require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rake/gempackagetask' task :default => [:repackage] spec = do |s| = 'rbot' s.version = '0.9.11' s.summary = <<-EOF A modular ruby IRC bot. EOF s.description = <<-EOF A modular ruby IRC bot specifically designed for ease of extension via plugins. EOF s.requirements << 'Ruby, version 1.8.0 (or newer)' # s.files = Dir.glob("**/*").delete_if { |item| item.include?(".svn") } s.files = FileList['lib/**/*.rb', 'bin/*', 'data/**/*', 'AUTHORS', 'COPYING', 'README', 'REQUIREMENTS', 'TODO', 'ChangeLog', 'INSTALL', 'Usage_en.txt', 'setup.rb'].to_a.delete_if {|item| item == ".svn"} s.executables << 'rbot' # s.autorequire = 'rbot/ircbot' s.has_rdoc = true s.rdoc_options = ['--exclude', 'post-install.rb', '--title', 'rbot API Documentation', '--main', 'README', 'README'] = 'Tom Gilbert' = '' s.homepage = '' s.rubyforge_project = 'rbot' end do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = true pkg.need_tar = true end desc "Update pot/po files." task :updatepo do # ruby-gettext treats empty output from msgmerge as error, causing this task to # fail. we provide a wrapper to work around it. see bin/msgmerge-wrapper.rb for # details ENV['REAL_MSGMERGE_PATH'] = ENV['MSGMERGE_PATH'] ENV['MSGMERGE_PATH'] = 'bin/msgmerge-wrapper.rb' require 'gettext/utils' plugin_files = Dir.glob('data/rbot/plugins/**/*.rb') # all except plugin files use the rbot textdomain GetText.update_pofiles("rbot", Dir.glob("{lib,bin,data}/**/*.{rb,rhtml}") - plugin_files, "rbot") # each plugin uses its own textdomain plugin_files.each do |f| basename = File.basename(f, '.rb') GetText.update_pofiles("rbot-#{basename}", f, 'rbot') end end desc "Create mo-files" task :makemo do require 'gettext/utils' GetText.create_mofiles(true) end