# zmodload zsh/zprof source ~/.zsh_zinit # source /usr/share/autojump/autojump.sh fpath=(~/.zsh_functions $fpath) autoload henkspngpostproc autoload henkspwgen autoload new_hs_project autoload vifind autoload movies_biggest autoload movies_forgotten autoload movies_newest autoload movies_oldest autoload movies_smallest autoload mpvshuffledir autoload pause_stardew autoload -Uz vcs_info autoload -Uz edit-command-line autoload -Uz zcalc autoload -Uz zargs # source ~/.zsh_taskwarrior # source ~/.zsh_functions # source ~/.zsh_functions_media # source ~/.zsh_functions_taskwarrior source ~/.zsh_aliases source ~/.zsh_local source ~/.zsh_qemu source ~/.env_* #zle -N zle-line-init #zle -N zle-keymap-select zle -N edit-command-line export HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history export HISTSIZE=1000000000 export SAVEHIST=1000000000 REPORTTIME=10 #HENKSPROMPTHEADER=$'%F{red}%D{%a}%f %F{green}%D{%F %T Wk %V}%f %F{blue}%D{%s}%f %F{yellow}%n@%m%f\n' hash -d diary=~/Data/henksfiles/workinprogress/Dokumente/diary hash -d lifedocs=~/Data/henksfiles/workinprogress/Dokumente/Leben hash -d bewerbung=~/Data/henksfiles/workinprogress/Dokumente/bewerbung hash -d rezepte=~/Data/henksfiles/workinprogress/Dokumente/rezepte/cuisine hash -d templates=~/Data/henksfiles/workinprogress/templates hash -d gitignore=~/Data/public/software/gitignore hash -d doc=/usr/share/doc hash -d TODO=~/Data/henksfiles/TODO/ hash -d fortunes=~/Data/henksfiles/workinprogress/Dokumente/fortunes/ ## define word characters (for stuff like backward-word, forward-word, backward-kill-word,..) ## these are NOT separators but chars considered part of a word #WORDCHARS='*?_-.[]~=/&;!#$%^(){}<>' # the default setopt AUTO_CD setopt CHASE_LINKS setopt AUTO_NAME_DIRS setopt BRACE_CCL #setopt EXTENDED_GLOB setopt MARK_DIRS setopt NUMERIC_GLOB_SORT setopt RC_EXPAND_PARAM #setopt WARN_CREATE_GLOBAL setopt GLOB_DOTS # remove previous entries from history setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS # do not write lines starting with a space to history file setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE # Remove superfluous blanks setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS # expand history expansion for verification setopt HIST_VERIFY # save timestamp and runtime as well setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY # write line to history file when finished, not when started, to have correct runtime setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY_TIME setopt NO_CLOBBER setopt CORRECT setopt CORRECT_ALL #unsetopt NOMATCH setopt PRINT_EXIT_VALUE setopt AUTO_CONTINUE setopt NO_BG_NICE #setopt LONG_LIST_JOBS export YSU_MODE=ALL export tzvt_set_tmux_window_status=true export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin bindkey -M vicmd '^X^E' edit-command-line bindkey -M viins '^X^E' edit-command-line #task awaiting source ~/.zsh_comprc cat ~/.motd # zprof