/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2007 InspIRCd Development Team
* See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
#include "inspircd.h"
#include "users.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "modules.h"
/* $ModDesc: Provides channel modes +a and +q */
/* $ModDep: ../../include/u_listmode.h */
#define PROTECT_VALUE 40000
#define FOUNDER_VALUE 50000
const char* fakevalue = "on";
/* When this is set to true, no restrictions apply to setting or
* removal of +qa. This is used while unloading so that the server
* can freely clear all of its users of the modes.
bool unload_kludge = false;
/** Handles basic operation of +qa channel modes
class FounderProtectBase
InspIRCd* MyInstance;
std::string extend;
std::string type;
int list;
int end;
char* dummyptr;
bool& remove_own_privs;
bool& remove_other_privs;
FounderProtectBase(InspIRCd* Instance, const std::string &ext, const std::string &mtype, int l, int e, bool &remove_own, bool &remove_others) :
MyInstance(Instance), extend(ext), type(mtype), list(l), end(e), remove_own_privs(remove_own), remove_other_privs(remove_others)
ModePair ModeSet(userrec* source, userrec* dest, chanrec* channel, const std::string ¶meter)
userrec* x = MyInstance->FindNick(parameter);
if (x)
if (!channel->HasUser(x))
return std::make_pair(false, parameter);
std::string item = extend+std::string(channel->name);
if (x->GetExt(item,dummyptr))
return std::make_pair(true, x->nick);
return std::make_pair(false, parameter);
return std::make_pair(false, parameter);
void RemoveMode(chanrec* channel, char mc)
unload_kludge = true;
CUList* cl = channel->GetUsers();
std::string item = extend + std::string(channel->name);
const char* mode_junk[MAXMODES+2];
userrec* n = new userrec(MyInstance);
mode_junk[0] = channel->name;
irc::modestacker modestack(false);
std::deque<std::string> stackresult;
for (CUList::iterator i = cl->begin(); i != cl->end(); i++)
if (i->first->GetExt(item, dummyptr))
modestack.Push(mc, i->first->nick);
while (modestack.GetStackedLine(stackresult))
for (size_t j = 0; j < stackresult.size(); j++)
mode_junk[j+1] = stackresult[j].c_str();
MyInstance->SendMode(mode_junk, stackresult.size() + 1, n);
delete n;
unload_kludge = false;
void DisplayList(userrec* user, chanrec* channel)
CUList* cl = channel->GetUsers();
std::string item = extend+std::string(channel->name);
for (CUList::reverse_iterator i = cl->rbegin(); i != cl->rend(); ++i)
if (i->first->GetExt(item, dummyptr))
user->WriteServ("%d %s %s %s", list, user->nick, channel->name,i->first->nick);
user->WriteServ("%d %s %s :End of channel %s list", end, user->nick, channel->name, type.c_str());
userrec* FindAndVerify(std::string ¶meter, chanrec* channel)
userrec* theuser = MyInstance->FindNick(parameter);
if ((!theuser) || (!channel->HasUser(theuser)))
return NULL;
return theuser;
bool CanRemoveOthers(userrec* u1, userrec* u2, chanrec* c)
std::string item = extend+std::string(c->name);
return (u1->GetExt(item, dummyptr) && u2->GetExt(item, dummyptr));
ModeAction HandleChange(userrec* source, userrec* theuser, bool adding, chanrec* channel, std::string ¶meter)
std::string item = extend+std::string(channel->name);
if (adding)
if (!theuser->GetExt(item, dummyptr))
theuser->Extend(item, fakevalue);
parameter = theuser->nick;
if (theuser->GetExt(item, dummyptr))
parameter = theuser->nick;
/** Abstraction of FounderProtectBase for channel mode +q
class ChanFounder : public ModeHandler, public FounderProtectBase
char* dummyptr;
ChanFounder(InspIRCd* Instance, bool using_prefixes, bool &depriv_self, bool &depriv_others)
: ModeHandler(Instance, 'q', 1, 1, true, MODETYPE_CHANNEL, false, using_prefixes ? '~' : 0),
FounderProtectBase(Instance, "cm_founder_", "founder", 386, 387, depriv_self, depriv_others) { }
unsigned int GetPrefixRank()
ModePair ModeSet(userrec* source, userrec* dest, chanrec* channel, const std::string ¶meter)
return FounderProtectBase::ModeSet(source, dest, channel, parameter);
void RemoveMode(chanrec* channel)
FounderProtectBase::RemoveMode(channel, this->GetModeChar());
void RemoveMode(userrec* user)
ModeAction OnModeChange(userrec* source, userrec* dest, chanrec* channel, std::string ¶meter, bool adding)
userrec* theuser = FounderProtectBase::FindAndVerify(parameter, channel);
if (!theuser)
if ((!adding) && FounderProtectBase::CanRemoveOthers(source, theuser, channel))
return FounderProtectBase::HandleChange(source, theuser, adding, channel, parameter);
// source is a server, or ulined, we'll let them +-q the user.
if ((unload_kludge) || ((source == theuser) && (!adding) && (FounderProtectBase::remove_own_privs)) || (ServerInstance->ULine(source->nick)) || (ServerInstance->ULine(source->server)) || (!*source->server) || (!IS_LOCAL(source)))
return FounderProtectBase::HandleChange(source, theuser, adding, channel, parameter);
// whoops, someones being naughty!
source->WriteServ("468 %s %s :Only servers may set channel mode +q",source->nick, channel->name);
void DisplayList(userrec* user, chanrec* channel)
/** Abstraction of FounderProtectBase for channel mode +a
class ChanProtect : public ModeHandler, public FounderProtectBase
char* dummyptr;
ChanProtect(InspIRCd* Instance, bool using_prefixes, bool &depriv_self, bool &depriv_others)
: ModeHandler(Instance, 'a', 1, 1, true, MODETYPE_CHANNEL, false, using_prefixes ? '&' : 0),
FounderProtectBase(Instance,"cm_protect_","protected user", 388, 389, depriv_self, depriv_others) { }
unsigned int GetPrefixRank()
ModePair ModeSet(userrec* source, userrec* dest, chanrec* channel, const std::string ¶meter)
return FounderProtectBase::ModeSet(source, dest, channel, parameter);
void RemoveMode(chanrec* channel)
FounderProtectBase::RemoveMode(channel, this->GetModeChar());
void RemoveMode(userrec* user)
ModeAction OnModeChange(userrec* source, userrec* dest, chanrec* channel, std::string ¶meter, bool adding)
userrec* theuser = FounderProtectBase::FindAndVerify(parameter, channel);
if (!theuser)
std::string founder = "cm_founder_"+std::string(channel->name);
if ((!adding) && FounderProtectBase::CanRemoveOthers(source, theuser, channel))
return FounderProtectBase::HandleChange(source, theuser, adding, channel, parameter);
// source has +q, is a server, or ulined, we'll let them +-a the user.
if ((unload_kludge) || ((source == theuser) && (!adding) && (FounderProtectBase::remove_own_privs)) || (ServerInstance->ULine(source->nick)) || (ServerInstance->ULine(source->server)) || (!*source->server) || (source->GetExt(founder,dummyptr)) || (!IS_LOCAL(source)))
return FounderProtectBase::HandleChange(source, theuser, adding, channel, parameter);
// bzzzt, wrong answer!
source->WriteServ("482 %s %s :You are not a channel founder",source->nick, channel->name);
virtual void DisplayList(userrec* user, chanrec* channel)
FounderProtectBase::DisplayList(user, channel);
class ModuleChanProtect : public Module
bool FirstInGetsFounder;
bool QAPrefixes;
bool DeprivSelf;
bool DeprivOthers;
bool booting;
ChanProtect* cp;
ChanFounder* cf;
char* dummyptr;
ModuleChanProtect(InspIRCd* Me)
: Module(Me), FirstInGetsFounder(false), QAPrefixes(false), DeprivSelf(false), DeprivOthers(false), booting(true)
/* Load config stuff */
booting = false;
/* Initialise module variables */
cp = new ChanProtect(ServerInstance,QAPrefixes,DeprivSelf,DeprivOthers);
cf = new ChanFounder(ServerInstance,QAPrefixes,DeprivSelf,DeprivOthers);
if (!ServerInstance->AddMode(cp, 'a') || !ServerInstance->AddMode(cf, 'q'))
throw ModuleException("Could not add new modes!");
void Implements(char* List)
List[I_OnUserKick] = List[I_OnUserPart] = List[I_OnRehash] = List[I_OnUserJoin] = List[I_OnAccessCheck] = List[I_OnSyncChannel] = 1;
virtual void OnUserKick(userrec* source, userrec* user, chanrec* chan, const std::string &reason, bool &silent)
// FIX: when someone gets kicked from a channel we must remove their Extensibles!
virtual void OnUserPart(userrec* user, chanrec* channel, const std::string &partreason, bool &silent)
// FIX: when someone parts a channel we must remove their Extensibles!
virtual void OnRehash(userrec* user, const std::string ¶meter)
/* Create a configreader class and read our flag,
* in old versions this was heap-allocated and the
* object was kept between rehashes...now we just
* stack-allocate it locally.
ConfigReader Conf(ServerInstance);
bool old_qa = QAPrefixes;
FirstInGetsFounder = Conf.ReadFlag("options","noservices",0);
QAPrefixes = Conf.ReadFlag("options","qaprefixes",0);
DeprivSelf = Conf.ReadFlag("options","deprotectself",0);
DeprivOthers = Conf.ReadFlag("options","deprotectothers",0);
/* Did the user change the QA prefixes on the fly?
* If so, remove all instances of the mode, and reinit
* the module with prefixes enabled.
if ((old_qa != QAPrefixes) && (!booting))
cp = new ChanProtect(ServerInstance,QAPrefixes,DeprivSelf,DeprivOthers);
cf = new ChanFounder(ServerInstance,QAPrefixes,DeprivSelf,DeprivOthers);
/* These wont fail, we already owned the mode characters before */
ServerInstance->AddMode(cp, 'a');
ServerInstance->AddMode(cf, 'q');
ServerInstance->WriteOpers("*** WARNING: +qa prefixes were enabled or disabled via a REHASH. Clients will probably need to reconnect to pick up this change.");
virtual void OnUserJoin(userrec* user, chanrec* channel, bool &silent)
// if the user is the first user into the channel, mark them as the founder, but only if
// the config option for it is set
if (FirstInGetsFounder)
if (channel->GetUserCounter() == 1)
// we're using Extensible::Extend to add data into user objects.
// this way is best as it adds data thats accessible to other modules
// (so long as you document your code properly) without breaking anything
// because its encapsulated neatly in a map.
// Change requested by katsklaw... when the first in is set to get founder,
// to make it clearer that +q has been given, send that one user the +q notice
// so that their client's syncronization and their sanity are left intact.
user->WriteServ("MODE %s +q %s",channel->name,user->nick);
virtual int OnAccessCheck(userrec* source,userrec* dest,chanrec* channel,int access_type)
// here we perform access checks, this is the important bit that actually stops kicking/deopping
// etc of protected users. There are many types of access check, we're going to handle
// a relatively small number of them relevent to our module using a switch statement.
// don't allow action if:
// (A) Theyre founder (no matter what)
// (B) Theyre protected, and you're not
// always allow the action if:
// (A) The source is ulined
// firstly, if a ulined nick, or a server, is setting the mode, then allow them to set the mode
// without any access checks, we're not worthy :p
if ((ServerInstance->ULine(source->nick)) || (ServerInstance->ULine(source->server)) || (!*source->server))
return ACR_ALLOW;
std::string founder = "cm_founder_"+std::string(channel->name);
std::string protect = "cm_protect_"+std::string(channel->name);
switch (access_type)
// a user has been deopped. Do we let them? hmmm...
case AC_DEOP:
if (dest->GetExt(founder,dummyptr))
source->WriteServ("484 "+std::string(source->nick)+" "+std::string(channel->name)+" :Can't deop "+std::string(dest->nick)+" as they're a channel founder");
return ACR_DENY;
if ((dest->GetExt(protect,dummyptr)) && (!source->GetExt(protect,dummyptr)))
source->WriteServ("484 "+std::string(source->nick)+" "+std::string(channel->name)+" :Can't deop "+std::string(dest->nick)+" as they're protected (+a)");
return ACR_DENY;
// a user is being kicked. do we chop off the end of the army boot?
case AC_KICK:
if (dest->GetExt(founder,dummyptr))
source->WriteServ("484 "+std::string(source->nick)+" "+std::string(channel->name)+" :Can't kick "+std::string(dest->nick)+" as they're a channel founder");
return ACR_DENY;
if ((dest->GetExt(protect,dummyptr)) && (!source->GetExt(protect,dummyptr)))
source->WriteServ("484 "+std::string(source->nick)+" "+std::string(channel->name)+" :Can't kick "+std::string(dest->nick)+" as they're protected (+a)");
return ACR_DENY;
// a user is being dehalfopped. Yes, we do disallow -h of a +ha user
if (dest->GetExt(founder,dummyptr))
source->WriteServ("484 "+std::string(source->nick)+" "+std::string(channel->name)+" :Can't de-halfop "+std::string(dest->nick)+" as they're a channel founder");
return ACR_DENY;
if ((dest->GetExt(protect,dummyptr)) && (!source->GetExt(protect,dummyptr)))
source->WriteServ("484 "+std::string(source->nick)+" "+std::string(channel->name)+" :Can't de-halfop "+std::string(dest->nick)+" as they're protected (+a)");
return ACR_DENY;
// same with devoice.
if (dest->GetExt(founder,dummyptr))
source->WriteServ("484 "+std::string(source->nick)+" "+std::string(channel->name)+" :Can't devoice "+std::string(dest->nick)+" as they're a channel founder");
return ACR_DENY;
if ((dest->GetExt(protect,dummyptr)) && (!source->GetExt(protect,dummyptr)))
source->WriteServ("484 "+std::string(source->nick)+" "+std::string(channel->name)+" :Can't devoice "+std::string(dest->nick)+" as they're protected (+a)");
return ACR_DENY;
// we dont know what this access check is, or dont care. just carry on, nothing to see here.
virtual ~ModuleChanProtect()
virtual Version GetVersion()
return Version(1, 1, 0, 0, VF_COMMON | VF_VENDOR, API_VERSION);
virtual void OnSyncChannel(chanrec* chan, Module* proto, void* opaque)
/* NOTE: If +qa prefix is on, this is propogated by the channel join,
* so we dont need to propogate it manually
if (!QAPrefixes)
// this is called when the server is linking into a net and wants to sync channel data.
// we should send our mode changes for the channel here to ensure that other servers
// know whos +q/+a on the channel.
CUList* cl = chan->GetUsers();
string_list commands;
std::string founder = "cm_founder_"+std::string(chan->name);
std::string protect = "cm_protect_"+std::string(chan->name);
irc::modestacker modestack(true);
std::deque<std::string> stackresult;
for (CUList::iterator i = cl->begin(); i != cl->end(); i++)
if (i->first->GetExt(founder,dummyptr))
if (i->first->GetExt(protect,dummyptr))
while (modestack.GetStackedLine(stackresult))
irc::stringjoiner mode_join(" ", stackresult, 0, stackresult.size() - 1);
std::string line = mode_join.GetJoined();
proto->ProtoSendMode(opaque,TYPE_CHANNEL,chan, line);