 * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
 *   Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf <danieldg@inspircd.org>
 *   Copyright (C) 2008 Robin Burchell <robin+git@viroteck.net>
 * This file is part of InspIRCd.  InspIRCd is free software: you can
 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "inspircd.h"

#include "main.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "link.h"
#include "treeserver.h"
#include "treesocket.h"
#include "commands.h"

 * Some server somewhere in the network introducing another server.
 *	-- w
CmdResult CommandServer::HandleServer(TreeServer* ParentOfThis, std::vector<std::string>& params)
	const std::string& servername = params[0];
	const std::string& sid = params[1];
	const std::string& description = params.back();
	TreeSocket* socket = ParentOfThis->GetSocket();

	if (!InspIRCd::IsSID(sid))
		socket->SendError("Invalid format server ID: "+sid+"!");
		return CMD_FAILURE;
	TreeServer* CheckDupe = Utils->FindServer(servername);
	if (CheckDupe)
		socket->SendError("Server "+servername+" already exists!");
		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('L', "Server \2"+CheckDupe->GetName()+"\2 being introduced from \2" + ParentOfThis->GetName() + "\2 denied, already exists. Closing link with " + ParentOfThis->GetName());
		return CMD_FAILURE;
	CheckDupe = Utils->FindServer(sid);
	if (CheckDupe)
		socket->SendError("Server ID "+sid+" already exists! You may want to specify the server ID for the server manually with <server:id> so they do not conflict.");
		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('L', "Server \2"+servername+"\2 being introduced from \2" + ParentOfThis->GetName() + "\2 denied, server ID already exists on the network. Closing link with " + ParentOfThis->GetName());
		return CMD_FAILURE;

	Link* lnk = Utils->FindLink(servername);

	TreeServer* Node = new TreeServer(servername, description, sid, ParentOfThis, ParentOfThis->GetSocket(), lnk ? lnk->Hidden : false);

	HandleExtra(Node, params);

	ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('L', "Server \002"+ParentOfThis->GetName()+"\002 introduced server \002"+servername+"\002 ("+description+")");
	return CMD_SUCCESS;

void CommandServer::HandleExtra(TreeServer* newserver, const std::vector<std::string>& params)
	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = params.begin() + 2; i != params.end() - 1; ++i)
		const std::string& prop = *i;
		std::string::size_type p = prop.find('=');

		std::string key = prop;
		std::string val;
		if (p != std::string::npos)
			val.assign(prop, p+1, std::string::npos);

		if (key == "burst")

Link* TreeSocket::AuthRemote(const parameterlist& params)
	if (params.size() < 5)
		SendError("Protocol error - Not enough parameters for SERVER command");
		return NULL;

	irc::string servername = params[0].c_str();
	const std::string& sname = params[0];
	const std::string& password = params[1];
	const std::string& sid = params[3];
	const std::string& description = params.back();


	if (!ServerInstance->IsSID(sid))
		this->SendError("Invalid format server ID: "+sid+"!");
		return NULL;

	for (std::vector<reference<Link> >::iterator i = Utils->LinkBlocks.begin(); i < Utils->LinkBlocks.end(); i++)
		Link* x = *i;
		if (x->Name != servername && x->Name != "*") // open link allowance

		if (!ComparePass(*x, password))
			ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l',"Invalid password on link: %s", x->Name.c_str());

		if (!CheckDuplicate(sname, sid))
			return NULL;

		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l',"Verified server connection " + linkID + " ("+description+")");
		return x;

	this->SendError("Mismatched server name or password (check the other server's snomask output for details - e.g. umode +s +Ll)");
	ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l',"Server connection from \2"+sname+"\2 denied, invalid link credentials");
	return NULL;

 * This is used after the other side of a connection has accepted our credentials.
 * They are then introducing themselves to us, BEFORE either of us burst. -- w
bool TreeSocket::Outbound_Reply_Server(parameterlist &params)
	const Link* x = AuthRemote(params);
	if (x)
		 * They're in WAIT_AUTH_2 (having accepted our credentials).
		 * Set our state to CONNECTED (since everything's peachy so far) and send our
		 * netburst to them, which will trigger their CONNECTED state, and BURST in reply.
		 * While we're at it, create a treeserver object so we know about them.
		 *   -- w
		FinishAuth(params[0], params[3], params.back(), x->Hidden);

		return true;

	return false;

bool TreeSocket::CheckDuplicate(const std::string& sname, const std::string& sid)
	/* Check for fully initialized instances of the server by name */
	TreeServer* CheckDupe = Utils->FindServer(sname);
	if (CheckDupe)
		std::string pname = CheckDupe->GetParent() ? CheckDupe->GetParent()->GetName() : "<ourself>";
		SendError("Server "+sname+" already exists on server "+pname+"!");
		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l',"Server connection from \2"+sname+"\2 denied, already exists on server "+pname);
		return false;

	/* Check for fully initialized instances of the server by id */
	ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Looking for dupe SID %s", sid.c_str());
	CheckDupe = Utils->FindServerID(sid);

	if (CheckDupe)
		this->SendError("Server ID "+CheckDupe->GetID()+" already exists on server "+CheckDupe->GetName()+"! You may want to specify the server ID for the server manually with <server:id> so they do not conflict.");
		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l',"Server connection from \2"+sname+"\2 denied, server ID '"+CheckDupe->GetID()+
				"' already exists on server "+CheckDupe->GetName());
		return false;

	return true;

 * Someone else is attempting to connect to us if this is called. Validate their credentials etc.
 *		-- w
bool TreeSocket::Inbound_Server(parameterlist &params)
	const Link* x = AuthRemote(params);
	if (x)
		// Save these for later, so when they accept our credentials (indicated by BURST) we remember them
		this->capab->hidden = x->Hidden;
		this->capab->sid = params[3];
		this->capab->description = params.back();
		this->capab->name = params[0];

		// Send our details: Our server name and description and hopcount of 0,
		// along with the sendpass from this block.
		this->WriteLine("SERVER "+ServerInstance->Config->ServerName+" "+this->MakePass(x->SendPass, this->GetTheirChallenge())+" 0 "+ServerInstance->Config->GetSID()+" :"+ServerInstance->Config->ServerDesc);

		// move to the next state, we are now waiting for THEM.
		this->LinkState = WAIT_AUTH_2;
		return true;

	return false;

CommandServer::Builder::Builder(TreeServer* server)
	: CmdBuilder(server->GetParent()->GetID(), "SERVER")
	if (server->IsBursting())
		push_property("burst", ConvToStr(server->StartBurst));