/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2007 InspIRCd Development Team
* See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
#include "inspircd.h"
#include "users.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "wildcard.h"
/* $ModDesc: Provides aliases of commands. */
/** An alias definition
class Alias : public classbase
/** The text of the alias command */
irc::string text;
/** Text to replace with */
std::string replace_with;
/** Nickname required to perform alias */
std::string requires;
/** Alias requires ulined server */
bool uline;
/** Requires oper? */
bool operonly;
/* is case sensitive params */
bool case_sensitive;
/** Format that must be matched for use */
std::string format;
class ModuleAlias : public Module
/** We cant use a map, there may be multiple aliases with the same name */
std::vector<Alias> Aliases;
std::map<std::string, int> AliasMap;
std::vector<std::string> pars;
virtual void ReadAliases()
ConfigReader MyConf(ServerInstance);
for (int i = 0; i < MyConf.Enumerate("alias"); i++)
Alias a;
std::string txt;
txt = MyConf.ReadValue("alias", "text", i);
a.text = txt.c_str();
a.replace_with = MyConf.ReadValue("alias", "replace", i, true);
a.requires = MyConf.ReadValue("alias", "requires", i);
a.uline = MyConf.ReadFlag("alias", "uline", i);
a.operonly = MyConf.ReadFlag("alias", "operonly", i);
a.format = MyConf.ReadValue("alias", "format", i);
a.case_sensitive = MyConf.ReadFlag("alias", "matchcase", i);
AliasMap[txt] = 1;
ModuleAlias(InspIRCd* Me)
: Module(Me)
void Implements(char* List)
List[I_OnPreCommand] = List[I_OnRehash] = 1;
virtual ~ModuleAlias()
virtual Version GetVersion()
return Version(1,1,0,1,VF_VENDOR,API_VERSION);
std::string GetVar(std::string varname, const std::string &original_line)
irc::spacesepstream ss(original_line);
int index = *(varname.begin()) - 48;
bool everything_after = (varname == "-");
std::string word;
for (int j = 0; j < index; j++)
word = ss.GetToken();
if (everything_after)
std::string more = "*";
while ((more = ss.GetToken()) != "")
word.append(" ");
return word;
void SearchAndReplace(std::string& newline, const std::string &find, const std::string &replace)
std::string::size_type x = newline.find(find);
while (x != std::string::npos)
newline.erase(x, find.length());
newline.insert(x, replace);
x = newline.find(find);
virtual int OnPreCommand(const std::string &command, const char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user, bool validated, const std::string &original_line)
userrec *u = NULL;
/* If theyre not registered yet, we dont want
* to know.
if (user->registered != REG_ALL)
return 0;
/* We dont have any commands looking like this, dont bother with the loop */
if (AliasMap.find(command) == AliasMap.end())
return 0;
irc::string c = command.c_str();
/* The parameters for the command in their original form, with the command stripped off */
std::string compare = original_line.substr(command.length());
while (*(compare.c_str()) == ' ')
std::string safe(original_line);
/* Escape out any $ symbols in the user provided text */
SearchAndReplace(safe, "$", "\r");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Aliases.size(); i++)
if (Aliases[i].text == c)
/* Does it match the pattern? */
if (!Aliases[i].format.empty())
if (!match(Aliases[i].case_sensitive, compare.c_str(), Aliases[i].format.c_str()))
if ((Aliases[i].operonly) && (!IS_OPER(user)))
return 0;
if (!Aliases[i].requires.empty())
u = ServerInstance->FindNick(Aliases[i].requires);
if (!u)
user->WriteServ("401 "+std::string(user->nick)+" "+Aliases[i].requires+" :is currently unavailable. Please try again later.");
return 1;
if ((u != NULL) && (!Aliases[i].requires.empty()) && (Aliases[i].uline))
if (!ServerInstance->ULine(u->server))
ServerInstance->WriteOpers("*** NOTICE -- Service "+Aliases[i].requires+" required by alias "+std::string(Aliases[i].text.c_str())+" is not on a u-lined server, possibly underhanded antics detected!");
user->WriteServ("401 "+std::string(user->nick)+" "+Aliases[i].requires+" :is an imposter! Please inform an IRC operator as soon as possible.");
return 1;
/* Now, search and replace in a copy of the original_line, replacing $1 through $9 and $1- etc */
std::string::size_type crlf = Aliases[i].replace_with.find('\n');
if (crlf == std::string::npos)
DoCommand(Aliases[i].replace_with, user, safe);
return 1;
irc::sepstream commands(Aliases[i].replace_with, '\n');
std::string command = "*";
while ((command = commands.GetToken()) != "")
DoCommand(command, user, safe);
return 1;
return 0;
void DoCommand(std::string newline, userrec* user, const std::string &original_line)
for (int v = 1; v < 10; v++)
std::string var = "$";
std::string::size_type x = newline.find(var);
while (x != std::string::npos)
newline.erase(x, var.length());
newline.insert(x, GetVar(var, original_line));
x = newline.find(var);
var = "$";
x = newline.find(var);
while (x != std::string::npos)
newline.erase(x, var.length());
newline.insert(x, GetVar(var, original_line));
x = newline.find(var);
/* Special variables */
SearchAndReplace(newline, "$nick", user->nick);
SearchAndReplace(newline, "$ident", user->ident);
SearchAndReplace(newline, "$host", user->host);
SearchAndReplace(newline, "$vhost", user->dhost);
/* Unescape any variable names in the user text before sending */
SearchAndReplace(newline, "\r", "$");
irc::tokenstream ss(newline);
const char* parv[127];
int x = 0;
while (ss.GetToken(pars[x]))
parv[x] = pars[x].c_str();
ServerInstance->Parser->CallHandler(parv[0], &parv[1], x-1, user);
virtual void OnRehash(userrec* user, const std::string ¶meter)