# I want my own bins to take precedence PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/usr/bin:$HOME/usr/local/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" # I want sbin executables available PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin # remove duplicates because tmux starts login shells typeset -U path export PATH export DEBEMAIL=deb@henk.geekmail.org #export BROWSER=iceweasel export EDITOR=vim export PAGER=less # language should generally be english export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8" # everything else the local format export LC_CTYPE="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_NUMERIC="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_TIME="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_COLLATE="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_MONETARY="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_PAPER="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_NAME="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_ADDRESS="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_TELEPHONE="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_MEASUREMENT="de_CH.UTF-8" export LC_IDENTIFICATION="de_CH.UTF-8" # do not use cowsay export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 # better strategy for multiple hosts export ANSIBLE_STRATEGY=mitogen_linear # read settings from user directory export TEXMFCNF=${HOME}/.texlive: export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='fdfind --type f' # zsh you-should-use export YSU_MODE=ALL # colors for newt/whiptail (for debconf, needrestart, etc.) # works better with selenized colorscheme # everything that seems irrelevant is set to brown NEWT_COLORS='' # foreground seems irrelevant NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};root=brown,blue" # text in the root window NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};roottext=yellow,blue" # box/window/button shadows NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};shadow=brown,black" # boxes/windows themselves NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};window=brown,lightgray" # box/window titles NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};title=yellow,lightgray" # box/window borders NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};border=gray,lightgray" # full buttons NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};button=black,red" # compact buttons NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};compactbutton=black,lightgray" # selected/active button NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};actbutton=green,gray" # checkbox itself and text NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};checkbox=black,blue" # selection marker for checkbox NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};actcheckbox=yellow,gray" # text input field fore- and background NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};entry=yellow,blue" # TODO FIXME: no clue what that is NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};disentry=brown,yellow" # TODO FIXME: no clue what that is NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};label=yellow,red" # unselected entries in menus NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};listbox=lightgray,gray" # selected entries in menus NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};actsellistbox=yellow,blue" # TODO FIXME: no clue what that is NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};actlistbox=brown,red" # TODO FIXME: no clue what that is NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};sellistbox=black,brown" NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};textbox=black,lightgray" NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};acttextbox=brown,green" # TODO FIXME: no clue what that is NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};helpline=yellow,brown" # probably for gauges NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};emptyscale=red" NEWT_COLORS="${NEWT_COLORS};fullscale=blue" export NEWT_COLORS # black # darkgray # brown # yellow # # blue # cyan # gray # green # magenta # red # # lightblue # lightcyan # lightgray # lightgreen # lightmagenta # lightred # 'less' colors for man pages # Colors default=$(tput sgr0) red=$(tput setaf 1) green=$(tput setaf 2) purple=$(tput setaf 5) orange=$(tput setaf 9) # Begin blinking export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$red # Begin bold export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$orange # End mode export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$default # End standout-mode export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$default # Begin standout-mode - info box export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$purple # End underline export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$default # Begin underline export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$green