#!/usr/bin/env ruby #-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: RBot Registry Backup, Restore and Migration Script. # # You can use this script to, # - backup the rbot registry in a format that is platform/engine independent # - restore these backups in supported formats (dbm, daybreak) # - migrate old rbot registries bdb (ruby 1.8) and tokyocabinet. # # For more information, just execute the script without any arguments! # # Author:: apoc (Matthias Hecker) # Copyright:: (C) 2014 Matthias Hecker # License:: GPLv3 begin; require 'rubygems'; rescue Exception; end # load registry formats: begin; require 'bdb'; rescue Exception; end begin; require 'tokyocabinet'; rescue Exception; end begin; require 'dbm'; rescue Exception; end begin; require 'daybreak'; rescue Exception; end begin; require 'sqlite3'; rescue Exception; end puts 'RBot Registry Backup/Restore/Migrate' puts '[%s]' % ['Ruby: ' + RUBY_VERSION, 'DBM: ' + (DBM::VERSION rescue '-'), 'BDB: ' + (BDB::VERSION rescue '-'), 'TokyoCabinet: ' + (TokyoCabinet::VERSION rescue '-'), 'Daybreak: ' + (Daybreak::VERSION rescue '-'), 'SQLite: ' + (SQLite3::VERSION rescue '-'), ].join(' | ') require 'date' require 'optparse' TYPES = [:bdb, :tc, :dbm, :daybreak, :sqlite] options = { :profile => '~/.rbot', :registry => nil, :dbfile => './%s.rbot' % DateTime.now.strftime('backup_%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S'), :type => nil } opt_parser = OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.banner = 'Usage: rbotdb COMMAND [OPTIONS]' opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Commands:' opt.separator ' backup: store rbot registry platform-independently in a file.' opt.separator ' restore: restore rbot registry from such a file.' opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Options:' opt.on('-t', '--type TYPE', TYPES, 'format to backup/restore. Values: %s.' % [TYPES.join(', ')]) do |type| options[:type] = type end opt.on('-p', '--profile [PROFILE]', 'rbot profile directory. Defaults to: %s.' % options[:profile]) do |profile| options[:profile] = profile end opt.on('-r', '--registry [REGISTRY]', 'registry-path to read/write, Optional, defaults to: /registry_.') do |profile| options[:registry] = profile end opt.on('-f', '--file [DBFILE]', 'cross-platform file to backup to/restore from. Defaults to: %s.' % options[:dbfile]) do |dbfile| options[:dbfile] = dbfile end opt.separator '' end class BackupRegistry def initialize(profile, type, registry) @profile = File.expand_path profile @type = type @registry = registry puts 'Using type=%s profile=%s registry=%s' % [@type, @profile, @registry.inspect] end # returns a hash with the complete registry data def backup listings = search puts 'Found registry types: bdb=%d tc=%d dbm=%d daybreak=%d sqlite=%d' % [ listings[:bdb].length, listings[:tc].length, listings[:dbm].length, listings[:daybreak].length, listings[:sqlite].length ] if listings[@type].empty? puts 'No suitable registry found!' exit end puts 'Using registry type: %s' % @type read(listings[@type]) end def read(listing) print "~Reading... (this might take a moment)\r" data = {} count = 0 listing.each do |file| begin data[file.key] = case @type when :tc read_tc(file) when :bdb read_bdb(file) when :dbm read_dbm(file) when :daybreak read_daybreak(file) when :sqlite read_sqlite(file) end count += data[file.key].length rescue puts 'ERROR: <%s> %s' % [$!.class, $!] puts $@.join("\n") puts 'Keep in mind that, even minor version differences of' puts 'Barkeley DB or Tokyocabinet make files unreadable. Use this' puts 'script on the exact same platform rbot was running!' exit end end puts 'Read %d registry files, with %d entries.' % [data.length, count] data end def read_bdb(file) data = {} db = BDB::Hash.open(file.abs, nil, 'r') db.each do |key, value| data[key] = value end db.close data end def read_tc(file) data = {} db = TokyoCabinet::BDB.new db.open(file.abs, TokyoCabinet::BDB::OREADER) db.each do |key, value| data[key] = value end db.close data end def read_dbm(file) db = DBM.open(file.abs.gsub(/\.[^\.]+$/,''), 0666, DBM::READER) data = db.to_hash db.close data end def read_daybreak(file) data = {} db = Daybreak::DB.new(file.abs) db.each do |key, value| data[key] = value end db.close data end def read_sqlite(file) data = {} db = SQLite3::Database.new(file.abs) res = db.execute('SELECT key, value FROM data') res.each do |row| key, value = row data[key] = value end db.close data end # searches in profile directory for existing registry formats def search { :bdb => list(get_registry, '*.db'), :tc => list(get_registry('_tc'), '*.tdb'), :dbm => list(get_registry('_dbm'), '*.*'), :daybreak => list(get_registry('_daybreak'), '*.db'), :sqlite => list(get_registry('_sqlite'), '*.db'), } end def get_registry(suffix='') if @registry File.expand_path(@registry) else File.join(@profile, 'registry'+suffix) end end class RegistryFile def initialize(folder, name) @folder = folder @name = name @key = name.gsub(/\.[^\.]+$/,'') end attr_reader :folder, :name, :key def abs File.expand_path(File.join(@folder, @name)) end def ext File.extname(@name) end end def list(folder, ext='*.db') return [] if not File.directory? folder Dir.chdir(folder) do Dir.glob(File.join('**', ext)).map do |name| RegistryFile.new(folder, name) if File.exists?(name) end end end end class RestoreRegistry def initialize(profile, type, registry) @profile = File.expand_path profile @registry = registry ? File.expand_path(registry) : nil @type = type puts 'Using type=%s profile=%s' % [@type, @profile] end def restore(data) puts 'Using registry type: %s' % @type folder = create_folder print "~Restoring... (this might take a moment)\r" data.each do |file, hash| file = File.join(folder, file) create_subdir(file) case @type when :dbm write_dbm(file, hash) when :tc write_tc(file, hash) when :daybreak write_daybreak(file, hash) when :sqlite write_sqlite(file, hash) end end puts 'Restore successful! ' end def write_dbm(file, data) db = DBM.open(file, 0666, DBM::WRCREAT) data.each_pair do |key, value| db[key] = value end db.close end def write_tc(file, data) db = TokyoCabinet::BDB.new db.open(file + '.tdb', TokyoCabinet::BDB::OREADER | TokyoCabinet::BDB::OCREAT | TokyoCabinet::BDB::OWRITER) data.each_pair do |key, value| db[key] = value end db.optimize db.close end def write_daybreak(file, data) db = Daybreak::DB.new(file + '.db') data.each_pair do |key, value| db[key] = value end db.close end def write_sqlite(file, data) db = SQLite3::Database.new(file + '.db') db.execute('CREATE TABLE data (key PRIMARY_KEY, value)') data.each_pair do |key, value| db.execute('INSERT INTO data VALUES (?, ?)', key, value) end db.close end def create_folder if @registry folder = @registry else folder = File.join(@profile, 'registry_%s' % [@type.to_s]) end Dir.mkdir(folder) unless File.directory?(folder) if File.directory?(folder) and Dir.glob(File.join(folder, '**')).select{|f|File.file? f}.length>0 puts 'ERROR: Unable to restore!' puts 'Restore folder exists and is not empty: ' + folder exit end folder end # used to create subregistry folders def create_subdir(path) dirs = File.dirname(path).split('/') dirs.length.times { |i| dir = dirs[0,i+1].join("/")+"/" unless File.exist?(dir) Dir.mkdir(dir) end } end end opt_parser.parse! if ARGV.length > 0 and options[:type].nil? puts opt_parser puts 'Missing Argument: -t [type]' exit end case ARGV[0] when 'backup' if File.exists? options[:dbfile] puts 'Backup file already exists.' exit end reg = BackupRegistry.new(options[:profile], options[:type], options[:registry]) data = reg.backup if not data.empty? File.open(options[:dbfile], 'w') do |f| f.write(Marshal.dump(data)) end puts 'Written registry to ' + options[:dbfile] end when 'restore' unless File.exists? options[:dbfile] puts 'Backup file does not exist.' exit end reg = RestoreRegistry.new(options[:profile], options[:type], options[:registry]) data = Marshal.load File.read(options[:dbfile]) puts 'Read %d registry files from backup file.' % data.length reg.restore data else puts opt_parser end