class AutoOP < Plugin Config.register'autoop.on_nick', :default => true, :desc => "Determines if the bot should auto-op when someone changes nick " + "and the new nick matches a listed netmask") Config.register'autoop.seed_format', :default => "*!%{user}@*", :desc => "Hostmask format used when seeding channels. Recognized tokens: " + "nick, user, host") def help(plugin, topic="") return "perform autoop based on hostmask - usage:" + "add [channel channel ...], rm [channel], " + "If you don't specify which channels, all channels are assumed, " + "list - list current ops, " + "restore [channel] - op anybody that would " + "have been opped if they had just joined, " + "seed [channel] - Find current ops and make sure they will " + "continue to be autoopped" end def join(m) return if m.address? @registry.each { |mask,channels| if m.source.matches?(mask.to_irc_netmask(:server => m.server)) && (channels.empty? || channels.include?( @bot.mode(, "+o", m.source.nick) return end } end def nick(m) return if m.address? return unless @bot.config['autoop.on_nick'] is_on = m.server.channels.inject( { |list, ch| list << ch if ch.users.include?(m.source) list } is_on.each { |channel| ch = channel.to_s @registry.each { |mask,channels| if m.source.matches?(mask.to_irc_netmask(:server => m.server)) && (channels.empty? || channels.include?(ch)) @bot.mode(ch, "+o", m.source.nick) return end } } end def add(m, params) if params[:channels].empty? || !@registry.has_key?(params[:mask]) # if the channels parameter is omitted (meaning all channels), or the # hostmask isn't present in the registry, we just (over)write the channels # in the registry @registry[params[:mask]] = params[:channels].dup m.okay else # otherwise, merge the channels with the ones existing in the registry current_channels = @registry[params[:mask]] if current_channels.empty? m.reply "#{params[:mask]} is already being auto-opped on all channels" else # merge the already set channels @registry[params[:mask]] = (params[:channels] | current_channels).uniq m.okay end end end def seed(m, params) chan = params[:channel] if chan == nil if m.public? chan = else m.reply _("Either specify a channel to seed, or ask in public") end end current_ops = { |u| u.is_op?(chan) and u.nick != @bot.nick } netmasks = { |u| @bot.config['autoop.seed_format'] % { :user => u.user, :nick => u.nick, :host => } }.uniq to_add = { |mask| @registry.key?(mask) == false or @registry[mask].empty? == false } if to_add.empty? m.reply _("Nobody to add") return end results = [] to_add.each { |mask| if @registry.key? mask if @registry[mask].include? chan next else current_channels = @registry[mask].dup @registry[mask] = ([chan] | current_channels).uniq results << _("Added #{mask} in #{chan}") end else @registry[mask] = [chan] results << _("Created autoop entry for #{mask} and added #{chan}") end } m.reply results.join ". " end def rm(m, params) unless @registry.has_key?(params[:mask]) m.reply @bot.lang.get('dunno') return end if (!params[:channels].empty? && @registry[params[:mask]] != nil) params[:channels].each do |c| @registry[params[:mask]] = @registry[params[:mask]].reject {|ele| ele =~ /^#{c}$/i} end if @registry[params[:mask]].empty? @registry.delete(params[:mask]) end else @registry.delete(params[:mask]) end m.okay end def list(m, params) debug @registry.length if(@registry.length > 0) @registry.each { |mask,channels| m.reply "#{mask} in #{channels.empty? ? 'all channels' : channels.join(', ')}" } else m.reply "No entries" end end def restore(m, params) chan = params[:channel] if chan == nil if m.public? chan = else m.reply _("Either specify a channel to restore, or ask in public") end end current_non_ops = { |u| u.is_op?(chan) == nil and u.nick != @bot.nick } @registry.each { |mask,channels| if channels.empty? || channels.include?(chan) current_non_ops.each { |victim| if victim.matches?(mask.to_irc_netmask(:server => m.server)) @bot.mode(chan, "+o", victim) end } end } end end plugin = 'autoop list', :action => 'list' 'autoop add :mask [*channels]', :action => 'add' 'autoop rm :mask [*channels]', :action => 'rm' 'autoop seed [:channel]', :action => 'seed' 'autoop restore [:channel]', :action => 'restore' plugin.default_auth('*',false)