/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel De Graaf <danieldg@inspircd.org> * Copyright (C) 2009 Dennis Friis <peavey@inspircd.org> * Copyright (C) 2009 Craig Edwards <craigedwards@brainbox.cc> * Copyright (C) 2009 Robin Burchell <robin+git@viroteck.net> * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* Contains a code of Unreal IRCd + Bynets patch ( http://www.unrealircd.com/ and http://www.bynets.org/ ) Original patch is made by Dmitry "Killer{R}" Kononko. ( http://killprog.com/ ) Changed at 2008-06-15 - 2009-02-11 by Chernov-Phoenix Alexey (Phoenix@RusNet) mailto:phoenix /email address separator/ pravmail.ru */ #include "inspircd.h" #include <fstream> class lwbNickHandler { public: static bool Call(const std::string&); }; /*,m_reverse_additionalUp[256];*/ static unsigned char m_reverse_additional[256],m_additionalMB[256],m_additionalUtf8[256],m_additionalUtf8range[256],m_additionalUtf8interval[256]; char utf8checkrest(unsigned char * mb, unsigned char cnt) { for (unsigned char * tmp=mb; tmp<mb+cnt; tmp++) { /* & is faster! -- Phoenix (char & b11000000 == b10000000) */ if ((*tmp & 192) != 128) return -1; } return cnt + 1; } char utf8size(unsigned char * mb) { if (!*mb) return -1; if (!(*mb & 128)) return 1; if ((*mb & 224) == 192) return utf8checkrest(mb + 1,1); if ((*mb & 240) == 224) return utf8checkrest(mb + 1,2); if ((*mb & 248) == 240) return utf8checkrest(mb + 1,3); return -1; } /* Conditions added */ bool lwbNickHandler::Call(const std::string& nick) { if (nick.empty()) return false; const char* n = nick.c_str(); unsigned int p = 0; for (const char* i = n; *i; i++, p++) { /* 1. Multibyte encodings support: */ /* 1.1. 16bit char. areas, e.g. chinese:*/ /* if current character is the last, we DO NOT check it against multibyte table */ /* if there are mbtable ranges, use ONLY them. No 8bit at all */ if (i[1] && m_additionalMB[0]) { /* otherwise let's take a look at the current character and the following one */ bool found = false; for(unsigned char * mb = m_additionalMB; (*mb) && (mb < m_additionalMB + sizeof(m_additionalMB)); mb += 4) { if ( (i[0] >= mb[0]) && (i[0] <= mb[1]) && (i[1] >= mb[2]) && (i[1] <= mb[3]) ) { /* multibyte range character found */ i++; p++; found = true; break; } } if (found) /* next char! */ continue; else /* there are ranges, but incorrect char (8bit?) given, sorry */ return false; } /* 2. 8bit character support */ if (((*i >= 'A') && (*i <= '}')) || m_reverse_additional[(unsigned char)*i]) /* "A"-"}" can occur anywhere in a nickname */ continue; if ((((*i >= '0') && (*i <= '9')) || (*i == '-')) && (i > n)) /* "0"-"9", "-" can occur anywhere BUT the first char of a nickname */ continue; /* 3.1. Check against a simple UTF-8 characters enumeration */ int cursize, cursize2, ncursize = utf8size((unsigned char *)i); /* do check only if current multibyte character is valid UTF-8 only */ if (ncursize != -1) { bool found = false; for (unsigned char * mb = m_additionalUtf8; (utf8size(mb) != -1) && (mb < m_additionalUtf8 + sizeof(m_additionalUtf8)); mb += cursize) { cursize = utf8size(mb); /* Size differs? Pick the next! */ if (cursize != ncursize) continue; if (!strncmp(i, (char *)mb, cursize)) { i += cursize - 1; p += cursize - 1; found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; /* 3.2. Check against an UTF-8 ranges: <start character> and <length of the range>. */ found = false; for (unsigned char * mb = m_additionalUtf8range; (utf8size(mb) != -1) && (mb < m_additionalUtf8range + sizeof(m_additionalUtf8range)); mb += cursize + 1) { cursize = utf8size(mb); /* Size differs (or lengthbyte is zero)? Pick the next! */ if ((cursize != ncursize) || (!mb[cursize])) continue; unsigned char uright[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}, range = mb[cursize] - 1; strncpy((char* ) uright, (char *) mb, cursize); for (int temp = cursize - 1; (temp >= 0) && range; --temp) { /* all but the first char are 64-based */ if (temp) { char part64 = range & 63; /* i.e. % 64 */ /* handle carrying over */ if (uright[temp] + part64 - 1 > 191) { uright[temp] -= 64; range += 64; } uright[temp] += part64; range >>= 6; /* divide it on a 64 */ } /* the first char of UTF-8 doesn't follow the rule */ else { uright[temp] += range; } } if ((strncmp(i, (char *) mb, cursize) >= 0) && (strncmp(i, (char *) uright, cursize) <= 0)) { i += cursize - 1; p += cursize - 1; found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; /* 3.3. Check against an UTF-8 intervals: <start character> and <end character>. */ found = false; for (unsigned char * mb = m_additionalUtf8interval; (utf8size(mb) != -1) && (utf8size(mb+utf8size(mb)) != -1) && (mb < m_additionalUtf8interval + sizeof(m_additionalUtf8interval)); mb += (cursize+cursize2) ) { cursize = utf8size(mb); cursize2= utf8size(mb+cursize); int minlen = cursize > ncursize ? ncursize : cursize; int minlen2 = cursize2 > ncursize ? ncursize : cursize2; unsigned char* uright = mb + cursize; if ((strncmp(i, (char *) mb, minlen) >= 0) && (strncmp(i, (char *) uright, minlen2) <= 0)) { i += cursize - 1; p += cursize - 1; found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; } /* invalid character! abort */ return false; } /* too long? or not -- pointer arithmetic rocks */ return (p < ServerInstance->Config->Limits.NickMax); } class ModuleNationalChars : public Module { std::string charset; unsigned char m_additional[256], m_additionalUp[256], m_lower[256], m_upper[256]; TR1NS::function<bool(const std::string&)> rememberer; bool forcequit; const unsigned char * lowermap_rememberer; unsigned char prev_map[256]; template <typename T> void RehashHashmap(T& hashmap) { T newhash(hashmap.bucket_count()); for (typename T::const_iterator i = hashmap.begin(); i != hashmap.end(); ++i) newhash.insert(std::make_pair(i->first, i->second)); hashmap.swap(newhash); } void CheckRehash() { // See if anything changed if (!memcmp(prev_map, national_case_insensitive_map, sizeof(prev_map))) return; memcpy(prev_map, national_case_insensitive_map, sizeof(prev_map)); RehashHashmap(ServerInstance->Users.clientlist); RehashHashmap(ServerInstance->Users.uuidlist); RehashHashmap(ServerInstance->chanlist); } public: ModuleNationalChars() : rememberer(ServerInstance->IsNick), lowermap_rememberer(national_case_insensitive_map) { memcpy(prev_map, national_case_insensitive_map, sizeof(prev_map)); } void init() CXX11_OVERRIDE { memcpy(m_lower, rfc_case_insensitive_map, 256); national_case_insensitive_map = m_lower; ServerInstance->IsNick = &lwbNickHandler::Call; } void ReadConfig(ConfigStatus& status) CXX11_OVERRIDE { ConfigTag* tag = ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue("nationalchars"); charset = tag->getString("file"); std::string casemapping = tag->getString("casemapping", FileSystem::GetFileName(charset)); if (casemapping.find(' ') != std::string::npos) throw ModuleException("<nationalchars:casemapping> must not contain any spaces!"); ServerInstance->Config->CaseMapping = casemapping; #if defined _WIN32 if (!FileSystem::StartsWithWindowsDriveLetter(charset)) charset.insert(0, "./locales/"); #else if(charset[0] != '/') charset.insert(0, "../locales/"); #endif unsigned char * tables[8] = { m_additional, m_additionalMB, m_additionalUp, m_lower, m_upper, m_additionalUtf8, m_additionalUtf8range, m_additionalUtf8interval }; if (!loadtables(charset, tables, 8, 5)) throw ModuleException("The locale file failed to load. Check your log file for more information."); forcequit = tag->getBool("forcequit"); CheckForceQuit("National character set changed"); CheckRehash(); } void CheckForceQuit(const char * message) { if (!forcequit) return; const UserManager::LocalList& list = ServerInstance->Users.GetLocalUsers(); for (UserManager::LocalList::const_iterator iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ) { /* Fix by Brain: Dont quit UID users */ // Quitting the user removes it from the list User* n = *iter; ++iter; if (!isdigit(n->nick[0]) && !ServerInstance->IsNick(n->nick)) ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(n, message); } } ~ModuleNationalChars() { ServerInstance->IsNick = rememberer; national_case_insensitive_map = lowermap_rememberer; CheckForceQuit("National characters module unloaded"); CheckRehash(); } Version GetVersion() CXX11_OVERRIDE { return Version("Provides an ability to have non-RFC1459 nicks & support for national CASEMAPPING", VF_VENDOR | VF_COMMON, charset); } /*make an array to check against it 8bit characters a bit faster. Whether allowed or uppercase (for your needs).*/ void makereverse(unsigned char * from, unsigned char * to, unsigned int cnt) { memset(to, 0, cnt); for(unsigned char * n=from; (*n) && ((*n)<cnt) && (n<from+cnt); n++) to[*n] = 1; } /*so Bynets Unreal distribution stuff*/ bool loadtables(std::string filename, unsigned char ** tables, unsigned char cnt, char faillimit) { std::ifstream ifs(ServerInstance->Config->Paths.PrependConfig(filename).c_str()); if (ifs.fail()) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "loadtables() called for missing file: %s", filename.c_str()); return false; } for (unsigned char n=0; n< cnt; n++) { memset(tables[n], 0, 256); } memcpy(m_lower, rfc_case_insensitive_map, 256); for (unsigned char n = 0; n < cnt; n++) { if (loadtable(ifs, tables[n], 255) && (n < faillimit)) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "loadtables() called for illegal file: %s (line %d)", filename.c_str(), n+1); return false; } } makereverse(m_additional, m_reverse_additional, sizeof(m_additional)); return true; } unsigned char symtoi(const char *t,unsigned char base) /* base = 16 for hexadecimal, 10 for decimal, 8 for octal ;) */ { unsigned char tmp = 0, current; while ((*t) && (*t !=' ') && (*t != 13) && (*t != 10) && (*t != ',')) { tmp *= base; current = ascii_case_insensitive_map[(unsigned char)*t]; if (current >= 'a') current = current - 'a' + 10; else current = current - '0'; tmp+=current; t++; } return tmp; } int loadtable(std::ifstream &ifs , unsigned char *chartable, unsigned int maxindex) { std::string buf; getline(ifs, buf); unsigned int i = 0; int fail = 0; buf.erase(buf.find_last_not_of("\n") + 1); if (buf[0] == '.') /* simple plain-text string after dot */ { i = buf.size() - 1; if (i > (maxindex + 1)) i = maxindex + 1; memcpy(chartable, buf.c_str() + 1, i); } else { const char * p = buf.c_str(); while (*p) { if (i > maxindex) { fail = 1; break; } if (*p != '\'') /* decimal or hexadecimal char code */ { if (*p == '0') { if (p[1] == 'x') /* hex with the leading "0x" */ chartable[i] = symtoi(p + 2, 16); else chartable[i] = symtoi(p + 1, 8); } /* hex form */ else if (*p == 'x') { chartable[i] = symtoi(p + 1, 16); }else /* decimal form */ { chartable[i] = symtoi(p, 10); } } else /* plain-text char between '' */ { if (*(p + 1) == '\\') { chartable[i] = *(p + 2); p += 3; }else { chartable[i] = *(p + 1); p += 2; } } while (*p && (*p != ',') && (*p != ' ') && (*p != 13) && (*p != 10)) p++; while (*p && ((*p == ',') || (*p == ' ') || (*p == 13) || (*p == 10))) p++; i++; } } return fail; } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleNationalChars)