path: root/data/rbot/plugins
diff options
authorDmitry Kim <dmitry point kim at gmail point com>2007-11-24 12:25:44 +0000
committerDmitry Kim <dmitry point kim at gmail point com>2007-11-24 12:25:44 +0000
commit367087a817dd7e7b0c2c03a8172972dbc31bedb2 (patch)
treeb06747f3ea9e69d90f4d6699a687751bc532898e /data/rbot/plugins
parent0e2bcef31cc80fc0e521a3f0a2e430910bb25fe3 (diff)
* (plugins/urban) route around urbanwap acting smaert wrt IP addresses (back to html scraping)
Diffstat (limited to 'data/rbot/plugins')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/urban.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/urban.rb
index 0c7d9838..21eb374c 100644
--- a/data/rbot/plugins/urban.rb
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/urban.rb
@@ -1,13 +1,50 @@
class UrbanPlugin < Plugin
+ URBAN = ''
def help( plugin, topic="")
"urban [word] [n]: give the [n]th definition of [word] from urbanday: give the word-of-the-day at urban"
+ def get_def(m, word, n = nil)
+ n = n.to_i if n
+ u = URBAN + CGI.escape(word)
+ u += '&skip=' + n.to_s if n
+ s = @bot.httputil.get(u)
+ notfound = s.match %r{<div style="color: #669FCE"><i>.*?</i> isn't defined}
+ if s.sub!(%r{<div class="pager"><b>(\d+)</b>\s*definition.*$}m, '')
+ total = $1.to_i
+ else
+ total = 1
+ end
+ n = total if n && n > total
+ rv =
+ s.scan(%r{<td class="def_number"[^>]*>(\d+)\.</td>.*?<td class="def_word">(?:<a.*?>)?([^>]+)(?:</a>)?</td>.*?<div class="def_p">.*?<p>(.+?)</p>.*?<p style=".*?>(.+?)</p>}m) do |a1, a2, a3, a4|
+ rv << (
+ "#{Bold}#{a2} (#{a1}/#{total})#{Bold}: " +
+ a3.ircify_html(:limit => 300) + " " +
+ "<i>#{a4}</i>".ircify_html(:limit => 100)
+ ) unless (n && n != a1.to_i) || rv.size >= 3
+ end
+ if notfound
+ if rv.empty?
+ m.reply "#{word} not found"
+ else
+ m.reply "#{word} not found. maybe you mean:"
+ rv.each { |s| m.reply s }
+ end
+ else
+ rv.each { |s| m.reply s }
+ end
+ end
def urban(m, params)
words = params[:words].to_s
- n = params[:n].nil? ? 1 : params[:n].to_i rescue 1
if words.empty?
resp = @bot.httputil.head('',
:max_redir => -1,
@@ -16,81 +53,23 @@ class UrbanPlugin < Plugin
words = URI.unescape(loc.match(/define.php\?term=(.*)$/)[1]) rescue nil
- # we give a very high 'skip' because this will allow us to get the number of definitions by retrieving the previous definition
- uri = "{CGI.escape words}&skip=65536"
- page = @bot.httputil.get(uri)
- if page.nil?
- m.reply "Couldn't retrieve an urban dictionary definition of #{words}"
- return
- end
- if page =~ / is undefined<\/card><\/wml>/
- m.reply "There is no urban dictionary definition of #{words}"
- return
- end
- if page =~ /&amp;skip=(\d+)">prev<\/a>/
- numdefs = $1.to_i + 1
- else
- numdefs = 1
- end
- n = numdefs + n + 1 if n < 0
- if n > numdefs
- m.reply "Urban dictionary only has #{numdefs} definitions for '#{words}'"
- n = numdefs
- end
- if n < numdefs
- uri = "{CGI.escape words}&skip=#{n-1}"
- page = @bot.httputil.get(uri)
- if page.nil?
- case n % 10
- when 1
- ord = 'st'
- when 2
- ord = 'nd'
- when 3
- ord = 'rd'
- else
- ord = 'th'
- end
- m.reply "Couldn't retrieve the #{n}#{ord} urban dictionary definition of #{words}"
- return
- end
- end
- m.reply "#{get_def(page)} (#{n}/#{numdefs})"
- end
- def get_def(text)
- # Start by removing the prev/home/next links
- t = text.gsub(/(?:<a href[^>]*>prev<\/a> )?<a href[^>]*>home<\/a>(?: <a href[^>]*>next<\/a>)?/,'')
- # Close up paragraphs
- t.gsub!(/<\/?p>/, ' ')
- t.gsub!("\n", ' ')
- # Reverse headings
- t.gsub!(/<\/?b>/,"#{Reverse}")
- # Enbolden links
- t.gsub!(/<\/?a(?: [^>]*)?>/,"#{Bold}")
- # Reverse examples
- t.gsub!(/<\/?(?:i|em)>/,"#{Underline}")
- # Clear anything else
- t.gsub!(/<.*?>/, '')
- Utils.decode_html_entities t.strip
+ get_def(m, words, params[:n])
def uotd(m, params)
- home = @bot.httputil.get("")
+ home = @bot.httputil.get("")
if home.nil?
m.reply "Couldn't get the urban dictionary word of the day"
- home.match(/Word of the Day: <a href="(.*?)">.*?<\/a>/)
+ home.match(%r{href="/define.php\?term=.*?">(.*?)<})
wotd = $1
debug "Urban word of the day: #{wotd}"
- page = @bot.httputil.get(wotd)
- if page.nil?
+ if !wotd
m.reply "Couldn't get the urban dictionary word of the day"
- else
- m.reply get_def(page)
+ return
+ get_def(m, wotd, 1)