1.0 alpha 5 * Changed channel array to a hash_map similar to the one used for users, faster and more efficient * Changed ./configure, no longer asks for hard channel limit (depreciated) * Added support for users to be disconnected once MAXUSERS is reached * Changed code a lot, major overhauls for C++ and STL use for added stability and speed * Changed entire user system to use the hash_map container type instead of an array * Added /TIME command * Added /INFO command * Added restart and die passwords * Partially implemented /RESTART command * Fixed amusing bug which allowed partially connected clients to issue commands under the context of other users! *gulp!* (reported again by Craig) * Fixed SegFault caused when doing a /who 0 or /who * whilst not in channels (Reported by Craig, Fixed by Craig :p) * Added /who 0 o to display online Opers (Craigs First Scratch of Code :p) * Fixed Typo in LUSERS (Reported by MrBOFH and CC) * Fixed Joining Channels withough a # bug. (Reported by MrBOFH) 1.0 alpha 4 * Fixed parameters bug discovered by Allan * Fixed /NICK repeating bug found by piggles. * Added /REHASH command * Added /LUSERS command * Added ability to kill -HUP to rehash * Fixed lock up after ping timeout * Added system to /VERSION * Added DNS lookups on connect (*FIXME* this needs to be asyncronous!) * Fixed IRCop status shown on wrong users * Fixed socket linger option via setsockopt (can restart faster as sockets arent in use after shutdown!) * Added operators can now see real userhost in WHOIS * Added oper-up failed msg to online opers * Changed layout of /motd command start numeric * Fixed empty channels are now purged upon user quit * Changed: support for WHO * as well as WHO 0 (do the same thing) * Fixed ability to kick users when you arent on the channel :) * Fixed grammatical error when halfop tries to kick an op, "You must be at least a half-operator" 1.0 alpha 3 * Fixed problem where nicks containing control codes were allowed * Added support so that ircd honours channel mode +n * Added support so that ircd honours channel mode +t * Fixed linefeeds in middle of line bug (reported by Craig) * Fixed buffer overflow in channel names (reported by Allan) * Fixed close() on nonblocking sockets problem * Added /KILL command >:) * Added /KICK command