# Configuration file for the filter module # The tags for this module are formatted as follows: # # # # Valid actions for 'action' are: # # warn This allows the line and sends out a notice to all opers # with +s. # # block This blocks the line, sends out a notice to all opers with # +s and informs the user that their message was blocked. # # silent This blocks the line only, and informs the user that their # message was blocked, but does not notify opers. # # none This action causes nothing to be done except logging. This # is the default action if none is specified. # # kill This disconnects the user, with the 'reason' parameter as # the kill reason. # # gline G-line the user for 'duration' length of time. Durations may # be specified using the notation 1y2w3d4h5m6s in a similar way to # other G-lines, omitting the duration or setting it to 0 makes # any G-lines set by this filter be permanent. # # zline Z-line the user for 'duration' length of time. Durations may # be specified using the notation 1y2w3d4h5m6s in a similar way to # other Z-lines, omitting the duration or setting it to 0 makes # any Z-lines set by this filter be permanent. # # shun Shun the user for 'duration' length of time. Durations may # be specified using the notation 1y2w3d4h5m6s in a similar way to # other X-lines, omitting the duration or setting it to 0 makes # any shuns set by this filter be permanent. # Requires the shun module to be loaded. # # You can add filters from IRC using the /FILTER command. If you do this, they # will be set globally to your entire network. # # Valid characters for 'flags' are one or more of: # # p: Block private and channel messages # n: Block private and channel notices # P: Block part messages # q: Block quit messages # o: Don't match against opers # r: Don't match against registered users # c: Strip color codes from text before trying to match # *: Represents all of the above flags except r # -: Does nothing, a no-op for when you do not want to specify any flags # Example filters: # # # # # An example regexp filter: # # # You may specify specific channels that are exempt from being filtered: # # # You can also exempt messages from being filtered if they are sent to # specific nicks. # Example that exempts all messages sent *to* NickServ: # # Note that messages *from* services are never subject to filtering; # tags are only for exempting messages sent *to* the # configured targets.