$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib') module Irc class Bot module Config @@datadir = File.expand_path(File.dirname($0) + '/../data/rbot') @@coredir = File.expand_path(File.dirname($0) + '/../lib/rbot/core') end end end require 'test/unit' require 'rbot/ircbot' require 'rbot/journal' require 'benchmark' DAY=60*60*24 class JournalMessageTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Irc::Bot::Journal def test_get m = JournalMessage.create('foo', {'bar': 42, 'baz': nil, 'qux': {'quxx': 23}}) assert_equal(42, m.get('bar')) assert_raise ArgumentError do m.get('nope') end assert_nil(m.get('nope', nil)) assert_nil(m.get('baz')) assert_equal(23, m['qux.quxx']) assert_equal(nil, m['qux.nope']) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { m.get('qux.nope') } end end class QueryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Irc::Bot::Journal def test_define q = Query.define do id 'foo' id 'bar', 'baz' topic 'log.irc.*' topic 'log.core', 'baz' timestamp from: Time.now, to: Time.now + 60 * 10 payload 'action': :privmsg, 'alice': 'bob' payload 'channel': '#rbot' payload 'foo.bar': 'baz' end assert_equal(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], q.id) assert_equal(['log.irc.*', 'log.core', 'baz'], q.topic) assert_equal([:from, :to], q.timestamp.keys) assert_equal(Time, q.timestamp[:to].class) assert_equal(Time, q.timestamp[:from].class) assert_equal({ 'action': :privmsg, 'alice': 'bob', 'channel': '#rbot', 'foo.bar': 'baz' }, q.payload) end def test_topic_matches q = Query.define do topic 'foo' end assert_true(q.topic_matches?('foo')) assert_false(q.topic_matches?('bar')) assert_false(q.topic_matches?('foo.bar')) q = Query.define do topic 'foo.bar' end assert_false(q.topic_matches?('foo')) assert_false(q.topic_matches?('bar')) assert_true(q.topic_matches?('foo.bar')) q = Query.define do topic 'foo.*' end assert_false(q.topic_matches?('foo')) assert_false(q.topic_matches?('bar')) assert_true(q.topic_matches?('foo.bar')) assert_true(q.topic_matches?('foo.baz')) q = Query.define do topic '*.bar' end assert_false(q.topic_matches?('foo')) assert_false(q.topic_matches?('bar')) assert_true(q.topic_matches?('foo.bar')) assert_true(q.topic_matches?('bar.bar')) assert_false(q.topic_matches?('foo.foo')) q = Query.define do topic '*.*' end assert_false(q.topic_matches?('foo')) assert_true(q.topic_matches?('foo.bar')) q = Query.define do topic 'foo' topic 'bar' topic 'baz.alice.bob.*.foo' end assert_true(q.topic_matches?('foo')) assert_true(q.topic_matches?('bar')) assert_true(q.topic_matches?('baz.alice.bob.asdf.foo')) assert_false(q.topic_matches?('baz.alice.bob..foo')) end def test_matches q = Query.define do #id 'foo', 'bar' topic 'log.irc.*', 'log.core' timestamp from: Time.now - DAY, to: Time.now + DAY payload 'action': 'privmsg', 'foo.bar': 'baz' end assert_true(q.matches? JournalMessage.create('log.irc.raw', {'action' => 'privmsg'})) assert_false(q.matches? JournalMessage.create('baz', {})) assert_true(q.matches? JournalMessage.create('log.core', {foo: {bar: 'baz'}})) # tests timestamp from/to: assert_true(q.matches? JournalMessage.new( id: 'foo', topic: 'log.core', timestamp: Time.now, payload: {action: 'privmsg'})) assert_false(q.matches? JournalMessage.new( id: 'foo', topic: 'log.core', timestamp: Time.now - DAY*3, payload: {action: 'privmsg'})) assert_false(q.matches? JournalMessage.new( id: 'foo', topic: 'log.core', timestamp: Time.now + DAY*3, payload: {action: 'privmsg'})) end end class JournalBrokerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Irc::Bot::Journal def test_publish received = [] journal = JournalBroker.new(consumer: Proc.new { |message| received << message }) # publish some messages: journal.publish 'log.irc', source: 'alice', message: '<3 pg' journal.publish 'log.irc', source: 'bob', message: 'mysql > pg' journal.publish 'log.irc', source: 'alice', target: 'bob', action: :kick # wait for messages to be consumed: sleep 0.1 assert_equal(3, received.length) end def test_subscribe received = [] journal = JournalBroker.new # subscribe to messages for topic foo: sub = journal.subscribe('foo') do |message| received << message end # publish some messages: journal.publish 'foo', {} journal.publish 'bar', {} journal.publish 'foo', {} # wait for messages to be consumed: sleep 0.1 assert_equal(2, received.length) received.clear journal.publish 'foo', {} sleep 0.1 sub.cancel journal.publish 'foo', {} sleep 0.1 assert_equal(1, received.length) end end module JournalStorageTestMixin include Irc::Bot::Journal def teardown @storage.drop end def test_operations # insertion m = JournalMessage.create('log.core', {foo: {bar: 'baz', qux: 42}}) @storage.insert(m) # query by id res = @storage.find(Query.define { id m.id }) assert_equal(1, res.length) assert_equal(m, res.first) # check timestamp was returned correctly: assert_equal(m.timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'), res.first.timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')) # check if payload was returned correctly: assert_equal({'foo' => {'bar' => 'baz', 'qux' => 42}}, res.first.payload) # query by topic assert_equal(m, @storage.find(Query.define { topic('log.core') }).first) assert_equal(m, @storage.find(Query.define { topic('log.*') }).first) assert_equal(m, @storage.find(Query.define { topic('*.*') }).first) # query by timestamp range assert_equal(1, @storage.find(Query.define { timestamp(from: Time.now-DAY, to: Time.now+DAY) }).length) assert_equal(0, @storage.find(Query.define { timestamp(from: Time.now-DAY*2, to: Time.now-DAY) }).length) # query by payload res = @storage.find(Query.define { payload('foo.bar' => 'baz') }) assert_equal(m, res.first) res = @storage.find(Query.define { payload('foo.bar' => 'x') }) assert_true(res.empty?) # without arguments: find and count assert_equal(1, @storage.count) assert_equal(m, @storage.find.first) end def test_find # tests limit/offset and block parameters of find() @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('irclogs', {message: 'foo'})) @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('irclogs', {message: 'bar'})) @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('irclogs', {message: 'baz'})) @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('irclogs', {message: 'qux'})) msgs = [] @storage.find(Query.define({topic: 'irclogs'}), 2, 1) do |m| msgs << m end assert_equal(2, msgs.length) assert_equal('bar', msgs.first['message']) assert_equal('baz', msgs.last['message']) msgs = [] @storage.find(Query.define({topic: 'irclogs'})) do |m| msgs << m end assert_equal(4, msgs.length) assert_equal('foo', msgs.first['message']) assert_equal('qux', msgs.last['message']) end def test_operations_multiple # test operations on multiple messages # insert a bunch: @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('test.topic', {name: 'one'})) @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('test.topic', {name: 'two'})) @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('test.topic', {name: 'three'})) @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('archived.topic', {name: 'four'}, timestamp: Time.now - DAY*100)) @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('complex', {name: 'five', country: { name: 'Italy' }})) @storage.insert(JournalMessage.create('complex', {name: 'six', country: { name: 'Austria' }})) # query by topic assert_equal(3, @storage.find(Query.define { topic 'test.*' }).length) # query by payload assert_equal(1, @storage.find(Query.define { payload('country.name' => 'Austria') }).length) # query by timestamp range assert_equal(1, @storage.find(Query.define { timestamp(from: Time.now - DAY*150, to: Time.now - DAY*50) }).length) # count with query assert_equal(2, @storage.count(Query.define { topic('complex') })) assert_equal(6, @storage.count) @storage.remove(Query.define { topic('archived.*') }) assert_equal(5, @storage.count) @storage.remove assert_equal(0, @storage.count) end def test_broker_interface journal = JournalBroker.new(storage: @storage) journal.publish 'irclogs', message: 'foo' journal.publish 'irclogs', message: 'bar' journal.publish 'irclogs', message: 'baz' journal.publish 'irclogs', message: 'qux' # wait for messages to be consumed: sleep 0.1 msgs = [] journal.find({topic: 'irclogs'}, 2, 1) do |m| msgs << m end assert_equal(2, msgs.length) assert_equal('bar', msgs.first['message']) assert_equal('baz', msgs.last['message']) journal.ensure_payload_index('foo.bar.baz') end NUM=100 # 1_000_000 def test_benchmark puts assert_equal(0, @storage.count) # prepare messages to insert, we benchmark the storage backend not ruby num = 0 messages = (0...NUM).map do num += 1 JournalMessage.create( 'test.topic.num_'+num.to_s, {answer: {number: '42', word: 'forty-two'}}) end # iter is the number of operations performed WITHIN block def benchmark(label, iter, &block) time = Benchmark.realtime do yield end puts label + ' %d iterations, duration: %.3fms (%.3fms / iteration)' % [iter, time*1000, (time*1000) / iter] end benchmark(@storage.class.to_s+'~insert', messages.length) do messages.each { |m| @storage.insert(m) } end benchmark(@storage.class.to_s+'~find_by_id', messages.length) do messages.each { |m| @storage.find(Query.define { id m.id }) } end benchmark(@storage.class.to_s+'~find_by_topic', messages.length) do messages.each { |m| @storage.find(Query.define { topic m.topic }) } end benchmark(@storage.class.to_s+'~find_by_topic_wildcard', messages.length) do messages.each { |m| @storage.find(Query.define { topic m.topic.gsub('topic', '*') }) } end end end begin require 'rbot/journal/postgres.rb' if ENV['PG_URI'] class JournalStoragePostgresTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include JournalStorageTestMixin def setup @storage = Storage::PostgresStorage.new( uri: ENV['PG_URI'] || 'postgresql://localhost/rbot_journal', drop: true) end def test_query_to_sql q = Query.define do id 'foo' id 'bar', 'baz' topic 'log.irc.*' topic 'log.core', 'baz' timestamp from: Time.now, to: Time.now + 60 * 10 payload 'action': :privmsg, 'alice': 'bob' payload 'channel': '#rbot' payload 'foo.bar': 'baz' end sql = @storage.query_to_sql(q) assert_equal("(id = $1 OR id = $2 OR id = $3) AND (topic ILIKE $4 OR topic ILIKE $5 OR topic ILIKE $6) AND (timestamp >= $7 AND timestamp <= $8) AND (payload->>'action' = $9 OR payload->>'alice' = $10 OR payload->>'channel' = $11 OR payload->'foo'->>'bar' = $12)", sql[0]) q = Query.define do id 'foo' end assert_equal('(id = $1)', @storage.query_to_sql(q)[0]) q = Query.define do topic 'foo.*.bar' end assert_equal('(topic ILIKE $1)', @storage.query_to_sql(q)[0]) assert_equal(['foo.%.bar'], @storage.query_to_sql(q)[1]) end end else puts 'NOTE: Set PG_URI environment variable to test postgresql storage.' end rescue Exception; end begin require 'rbot/journal/mongo.rb' if ENV['MONGO_URI'] class JournalStorageMongoTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include JournalStorageTestMixin def setup @storage = Storage::MongoStorage.new( uri: ENV['MONGO_URI'] || 'mongodb://', drop: true) end end else puts 'NOTE: Set MONGO_URI environment variable to test postgresql storage.' end rescue Exception; end