class UrbanPlugin < Plugin URBAN = '' def help( plugin, topic="") "urban [word] [n]: give the [n]th definition of [word] from urbanday: give the word-of-the-day at urban" end def get_def(m, word, n = nil) n = n.to_i if n u = URBAN + CGI.escape(word) u += '&skip=' + n.to_s if n s = @bot.httputil.get(u) notfound = s.match %r{
.*?300) + " " + "#{a4}".ircify_html(:limit => 100) ) unless (n && n != a1.to_i) || rv.size >= 3 end if notfound if rv.empty? m.reply "#{word} not found" else m.reply "#{word} not found. maybe you mean:" rv.each { |s| m.reply s } end else rv.each { |s| m.reply s } end end def urban(m, params) words = params[:words].to_s if words.empty? resp = @bot.httputil.head('', :max_redir => -1, :cache => false) if resp.code == "302" && (loc = resp['location']) words = URI.unescape(loc.match(/define.php\?term=(.*)$/)[1]) rescue nil end end get_def(m, words, params[:n]) end def uotd(m, params) home = @bot.httputil.get("") if home.nil? m.reply "Couldn't get the urban dictionary word of the day" return end home.match(%r{href="/define.php\?term=.*?">(.*?)<}) wotd = $1 debug "Urban word of the day: #{wotd}" if !wotd m.reply "Couldn't get the urban dictionary word of the day" return end get_def(m, wotd, 1) end end plugin = "urban *words :n", :requirements => { :n => /^-?\d+$/ }, :action => 'urban' "urban [*words]", :action => 'urban' "urbanday", :action => 'uotd'