require 'rake' require 'rake/gempackagetask' task :default => [:buildext] rule '.1' => ['.xml'] do |t| sh "xsltproc -nonet -o #{} /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/xsl/nwalsh/manpages/docbook.xsl #{t.source}" end task :manpages => ['man/rbot.1', 'man/rbot-remote.1'] SPECFILE = 'rbot.gemspec' # The Rakefile is also used after installing the gem, to build # the .mo files. Since in this case the SPECFILE is not available, # we must (and can) skip defining the gem packaging tasks. if File.exist? SPECFILE spec = eval(, nil, SPECFILE) do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = true pkg.need_tar = true end end # normalize a po/pot file def normalize_po(fn) content = # sort the messages by file location if MSGCAT sorted = `#{MSGCAT} --width=79 --sort-by-file #{fn}` if sorted != content content = sorted modified = true end end # replace project-id-version placholder modified |= content.sub!(/^("Project-Id-Version: )PACKAGE VERSION(\\n")$/) { "#{$1}rbot#{$2}" } if modified, 'w') {|f| f.write content} end end PLUGIN_FILES = FileList['data/rbot/plugins/**/*.rb'] NON_PLUGIN_FILES = FileList["{lib,bin,data}/**/*.{rb,rhtml}"] - PLUGIN_FILES # this task defines how po files and pot files are made. those rules are not defined # normally because po and pot files should be only updated in the updatepo task, # but po files are also prereqs for makemo task :define_po_rules do # generate pot file from rb files rgettext_proc = proc do |t| require 'gettext/utils' source_files, pot_file = t.prerequisites, new_pot_file = "#{pot_file}.new" puts "#{source_files.join(', ')} => #{pot_file}" GetText.rgettext(source_files, new_pot_file) # only use the new pot file if it contains unique messages if File.exists?(pot_file) && MSGCOMM && `#{MSGCOMM} --unique #{pot_file} #{new_pot_file}`.empty? rm new_pot_file else mv new_pot_file, pot_file end normalize_po(pot_file) # save all this work until rb files are updated again touch pot_file end # generate pot file for non-plugin files file('po/rbot.pot' => NON_PLUGIN_FILES, &rgettext_proc) # generate pot files for plugin files rule(%r'^po/.+\.pot$' => proc {|fn| {|f| f.pathmap('rbot-%n') == fn.pathmap('%n')} }, &rgettext_proc) # map the po file to its source pot file pot_for_po = proc {|fn| fn.pathmap '%{^po/.+/,po/}X.pot'} # update po file from pot file msgmerge_proc = proc do |t| require 'gettext/utils' po_file, pot_file =, t.source puts "#{pot_file} => #{po_file}" if File.exists? po_file sh "#{MSGMERGE} --backup=off --update #{po_file} #{pot_file}" elsif MSGINIT locale = po_file[%r'^po/(.+)/.+\.po$', 1] sh "#{MSGINIT} --locale=#{locale} --no-translator --input=#{pot_file} --output-file=#{po_file}" else warn "#{po_file} is missing and cannot be generated without msginit" next end normalize_po(po_file) touch po_file end # generate English po files file(%r'^po/en/.+\.po$' => pot_for_po) do |t| po_file, pot_file =, t.source if MSGEN sh "#{MSGEN} --output-file=#{po_file} #{pot_file}" normalize_po(po_file) touch po_file else t end end # update po files rule(%r'^po/.+/.+\.po$' => pot_for_po, &msgmerge_proc) end # generate mo files rule(%r'^data/locale/.+/LC_MESSAGES/.+\.mo$' => proc {|fn| [ fn.pathmap('%{^data/locale,po;LC_MESSAGES/,}X.po'), # the directory is created if not existing fn.pathmap('%d') ] }) do |t| po_file, mo_file = t.source, puts "#{po_file} => #{mo_file}" require 'gettext/utils' GetText.rmsgfmt po_file, mo_file end task :check_po_tools do have = {} po_tools = { 'msgmerge' => { :options => %w[--backup= --update], :message => 'Cannot update po files' }, 'msginit' => { :options => %w[--locale= --no-translator --input= --output-file=], :message => 'Cannot generate missing po files' }, 'msgcomm' => { :options => %w[--unique], :message => 'Pot files may be modified even without message change' }, 'msgen' => { :options => %w[--output-file], :message => 'English po files will not be generated' }, 'msgcat' => { :options => %w[--width= --sort-by-file], :message => 'Pot files will not be normalized' } } po_tools.each_pair do |command, value| path = ENV["#{command.upcase}_PATH"] || command have_it = have[command] = value[:options].all? do |option| `#{path} --help`.include? option end Object.const_set(command.upcase, have_it ? path : false) warn "#{command} not found. #{value[:message]}" unless have_it end abort unless MSGMERGE end PLUGIN_BASENAMES = {|f| f.pathmap('%n')} LOCALES = FileList['po/*/'].map {|d| d.pathmap('%n')} LOCALES.each do |l| directory "data/locale/#{l}/LC_MESSAGES" end desc 'Update po files' task :updatepo => [:define_po_rules, :check_po_tools] + {|l| ["po/#{l}/rbot.po"] + {|n| "po/#{l}/rbot-#{n}.po"} }.flatten desc 'Normalize po files' task :normalizepo => :check_po_tools do FileList['po/*/*.po'].each {|fn| normalize_po(fn)} end # this task invokes makemo if ruby-gettext is available, but otherwise succeeds # with a warning instead of failing. it is to be used by Gem's extension builder # to make installation not fail because of lack of ruby-gettext task :buildext do begin require 'gettext/utils' Rake::Task[:makemo].invoke rescue LoadError warn 'Ruby-gettext cannot be located, so mo files cannot be built and installed' end end desc 'Generate mo files' task :makemo => FileList['po/*/*.po'].pathmap('%{^po,data/locale}d/LC_MESSAGES/')