path: root/lib/rbot/plugins/remind.rb
diff options
authorTom Gilbert <>2005-07-27 16:32:32 +0000
committerTom Gilbert <>2005-07-27 16:32:32 +0000
commit2a96c9198c1f6e13407d0999083f6ce5e0bc06fa (patch)
treeb3b9247d275d9b554665bc22884104d266d2e757 /lib/rbot/plugins/remind.rb
parent21949774b91eaec6ecde4eaa8ad121e2c0a36b87 (diff)
move rbot into lib - still rearranging for packaging/installation
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rbot/plugins/remind.rb')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rbot/plugins/remind.rb b/lib/rbot/plugins/remind.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ad980ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rbot/plugins/remind.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+require 'rbot/utils'
+class RemindPlugin < Plugin
+ def initialize
+ super
+ @reminders =
+ end
+ def cleanup
+ @reminders.each_value {|v|
+ v.each_value {|vv|
+ @bot.timer.remove(vv)
+ }
+ }
+ @reminders.clear
+ end
+ def help(plugin, topic="")
+ if(plugin =~ /^remind\+$/)
+ "see remind. remind+ can be used to remind someone else of something, using <nick> instead of 'me'. However this will generally require a higher auth level than remind."
+ else
+ "remind me [about] <message> in <time>, remind me [about] <message> every <time>, remind me [about] <message> at <time>, remind me no more [about] <message>, remind me no more"
+ end
+ end
+ def add_reminder(who, subject, timestr, repeat=false)
+ begin
+ period = Irc::Utils.timestr_offset(timestr)
+ rescue RuntimeError
+ return "couldn't parse that time string (#{timestr}) :("
+ end
+ if(period <= 0)
+ return "that time is in the past! (#{timestr})"
+ end
+ if(period < 30 && repeat)
+ return "repeats of less than 30 seconds are forbidden"
+ end
+ if(!@reminders.has_key?(who))
+ @reminders[who] =
+ elsif(@reminders[who].has_key?(subject))
+ del_reminder(who, subject)
+ end
+ if(repeat)
+ @reminders[who][subject] = @bot.timer.add(period) {
+ time = + period
+ tstr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
+ @bot.say who, "repeat reminder (next at #{tstr}): #{subject}"
+ }
+ else
+ @reminders[who][subject] = @bot.timer.add_once(period) {
+ time = + period
+ tstr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
+ @bot.say who, "reminder (#{tstr}): #{subject}"
+ }
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ def del_reminder(who, subject=nil)
+ if(subject)
+ if(@reminders.has_key?(who) && @reminders[who].has_key?(subject))
+ @bot.timer.remove(@reminders[who][subject])
+ @reminders[who].delete(subject)
+ end
+ else
+ if(@reminders.has_key?(who))
+ @reminders[who].each_value {|v|
+ @bot.timer.remove(v)
+ }
+ @reminders.delete(who)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def privmsg(m)
+ if(m.params =~ /^(\S+)\s+(?:about\s+)?(.*)\s+in\s+(.*)$/)
+ who = $1
+ subject = $2
+ period = $3
+ if(who =~ /^me$/)
+ who = m.sourcenick
+ else
+ unless(m.plugin =~ /^remind\+$/)
+ m.reply "incorrect usage: use remind+ to remind persons other than yourself"
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if(err = add_reminder(who, subject, period))
+ m.reply "incorrect usage: " + err
+ return
+ end
+ elsif(m.params =~ /^(\S+)\s+(?:about\s+)?(.*)\s+every\s+(.*)$/)
+ who = $1
+ subject = $2
+ period = $3
+ if(who =~ /^me$/)
+ who = m.sourcenick
+ else
+ unless(m.plugin =~ /^remind\+$/)
+ m.reply "incorrect usage: use remind+ to remind persons other than yourself"
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if(err = add_reminder(who, subject, period, true))
+ m.reply "incorrect usage: " + err
+ return
+ end
+ elsif(m.params =~ /^(\S+)\s+(?:about\s+)?(.*)\s+at\s+(.*)$/)
+ who = $1
+ subject = $2
+ time = $3
+ if(who =~ /^me$/)
+ who = m.sourcenick
+ else
+ unless(m.plugin =~ /^remind\+$/)
+ m.reply "incorrect usage: use remind+ to remind persons other than yourself"
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if(err = add_reminder(who, subject, time))
+ m.reply "incorrect usage: " + err
+ return
+ end
+ elsif(m.params =~ /^(\S+)\s+no\s+more\s+(?:about\s+)?(.*)$/)
+ who = $1
+ subject = $2
+ if(who =~ /^me$/)
+ who = m.sourcenick
+ else
+ unless(m.plugin =~ /^remind\+$/)
+ m.reply "incorrect usage: use remind+ to remind persons other than yourself"
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ del_reminder(who, subject)
+ elsif(m.params =~ /^(\S+)\s+no\s+more$/)
+ who = $1
+ if(who =~ /^me$/)
+ who = m.sourcenick
+ else
+ unless(m.plugin =~ /^remind\+$/)
+ m.reply "incorrect usage: use remind+ to remind persons other than yourself"
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ del_reminder(who)
+ else
+ m.reply "incorrect usage: " + help(m.plugin)
+ return
+ end
+ m.okay
+ end
+plugin =