class RemindPlugin < Plugin # read a time in string format, turn it into "seconds from now". # example formats handled are "5 minutes", "2 days", "five hours", # "11:30", "15:45:11", "one day", etc. # # Throws:: RunTimeError "invalid time string" on parse failure def timestr_offset(timestr) case timestr when (/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) mult = $1 unit = $2 if(mult =~ /^([\d.]+)$/) num = $1.to_f raise "invalid time string" unless num else case mult when(/^(one|an|a)$/) num = 1 when(/^two$/) num = 2 when(/^three$/) num = 3 when(/^four$/) num = 4 when(/^five$/) num = 5 when(/^six$/) num = 6 when(/^seven$/) num = 7 when(/^eight$/) num = 8 when(/^nine$/) num = 9 when(/^ten$/) num = 10 when(/^fifteen$/) num = 15 when(/^twenty$/) num = 20 when(/^thirty$/) num = 30 when(/^sixty$/) num = 60 else raise "invalid time string" end end case unit when (/^(s|sec(ond)?s?)$/) return num when (/^(m|min(ute)?s?)$/) return num * 60 when (/^(h|h(ou)?rs?)$/) return num * 60 * 60 when (/^(d|days?)$/) return num * 60 * 60 * 24 else raise "invalid time string" end when (/^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/) hour = $1.to_i min = $2.to_i sec = $3.to_i now = later = Time.mktime(now.year, now.month,, hour, min, sec) return later - now when (/^(\d+):(\d+)$/) hour = $1.to_i min = $2.to_i now = later = Time.mktime(now.year, now.month,, hour, min, now.sec) return later - now when (/^(\d+):(\d+)(am|pm)$/) hour = $1.to_i min = $2.to_i ampm = $3 if ampm == "pm" hour += 12 end now = later = Time.mktime(now.year, now.month,, hour, min, now.sec) return later - now when (/^(\S+)$/) num = 1 unit = $1 case unit when (/^(s|sec(ond)?s?)$/) return num when (/^(m|min(ute)?s?)$/) return num * 60 when (/^(h|h(ou)?rs?)$/) return num * 60 * 60 when (/^(d|days?)$/) return num * 60 * 60 * 24 else raise "invalid time string" end else raise "invalid time string" end end def initialize super @reminders = end def cleanup @reminders.each_value {|v| v.each_value {|vv| @bot.timer.remove(vv) } } @reminders.clear end def help(plugin, topic="") "reminder plugin: remind <who> [about] <message> in <time>, remind <who> [about] <message> every <time>, remind <who> [about] <message> at <time>, remind <who> no more [about] <message>, remind <who> no more. Generally <who> should be 'me', but you can remind others (nick or channel) if you have remind_others auth" end def add_reminder(who, subject, timestr, repeat=false) begin period = timestr_offset(timestr) rescue RuntimeError return "couldn't parse that time string (#{timestr}) :(" end if(period <= 0) return "that time is in the past! (#{timestr})" end if(period < 30 && repeat) return "repeats of less than 30 seconds are forbidden" end if(!@reminders.has_key?(who)) @reminders[who] = elsif(@reminders[who].has_key?(subject)) del_reminder(who, subject) end if(repeat) @reminders[who][subject] = @bot.timer.add(period) { tstr = ( + period).strftime("%H:%M:%S") @bot.say who, "repeat reminder (next at #{tstr}): #{subject}" } else @reminders[who][subject] = @bot.timer.add_once(period) { tstr ="%H:%M:%S") @bot.say who, "reminder (#{tstr}): #{subject}" } end return false end def del_reminder(who, subject=nil) if(subject) if(@reminders.has_key?(who) && @reminders[who].has_key?(subject)) @bot.timer.remove(@reminders[who][subject]) @reminders[who].delete(subject) return true else return false end else if(@reminders.has_key?(who)) @reminders[who].each_value {|v| @bot.timer.remove(v) } @reminders.delete(who) return true else return false end end end def remind(m, params) who = params.has_key?(:who) ? params[:who] : m.sourcenick string = params[:string].to_s debug "in remind, string is: #{string}" if(string =~ /^(.*)\s+in\s+(.*)$/) subject = $1 period = $2 if(err = add_reminder(who, subject, period)) m.reply "incorrect usage: " + err return end elsif(string =~ /^(.*)\s+every\s+(.*)$/) subject = $1 period = $2 if(err = add_reminder(who, subject, period, true)) m.reply "incorrect usage: " + err return end elsif(string =~ /^(.*)\s+at\s+(.*)$/) subject = $1 time = $2 if(err = add_reminder(who, subject, time)) m.reply "incorrect usage: " + err return end else usage(m) return end m.okay end def no_more(m, params) who = params.has_key?(:who) ? params[:who] : m.sourcenick deleted = params.has_key?(:string) ? del_reminder(who, params[:string].to_s) : del_reminder(who) if deleted m.okay else m.reply "but I wasn't going to :/" end end end plugin = plugin.default_auth('other', false) 'remind me no more', :action => 'no_more' 'remind me no more [about] *string', :action => 'no_more' 'remind me [about] *string' 'remind :who no more', :auth_path => 'other', :action => 'no_more' 'remind :who no more [about] *string', :auth_path => 'other', :action => 'no_more' 'remind :who [about] *string', :auth_path => 'other'