdalgo::vector::swaperase(dat2->wholistsme, dat))
			ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "ERROR: Inconsistency detected in callerid state, please report (4)");

		user->WriteNotice(whotoremove->nick + " is no longer on your accept list");
		return true;

class CallerIDAPIImpl : public CallerID::APIBase
	CallerIDExtInfo& ext;

	CallerIDAPIImpl(Module* Creator, CallerIDExtInfo& Ext)
		: CallerID::APIBase(Creator)
		, ext(Ext)

	bool IsOnAcceptList(User* source, User* target) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		callerid_data* dat = ext.get(target, true);
		return dat->accepting.count(source);

class ModuleCallerID
	: public Module
	, public CTCTags::EventListener
	CommandAccept cmd;
	CallerIDAPIImpl api;
	SimpleUserModeHandler myumode;

	// Configuration variables:
	bool tracknick; // Allow ACCEPT entries to update with nick changes.
	unsigned int notify_cooldown; // Seconds between notifications.

	/** Removes a user from all accept lists
	 * @param who The user to remove from accepts
	void RemoveFromAllAccepts(User* who)
		// First, find the list of people who have me on accept
		callerid_data *userdata = cmd.extInfo.get(who, false);
		if (!userdata)

		// Iterate over the list of people who accept me, and remove all entries
		for (callerid_data::CallerIdDataSet::iterator it = userdata->wholistsme.begin(); it != userdata->wholistsme.end(); ++it)
			callerid_data *dat = *(it);

			// Find me on their callerid list
			if (!dat->accepting.erase(who))
				ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "ERROR: Inconsistency detected in callerid state, please report (5)");


		: CTCTags::EventListener(this)
		, cmd(this)
		, api(this, cmd.extInfo)
		, myumode(this, "callerid", 'g')

	Version GetVersion() CXX11_OVERRIDE
		return Version("Provides user mode g (bot) which allows users to require that other users are on their whitelist before messaging them.", VF_COMMON | VF_VENDOR);

	void On005Numeric(std::map<std::string, std::string>& tokens) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		tokens["ACCEPT"] = ConvToStr(cmd.maxaccepts);
		tokens["CALLERID"] = ConvToStr(myumode.GetModeChar());

	ModResult HandleMessage(User* user, const MessageTarget& target)
		if (!IS_LOCAL(user) || target.type != MessageTarget::TYPE_USER)

		User* dest = target.Get<User>();
		if (!dest->IsModeSet(myumode) || (user == dest))

		if (user->HasPrivPermission("users/ignore-callerid"))

		callerid_data* dat = cmd.extInfo.get(dest, true);
		if (!dat->accepting.count(user))
			time_t now = ServerInstance->Time();
			/* +g and *not* accepted */
			user->WriteNumeric(ERR_TARGUMODEG, dest->nick, "is in +g mode (server-side ignore).");
			if (now > (dat->lastnotify + (time_t)notify_cooldown))
				user->WriteNumeric(RPL_TARGNOTIFY, dest->nick, "has been informed that you messaged them.");
				dest->WriteRemoteNumeric(RPL_UMODEGMSG, user->nick, InspIRCd::Format("%s@%s", user->ident.c_str(), user->GetDisplayedHost().c_str()), InspIRCd::Format("is messaging you, and you have user mode +g set. Use /ACCEPT +%s to allow.",
				dat->lastnotify = now;
			return MOD_RES_DENY;

	ModResult OnUserPreMessage(User* user, const MessageTarget& target, MessageDetails& details) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		return HandleMessage(user, target);

	ModResult OnUserPreTagMessage(User* user, const MessageTarget& target, CTCTags::TagMessageDetails& details) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		return HandleMessage(user, target);

	void OnUserPostNick(User* user, const std::string& oldnick) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		if (!tracknick)

	void OnUserQuit(User* user, const std::string& message, const std::string& oper_message) CXX11_OVERRIDE

	void ReadConfig(ConfigStatus& status) CXX11_OVERRIDE
		ConfigTag* tag = ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue("callerid");
		cmd.maxaccepts = tag->getUInt("maxaccepts", 30);
		tracknick = tag->getBool("tracknick");
		notify_cooldown = tag->getDuration("cooldown", 60);

	void Prioritize() CXX11_OVERRIDE
		// Want to be after modules like silence or services_account
		ServerInstance->Modules->SetPriority(this, I_OnUserPreMessage, PRIORITY_LAST);