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chanrec Class Reference

Holds all relevent information for a channel. More...

#include <channels.h>

Inherits Extensible.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void SetCustomMode (char mode, bool mode_on)
 Sets or unsets a custom mode in the channels info.

void SetCustomModeParam (char mode, char *parameter, bool mode_on)
 Sets or unsets the parameters for a custom mode in a channels info.

bool IsCustomModeSet (char mode)
 Returns true if a custom mode is set on a channel.

std::string GetModeParameter (char mode)
 Returns the parameter for a custom mode on a channel.

void IncUserCounter ()
 Increment the channel "user counter" The channel user counter is a reference counter which holds the number of users on the channel.

void DecUserCounter ()
 Decrement the channel "user counter" The channel user counter is a reference counter which holds the number of users on the channel.

long GetUserCounter ()
 Obtain the channel "user counter" This returns the channel reference counter, which is initialized to 0 when the channel is created and incremented/decremented upon joins, parts quits and kicks.

void AddUser (char *castuser)
 Add a user pointer to the internal reference list The data inserted into the reference list is a table as it is an arbitary pointer compared to other users by its memory address, as this is a very fast 32 or 64 bit integer comparison.

void DelUser (char *castuser)
 Delete a user pointer to the internal reference list The data removed from the reference list is a table as it is an arbitary pointer compared to other users by its memory address, as this is a very fast 32 or 64 bit integer comparison.

std::vector< char * > * GetUsers ()
 Obrain the internal reference list The internal reference list contains a list of userrec* cast to char*.

 chanrec ()
 Creates a channel record and initialises it with default values.

virtual ~chanrec ()

Public Attributes

char name [CHANMAX]
 The channels name.

char custom_modes [MAXMODES]
 Custom modes for the channel.

long users
 Count of users on the channel used for fast user counting.

std::vector< char * > internal_userlist
 User list (casted to char*'s to stop forward declaration stuff) (chicken and egg scenario!).

char topic [MAXBUF]
 Channel topic.

time_t created
 Creation time.

time_t topicset
 Time topic was set.

char setby [NICKMAX]
 The last user to set the topic.

long limit
 Contains the channel user limit.

char key [32]
 Contains the channel key.

short int topiclock
 Nonzero if the mode +t is set.

short int noexternal
 Nonzero if the mode +n is set.

short int inviteonly
 Nonzero if the mode +i is set.

short int moderated
 Nonzero if the mode +m is set.

short int secret
 Nonzero if the mode +s is set.

short int c_private
 Nonzero if the mode +p is set.

BanList bans
 The list of all bans set on the channel.

Detailed Description

Holds all relevent information for a channel.

This class represents a channel, and contains its name, modes, time created, topic, topic set time, etc, and an instance of the BanList type.

Definition at line 94 of file channels.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

chanrec::chanrec  ) 

Creates a channel record and initialises it with default values.

Definition at line 113 of file channels.cpp.

References c_private, created, custom_modes, internal_userlist, inviteonly, key, limit, moderated, name, noexternal, secret, setby, topic, topiclock, topicset, and users.

00114 {
00115         strcpy(name,"");
00116         strcpy(custom_modes,"");
00117         strcpy(topic,"");
00118         strcpy(setby,"");
00119         strcpy(key,"");
00120         created = topicset = limit = users = 0;
00121         topiclock = noexternal = inviteonly = moderated = secret = c_private = false;
00122         internal_userlist.clear();
00123 }

virtual chanrec::~chanrec  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 240 of file channels.h.

00240 { /* stub */ }

Member Function Documentation

void chanrec::AddUser char *  castuser  ) 

Add a user pointer to the internal reference list The data inserted into the reference list is a table as it is an arbitary pointer compared to other users by its memory address, as this is a very fast 32 or 64 bit integer comparison.

Definition at line 220 of file channels.cpp.

References DEBUG, and internal_userlist.

00221 {
00222         internal_userlist.push_back(castuser);
00223         log(DEBUG,"Added casted user to channel's internal list");
00224 }

void chanrec::DecUserCounter  ) 

Decrement the channel "user counter" The channel user counter is a reference counter which holds the number of users on the channel.

If it decremented to 0 then the channel is removed from the system. Modules may alter the reference count to hold channels open which have no users and would normally be deleted once empty.

Definition at line 208 of file channels.cpp.

References DEBUG, name, and users.

00209 {
00210         if (this->users > 0)
00211                 this->users--;
00212         log(DEBUG,"Decremented channel user count for %s to %lu",name,(unsigned long)users);
00213 }

void chanrec::DelUser char *  castuser  ) 

Delete a user pointer to the internal reference list The data removed from the reference list is a table as it is an arbitary pointer compared to other users by its memory address, as this is a very fast 32 or 64 bit integer comparison.

Definition at line 226 of file channels.cpp.

References DEBUG, internal_userlist, and name.

00227 {
00228         for (std::vector<char*>::iterator a = internal_userlist.begin(); a < internal_userlist.end(); a++)
00229         {
00230                 if (*a == castuser)
00231                 {
00232                         log(DEBUG,"Removed casted user from channel's internal list");
00233                         internal_userlist.erase(a);
00234                         return;
00235                 }
00236         }
00237         log(DEBUG,"BUG BUG BUG! Attempt to remove an uncasted user from the internal list of %s!",name);
00238 }

std::string chanrec::GetModeParameter char  mode  ) 

Returns the parameter for a custom mode on a channel.

For example if "+L #foo" is set, and you pass this method 'L', it will return '#foo'. If the mode is not set on the channel, or the mode has no parameters associated with it, it will return an empty string.

Definition at line 187 of file channels.cpp.

References custom_mode_params.

00188 {
00189         if (custom_mode_params.size())
00190         {
00191                 for (vector<ModeParameter>::iterator i = custom_mode_params.begin(); i < custom_mode_params.end(); i++)
00192                 {
00193                         if ((i->mode == mode) && (!strcasecmp(this->name,i->channel)))
00194                         {
00195                                 return std::string(i->parameter);
00196                         }
00197                 }
00198         }
00199         return std::string("");
00200 }

long chanrec::GetUserCounter  ) 

Obtain the channel "user counter" This returns the channel reference counter, which is initialized to 0 when the channel is created and incremented/decremented upon joins, parts quits and kicks.

Definition at line 215 of file channels.cpp.

References users.

00216 {
00217         return (this->users);
00218 }

std::vector< char * > * chanrec::GetUsers  ) 

Obrain the internal reference list The internal reference list contains a list of userrec* cast to char*.

These are used for rapid comparison to determine channel membership for PRIVMSG, NOTICE, QUIT, PART etc. The resulting pointer to the vector should be considered readonly and only modified via AddUser and DelUser.

Definition at line 240 of file channels.cpp.

References internal_userlist.

00241 {
00242         return &internal_userlist;
00243 }

void chanrec::IncUserCounter  ) 

Increment the channel "user counter" The channel user counter is a reference counter which holds the number of users on the channel.

If it decremented to 0 then the channel is removed from the system.

Definition at line 202 of file channels.cpp.

References DEBUG, name, and users.

00203 {
00204         this->users++;
00205         log(DEBUG,"Incremented channel user count for %s to %lu",name,(unsigned long)users);
00206 }

bool chanrec::IsCustomModeSet char  mode  ) 

Returns true if a custom mode is set on a channel.

Definition at line 181 of file channels.cpp.

References DEBUG.

00182 {
00183         log(DEBUG,"Checking ISCustomModeSet: %c %s",mode,this->custom_modes);
00184         return (strchr(this->custom_modes,mode) != 0);
00185 }

void chanrec::SetCustomMode char  mode,
bool  mode_on

Sets or unsets a custom mode in the channels info.

Definition at line 125 of file channels.cpp.

References custom_modes, DEBUG, and SetCustomModeParam().

00126 {
00127         if (mode_on) {
00128                 char m[3];
00129                 m[0] = mode;
00130                 m[1] = '\0';
00131                 if (!strchr(this->custom_modes,mode))
00132                 {
00133                         strlcat(custom_modes,m,MAXMODES);
00134                 }
00135                 log(DEBUG,"Custom mode %c set",mode);
00136         }
00137         else {
00139                 std::string a = this->custom_modes;
00140                 int pos = a.find(mode);
00141                 a.erase(pos,1);
00142                 strncpy(this->custom_modes,a.c_str(),MAXMODES);
00144                 log(DEBUG,"Custom mode %c removed: modelist='%s'",mode,this->custom_modes);
00145                 this->SetCustomModeParam(mode,"",false);
00146         }
00147 }

void chanrec::SetCustomModeParam char  mode,
char *  parameter,
bool  mode_on

Sets or unsets the parameters for a custom mode in a channels info.

Definition at line 150 of file channels.cpp.

References ModeParameter::channel, custom_mode_params, DEBUG, ModeParameter::mode, and ModeParameter::parameter.

Referenced by SetCustomMode().

00151 {
00153         log(DEBUG,"SetCustomModeParam called");
00154         ModeParameter M;
00155         M.mode = mode;
00156         strlcpy(,this->name,CHANMAX);
00157         strlcpy(M.parameter,parameter,MAXBUF);
00158         if (mode_on)
00159         {
00160                 log(DEBUG,"Custom mode parameter %c %s added",mode,parameter);
00161                 custom_mode_params.push_back(M);
00162         }
00163         else
00164         {
00165                 if (custom_mode_params.size())
00166                 {
00167                         for (vector<ModeParameter>::iterator i = custom_mode_params.begin(); i < custom_mode_params.end(); i++)
00168                         {
00169                                 if ((i->mode == mode) && (!strcasecmp(this->name,i->channel)))
00170                                 {
00171                                         log(DEBUG,"Custom mode parameter %c %s removed",mode,parameter);
00172                                         custom_mode_params.erase(i);
00173                                         return;
00174                                 }
00175                         }
00176                 }
00177                 log(DEBUG,"*** BUG *** Attempt to remove non-existent mode parameter!");
00178         }
00179 }

Member Data Documentation

BanList chanrec::bans

The list of all bans set on the channel.

Definition at line 168 of file channels.h.

short int chanrec::c_private

Nonzero if the mode +p is set.

This value cannot be set at the same time as chanrec::secret

Definition at line 164 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec().

time_t chanrec::created

Creation time.

Definition at line 120 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec().

char chanrec::custom_modes[MAXMODES]

Custom modes for the channel.

Plugins may use this field in any way they see fit.

Definition at line 103 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec(), and SetCustomMode().

std::vector<char*> chanrec::internal_userlist

User list (casted to char*'s to stop forward declaration stuff) (chicken and egg scenario!).

Definition at line 112 of file channels.h.

Referenced by AddUser(), chanrec(), DelUser(), and GetUsers().

short int chanrec::inviteonly

Nonzero if the mode +i is set.

Definition at line 150 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec().

char chanrec::key[32]

Contains the channel key.

If this value is an empty string, there is no channel key in place.

Definition at line 138 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec().

long chanrec::limit

Contains the channel user limit.

If this value is zero, there is no limit in place.

Definition at line 133 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec().

short int chanrec::moderated

Nonzero if the mode +m is set.

Definition at line 154 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec().

char chanrec::name[CHANMAX]

The channels name.

Definition at line 99 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec(), DecUserCounter(), DelUser(), IncUserCounter(), and Server::PseudoToUser().

short int chanrec::noexternal

Nonzero if the mode +n is set.

Definition at line 146 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec().

short int chanrec::secret

Nonzero if the mode +s is set.

This value cannot be set at the same time as chanrec::c_private

Definition at line 159 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec().

char chanrec::setby[NICKMAX]

The last user to set the topic.

If this member is an empty string, no topic was ever set.

Definition at line 128 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec(), and Server::PseudoToUser().

char chanrec::topic[MAXBUF]

Channel topic.

If this is an empty string, no channel topic is set.

Definition at line 117 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec(), and Server::PseudoToUser().

short int chanrec::topiclock

Nonzero if the mode +t is set.

Definition at line 142 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec().

time_t chanrec::topicset

Time topic was set.

If no topic was ever set, this will be equal to chanrec::created

Definition at line 124 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec(), and Server::PseudoToUser().

long chanrec::users

Count of users on the channel used for fast user counting.

Definition at line 107 of file channels.h.

Referenced by chanrec(), DecUserCounter(), GetUserCounter(), and IncUserCounter().

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Generated on Tue Apr 26 17:11:47 2005 for InspIRCd by doxygen 1.3.3