1 /* +------------------------------------+
2 * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
3 * +------------------------------------+
5 * InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2008 InspIRCd Development Team
6 * See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits
8 * This program is free but copyrighted software; see
9 * the file COPYING for details.
11 * ---------------------------------------------------
17 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
22 #include "inspircd_win32wrapper.h"
28 void WriteCompileModules();
29 void WriteCompileCommands();
33 /* detects if we are running windows xp or higher (5.1) */
37 vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
39 if(vi.dwMajorVersion >= 5)
45 int get_int_option(const char * text, int def)
47 static char buffer[500];
49 printf_c("%s\n[\033[1;32m%u\033[0m] -> ", text, def);
50 fgets(buffer, 500, stdin);
51 if(sscanf(buffer, "%u", &ret) != 1)
58 bool get_bool_option(const char * text, bool def)
60 static char buffer[500];
62 printf_c("%s [\033[1;32m%c\033[0m] -> ", text, def ? 'y' : 'n');
63 fgets(buffer, 500, stdin);
64 if(sscanf(buffer, "%s", ret) != 1)
65 strcpy(ret, def ? "y" : "n");
68 return !strncmp(ret, "y", 1);
71 void get_string_option(const char * text, char * def, char * buf)
73 static char buffer[500];
75 printf_c("%s\n[\033[1;32m%s\033[0m] -> ", text, def);
77 printf_c("%s\n[] -> ", text);
78 fgets(buffer, 500, stdin);
79 if(sscanf(buffer, "%s", buf) != 1)
85 // escapes a string for use in a c++ file
86 bool escape_string(char * str, size_t size)
88 size_t len = strlen(str);
89 char * d_str = (char*)malloc(len * 2);
120 /* gets the svn revision */
121 int get_svn_revision(char * buffer, size_t len)
123 /* again.. I am lazy :p cbf to pipe output of svn info to us, so i'll just read the file */
133 FILE * f = fopen("..\\.svn\\entries", "r");
136 for (int q = 0; q < 4; ++q)
140 sprintf(buffer, "%u", rev);
147 int __stdcall WinMain(IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, IN LPSTR lpCmdLine, IN int nShowCmd )
149 if (!strcmp(lpCmdLine, "/rebase"))
154 FILE * j = fopen("inspircd_config.h", "r");
157 if (MessageBox(0, "inspircd_config.h already exists. Remove it and build from clean?", "Configure program", MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2) != IDYES)
166 // pipe standard handles to this console
167 freopen("CONIN$", "r", stdin);
168 freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout);
169 freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr);
179 printf_c("\nWelcome to the \033[1mInspIRCd\033[0m Configuration program! (\033[1minteractive mode\033[0m)\n"
180 "\033[1mPackage maintainers: Type ./configure --help for non-interactive help\033[0m\n\n");
181 printf_c("*** If you are unsure of any of these values, leave it blank for ***\n"
182 "*** standard settings that will work, and your server will run ***\n"
183 "*** using them. Please consult your IRC network admin if in doubt. ***\n\n"
184 "Press \033[1m<RETURN>\033[0m to accept the default for any option, or enter\n"
185 "a new value. Please note: You will \033[1mHAVE\033[0m to read the docs\n"
186 "dir, otherwise you won't have a config file!\n\n");
192 bool use_iocp = false;
193 bool support_ip6links = true;
194 bool use_openssl = false;
196 char mod_path[MAX_PATH];
197 char config_file[MAX_PATH];
198 char library_dir[MAX_PATH];
199 char base_path[MAX_PATH];
200 char bin_dir[MAX_PATH];
201 char revision_text[MAX_PATH];
202 char openssl_inc_path[MAX_PATH];
203 char openssl_lib_path[MAX_PATH];
204 int revision = get_svn_revision(revision_text, MAX_PATH);
208 FILE * fI = fopen("..\\src\\version.sh", "r");
211 fgets(version, 514, fI);
212 fgets(version, 514, fI);
225 strcpy(version, "InspIRCD-Unknown");
227 printf_c("Your operating system is: \033[1;32mwindows_x64 \033[0m\n");
229 printf_c("Your operating system is: \033[1;32mwindows_x32 \033[0m\n");
231 printf_c("InspIRCd revision ID: \033[1;32m%s \033[0m\n\n", revision ? revision_text : "(Non-SVN build)");
236 printf_c("You are running Windows 2000 or above, and IOCP support is most likely available.\n"
237 "Thisis much more efficent but is currently EXPERIMENTAL and UNSUPPORTED.\n"
238 "If you are unsure, answer no.\n\n");
240 use_iocp = get_bool_option("Do you want to use the IOCP implementation?", false);
243 ipv6 = get_bool_option("Do you want to enable IPv6?", false);
246 support_ip6links = get_bool_option("\nYou have chosen to build an \033[1;32mIPV4-only\033[0m server.\nWould you like to enable support for linking to IPV6-enabled InspIRCd servers?\nIf you are using a recent operating system and are unsure, answer yes.\nIf you answer 'no' here, your InspIRCd server will be unable\nto parse IPV6 addresses (e.g. for CIDR bans)", true);
248 support_ip6links = true;
250 printf_c("\033[1mAll paths are relative to the binary directory.\033[0m\n");
251 get_string_option("In what directory do you wish to install the InspIRCd base?", "..", base_path);
252 get_string_option("In what directory are the configuration files?", "../conf", config_file);
253 get_string_option("In what directory are the modules to be compiled to?", "../modules", mod_path);
254 get_string_option("In what directory is the IRCd binary to be placed?", ".", bin_dir);
255 get_string_option("In what directory are the IRCd libraries to be placed?", "../lib", library_dir);
257 // NOTE: this may seem hackish (generating a batch build script), but it assures the user knows
258 // what they're doing, and we don't have to mess with copying files and changing around modules.mak
259 // for the extra libraries. --fez
260 // in case it exists, remove old m_ssl_openssl.cpp
261 remove("..\\src\\modules\\m_ssl_openssl.cpp");
262 printf_c("You can compile InspIRCd modules that add OpenSSL or GnuTLS support for SSL functionality.\n"
263 "To do so you will need the appropriate link libraries and header files on your system.\n");
264 use_openssl = get_bool_option("Would you like to compile the IRCd with OpenSSL support?", false);
267 get_string_option("Please enter the full path to your OpenSSL include directory\n"
268 "(e.g., C:\\openssl\\include, but NOT the openssl subdirectory under include\\)\n"
269 "(also, path should not end in '\\')",
270 "C:\\openssl\\include", openssl_inc_path);
272 // NOTE: if inspircd ever changes so that it compiles with /MT instead of the /MTd switch, then
273 // the dependency on libeay32mtd.lib and ssleay32mtd.lib will change to just libeay32.lib and
274 // ssleay32.lib. --fez
276 get_string_option("Please enter the full path to your OpenSSL library directory\n"
277 "(e.g., C:\\openssl\\lib, which should contain libeay32mtd.lib and ssleay32mtd.lib)",
278 "C:\\openssl\\lib", openssl_lib_path);
281 FILE *fp = fopen("compile_openssl.bat", "w");
282 fprintf(fp, "@echo off\n");
283 fprintf(fp, "echo This batch script compiles m_ssl_openssl for InspIRCd.\n");
284 fprintf(fp, "echo NOTE: this batch file should be invoked from the Visual Studio Command Prompt (vsvars32.bat)\n");
285 fprintf(fp, "set OPENSSL_INC_PATH=\"%s\"\n", openssl_inc_path);
286 fprintf(fp, "set OPENSSL_LIB_PATH=\"%s\"\n", openssl_lib_path);
287 fprintf(fp, "set COMPILE=cl /nologo -Dssize_t=long /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/modules\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /EHsc /Gm /MD /Fo\"Release/\" /Fd\"Release/vc70.pdb\" /W2 /Wp64 /Zi /TP /I %%OPENSSL_INC_PATH%% m_ssl_openssl.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp %%OPENSSL_INC_PATH%%\\openssl\\applink.c /link /LIBPATH:%%OPENSSL_LIB_PATH%% ..\\..\\bin\\release\\bin\\inspircd.lib ws2_32.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\m_ssl_openssl.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\m_ssl_openssl.pdb\" /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\m_ssl_openssl.lib\"\n");
288 fprintf(fp, "cd ..\\src\\modules\n");
289 fprintf(fp, "copy extra\\m_ssl_openssl.cpp .\n");
290 fprintf(fp, "echo \t%%COMPILE%%\n");
291 fprintf(fp, "%%COMPILE%%\n");
292 fprintf(fp, "cd ..\\..\\win\n");
293 fprintf(fp, "echo done... now check for errors.\n");
296 printf_c("\033[1;32m!!!NOTICE!!! The file 'compile_openssl.bat' has been written to your 'win' directory. Launch it\n"
297 "!!! from the Visual Studio Command Prompt !!! to compile the m_ssl_openssl module.\n"
298 "Wait until after compiling inspircd to run it.\n"
299 "Also, ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll will be required for the IRCd to run.\033[0m\n");
302 printf_c("\n\033[1;32mPre-build configuration is complete!\n\n"); sc(TNORMAL);
306 // dump all the options back out
307 printf_c("\033[0mBase install path:\033[1;32m %s\n", base_path);
308 printf_c("\033[0mConfig path:\033[1;32m %s\n", config_file);
309 printf_c("\033[0mModule path:\033[1;32m %s\n", mod_path);
310 printf_c("\033[0mLibrary path:\033[1;32m %s\n", library_dir);
311 printf_c("\033[0mSocket Engine:\033[1;32m %s\n", use_iocp ? "iocp" : "select");
313 printf("\n"); sc(TNORMAL);
314 if(get_bool_option("Are these settings correct?", true) == false)
322 escape_string(config_file, MAX_PATH);
323 escape_string(mod_path, MAX_PATH);
324 escape_string(library_dir, MAX_PATH);
326 printf("\nWriting inspircd_config.h...");
327 FILE * f = fopen("inspircd_config.h", "w");
328 fprintf(f, "/* Auto generated by configure, do not modify! */\n");
329 fprintf(f, "#ifndef __CONFIGURATION_AUTO__\n");
330 fprintf(f, "#define __CONFIGURATION_AUTO__\n\n");
332 fprintf(f, "#define CONFIG_USE_IOCP 1\n\n");
334 fprintf(f, "#define IPV6 1\n\n");
336 fprintf(f, "#define CONFIG_FILE \"%s/inspircd.conf\"\n", config_file);
337 fprintf(f, "#define MOD_PATH \"%s\"\n", mod_path);
338 fprintf(f, "#define SOMAXCONN_S \"128\"\n");
339 fprintf(f, "#define LIBRARYDIR \"%s\"\n", library_dir);
340 fprintf(f, "#define VERSION \"%s\"\n", version);
341 fprintf(f, "#define REVISION \"%s\"\n", revision_text);
343 fprintf(f, "#define SUPPORT_IP6LINKS 1\n");
346 vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
349 fprintf(f, "#define SYSTEM \"Windows_x64 %u.%u.%u %s\"\n", vi.dwMajorVersion, vi.dwMinorVersion, vi.dwBuildNumber, vi.szCSDVersion);
351 fprintf(f, "#define SYSTEM \"Windows_x32 %u.%u.%u %s\"\n", vi.dwMajorVersion, vi.dwMinorVersion, vi.dwBuildNumber, vi.szCSDVersion);
353 fprintf(f, "#define MAXBUF 514\n");
355 fprintf(f, "\n#include \"inspircd_win32wrapper.h\"");
356 fprintf(f, "\n#include \"inspircd_namedpipe.h\"");
357 fprintf(f, "\n#include \"threadengines/threadengine_win32.h\"\n\n");
358 fprintf(f, "#endif\n\n");
361 sc(TGREEN); printf(" done\n"); sc(TNORMAL);
362 printf("Writing inspircd_se_config.h...");
364 f = fopen("inspircd_se_config.h", "w");
365 fprintf(f, "/* Auto generated by configure, do not modify or commit to svn! */\n");
366 fprintf(f, "#ifndef __CONFIGURATION_SOCKETENGINE__\n");
367 fprintf(f, "#define __CONFIGURATION_SOCKETENGINE__\n\n");
368 fprintf(f, "#include \"socketengines/socketengine_%s.h\"\n\n", use_iocp ? "iocp" : "select");
369 fprintf(f, "#endif\n\n");
372 sc(TGREEN); printf(" done\n"); sc(TNORMAL);
373 printf("Writing command and module compilation scripts...");
374 WriteCompileCommands();
375 WriteCompileModules();
376 sc(TGREEN); printf(" done\n"); sc(TNORMAL);
378 printf("\nconfigure is done.. exiting!\n");
381 /* Keeps files from modules/extra up to date if theyre copied into modules/ */
387 printf("\nUpdating extra modules in src/modules...\n");
390 HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\src\\modules\\extra\\*.*", &fd);
397 strcpy(dest, "..\\src\\modules\\");
398 strcat(dest, fd.cFileName);
399 strcpy(src, "..\\src\\modules\\extra\\");
400 strcat(src, fd.cFileName);
401 FILE* x = fopen(dest, "r");
405 CopyFile(src, dest, false);
406 sc(TGREEN); printf(" %s", fd.cFileName); sc(TNORMAL);
410 while (FindNextFile(fh, &fd));
427 HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\bin\\debug\\lib\\*.so", &fd);
429 HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\bin\\release\\lib\\*.so", &fd);
437 strcat(dest, " ..\\bin\\debug\\lib\\");
439 strcat(dest, " ..\\bin\\release\\lib\\");
441 strcat(dest, fd.cFileName);
443 while (FindNextFile(fh, &fd));
447 sprintf(command, "rebase.exe -v -b 10000000 -c baseaddr_commands.txt %s", dest);
448 printf("%s\n", command);
452 fh = FindFirstFile("..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\*.so", &fd);
454 fh = FindFirstFile("..\\bin\\release\\modules\\*.so", &fd);
464 strcat(dest, " ..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\");
466 strcat(dest, " ..\\bin\\release\\modules\\");
468 strcat(dest, fd.cFileName);
470 while (FindNextFile(fh, &fd));
472 sprintf(command, "rebase.exe -v -b 11000000 -c baseaddr_modules.txt %s", dest);
473 printf("%s\n", command);
480 void WriteCompileCommands()
482 char commands[300][100];
483 int command_count = 0;
484 printf("\n Finding Command Sources...\n");
486 HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\src\\commands\\cmd_*.cpp", &fd);
488 printf_c("\033[1;32m No command sources could be found! This \033[1m*could*\033[1;32m be a bad thing.. :P\033[0m");
494 strcpy(commands[command_count], fd.cFileName);
495 commands[command_count][strlen(fd.cFileName) - 4] = 0;
496 printf(" %s\n", commands[command_count]);
498 } while(FindNextFile(fh, &fd));
502 // Write our spiffy new makefile :D
503 // I am such a lazy fucker :P
504 FILE * f = fopen("..\\src\\commands\\commands.mak", "w");
506 time_t t = time(NULL);
507 fprintf(f, "# Generated at %s\n", ctime(&t));
508 fprintf(f, "all: makedir ");
510 // dump modules.. first time :)
511 for(int i = 0; i < command_count; ++i)
512 fprintf(f, "%s.so ", commands[i]);
514 fprintf(f, "\n.cpp.obj:\n");
518 fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/commands\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /Gm /RTC1 /MDd /Fo\"Debug/\" /Fd\"Debug/vc70.pdb\" /W2 /Wp64 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\bin\\inspircd.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\lib\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\lib\\$*.pdb\" /MACHINE:X64 /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\lib\\$*.lib\"\n\n");
519 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\debug", NULL);
520 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\debug\\bin", NULL);
521 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\debug\\lib", NULL);
522 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\debug\\modules", NULL);
524 fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/commands\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /EHsc /Gm /GL /MD /Fo\"Release/\" /Fd\"Release/vc70.pdb\" /W2 /Wp64 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\bin\\inspircd.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\lib\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\lib\\$*.pdb\" /MACHINE:X64 /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\lib\\$*.lib\"\n\n");
525 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\release", NULL);
526 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\release\\bin", NULL);
527 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\release\\lib", NULL);
528 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\release\\modules", NULL);
532 fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/commands\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /Gm /RTC1 /MDd /Fo\"Debug/\" /Fd\"Debug/vc70.pdb\" /W2 /Wp64 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\bin\\inspircd.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\lib\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\lib\\$*.pdb\" /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\lib\\$*.lib\"\n\n");
533 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\debug", NULL);
534 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\debug\\bin", NULL);
535 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\debug\\lib", NULL);
536 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\debug\\modules", NULL);
538 fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/commands\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /EHsc /Gm /GL /MD /Fo\"Release/\" /Fd\"Release/vc70.pdb\" /W2 /Wp64 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\release\\bin\\inspircd.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\lib\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\lib\\$*.pdb\" /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\lib\\$*.lib\"\n\n");
539 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\release", NULL);
540 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\release\\bin", NULL);
541 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\release\\lib", NULL);
542 CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\release\\modules", NULL);
547 fprintf(f, "makedir:\n if not exist debug mkdir debug\n if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\lib mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\lib\n\n");
549 fprintf(f, "makedir:\n if not exist release mkdir release\n if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\release\\lib mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\release\\lib\n\n");
552 // dump modules.. again the second and last time :)
553 for(int i = 0; i < command_count; ++i)
554 fprintf(f, "%s.so : %s.obj\n", commands[i], commands[i]);
560 void WriteCompileModules()
562 char modules[300][100];
563 int module_count = 0;
565 printf("Finding Modules...\n");
567 HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\src\\modules\\m_*.cpp", &fd);
569 printf_c("\033[1;32m No module sources could be found! This \033[1m*could*\033[1;32m be a bad thing.. :P\033[0m");
575 strcpy(modules[module_count], fd.cFileName);
576 modules[module_count][strlen(fd.cFileName) - 4] = 0;
577 printf(" %s\n", modules[module_count]);
579 } while(FindNextFile(fh, &fd));
583 // Write our spiffy new makefile :D
584 // I am such a lazy fucker :P
585 FILE * f = fopen("..\\src\\modules\\modules.mak", "w");
587 time_t t = time(NULL);
588 fprintf(f, "# Generated at %s\n", ctime(&t));
589 fprintf(f, "all: makedir ");
591 // dump modules.. first time :)
592 for(int i = 0; i < module_count; ++i)
593 fprintf(f, "%s.so ", modules[i]);
595 fprintf(f, "\n.cpp.obj:\n");
599 fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/modules\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /Gm /RTC1 /MDd /Fo\"Debug/\" /Fd\"Debug/vc70.pdb\" /W2 /Wp64 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\bin\\inspircd.lib ws2_32.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /MACHINE:X64 /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n");
600 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\debug_x64", NULL);
602 fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/modules\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /EHsc /Gm /GL /MD /Fo\"Release/\" /Fd\"Release/vc70.pdb\" /W2 /Wp64 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\bin\\inspircd.lib ws2_32.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /MACHINE:X64 /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n");
603 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\release_x64", NULL);
607 fprintf(f, " cl /nologo -Dssize_t=long /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/modules\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /Gm /RTC1 /MDd /Fo\"Debug/\" /Fd\"Debug/vc70.pdb\" /W2 /Wp64 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\bin\\inspircd.lib ws2_32.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n");
608 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\debug", NULL);
609 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\debug\\lib", NULL);
610 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\debug\\modules", NULL);
611 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\debug\\bin", NULL);
613 fprintf(f, " cl /nologo -Dssize_t=long /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/modules\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /EHsc /Gm /GL /MD /Fo\"Release/\" /Fd\"Release/vc70.pdb\" /W2 /Wp64 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\release\\bin\\inspircd.lib ws2_32.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n");
614 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\release", NULL);
615 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\release\\lib", NULL);
616 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\release\\modules", NULL);
617 CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\release\\bin", NULL);
622 fprintf(f, "makedir:\n if not exist debug mkdir debug\n if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\n\n");
624 fprintf(f, "makedir:\n if not exist release mkdir release\n if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\n\n");
627 // dump modules.. again the second and last time :)
628 for(int i = 0; i < module_count; ++i)
629 fprintf(f, "%s.so : %s.obj\n", modules[i], modules[i]);