path: root/lib/rbot/httputil.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rbot/httputil.rb')
1 files changed, 728 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rbot/httputil.rb b/lib/rbot/httputil.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75b5b80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rbot/httputil.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+# encoding: UTF-8
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+# :title: rbot HTTP provider
+# Author:: Tom Gilbert <>
+# Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <>
+# Author:: Dmitry "jsn" Kim <dmitry point kim at gmail point com>
+require 'resolv'
+require 'net/http'
+require 'cgi'
+ require 'nokogiri'
+rescue LoadError => e
+ error "No nokogiri library found, some features might not be available!"
+# To handle Gzipped pages
+require 'stringio'
+require 'zlib'
+module ::Net
+ class HTTPResponse
+ attr_accessor :no_cache
+ unless method_defined? :raw_body
+ alias :raw_body :body
+ end
+ def body_charset(str=self.raw_body)
+ ctype = self['content-type'] || 'text/html'
+ return nil unless ctype =~ /^text/i || ctype =~ /x(ht)?ml/i
+ charsets = ['ISO-8859-1'] # should be in config
+ if ctype.match(/charset=["']?([^\s"']+)["']?/i)
+ charsets << $1
+ debug "charset #{charsets.last} added from header"
+ end
+ # str might be invalid utf-8 that will crash on the pattern match:
+ str.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace)
+ case str
+ when /<\?xml\s[^>]*encoding=['"]([^\s"'>]+)["'][^>]*\?>/i
+ charsets << $1
+ debug "xml charset #{charsets.last} added from xml pi"
+ when /<(meta\s[^>]*http-equiv=["']?Content-Type["']?[^>]*)>/i
+ meta = $1
+ if meta =~ /charset=['"]?([^\s'";]+)['"]?/
+ charsets << $1
+ debug "html charset #{charsets.last} added from meta"
+ end
+ end
+ return charsets.uniq
+ end
+ def body_to_utf(str)
+ charsets = self.body_charset(str) or return str
+ charsets.reverse_each do |charset|
+ begin
+ debug "try decoding using #{charset}"
+ str.force_encoding(charset)
+ tmp = str.encode('UTF-16le', :invalid => :replace, :replace => '').encode('UTF-8')
+ if tmp
+ str = tmp
+ break
+ end
+ rescue
+ error 'failed to use encoding'
+ error $!
+ end
+ end
+ return str
+ end
+ def decompress_body(str)
+ method = self['content-encoding']
+ case method
+ when nil
+ return str
+ when /gzip/ # Matches gzip, x-gzip, and the non-rfc-compliant gzip;q=\d sent by some servers
+ debug "gunzipping body"
+ begin
+ return
+ rescue Zlib::Error => e
+ # If we can't unpack the whole stream (e.g. because we're doing a
+ # partial read
+ debug "full gunzipping failed (#{e}), trying to recover as much as possible"
+ ret = ''
+ ret.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
+ begin
+ { |byte|
+ ret << byte
+ }
+ rescue
+ end
+ return ret
+ end
+ when 'deflate'
+ debug "inflating body"
+ # From
+ # -MAX_WBITS stops zlib from looking for a zlib header
+ inflater =
+ begin
+ return inflater.inflate(str)
+ rescue Zlib::Error => e
+ raise e
+ # TODO
+ # debug "full inflation failed (#{e}), trying to recover as much as possible"
+ end
+ when /^(?:iso-8859-\d+|windows-\d+|utf-8|utf8)$/i
+ # B0rked servers (Freshmeat being one of them) sometimes return the charset
+ # in the content-encoding; in this case we assume that the document has
+ # a standard content-encoding
+ old_hsh = self.to_hash
+ self['content-type']= self['content-type']+"; charset="+method.downcase
+ warning "Charset vs content-encoding confusion, trying to recover: from\n#{old_hsh.pretty_inspect}to\n#{self.to_hash.pretty_inspect}"
+ return str
+ else
+ debug self.to_hash
+ raise "Unhandled content encoding #{method}"
+ end
+ end
+ def cooked_body
+ return self.body_to_utf(self.decompress_body(self.raw_body))
+ end
+ # Read chunks from the body until we have at least _size_ bytes, yielding
+ # the partial text at each chunk. Return the partial body.
+ def partial_body(size=0, &block)
+ partial =
+ if @read
+ debug "using body() as partial"
+ partial = self.body
+ yield self.body_to_utf(self.decompress_body(partial)) if block_given?
+ else
+ debug "disabling cache"
+ self.no_cache = true
+ self.read_body { |chunk|
+ partial << chunk
+ yield self.body_to_utf(self.decompress_body(partial)) if block_given?
+ break if size and size > 0 and partial.length >= size
+ }
+ end
+ return self.body_to_utf(self.decompress_body(partial))
+ end
+ def xpath(path)
+ document = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(self.body)
+ document.xpath(path)
+ end
+ def to_json
+ JSON::parse(self.body)
+ end
+ end
+module ::Irc
+module Utils
+# class for making http requests easier (mainly for plugins to use)
+# this class can check the bot proxy configuration to determine if a proxy
+# needs to be used, which includes support for per-url proxy configuration.
+class HttpUtil
+ Bot::Config.register'http.read_timeout',
+ :default => 10, :desc => "Default read timeout for HTTP connections")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.open_timeout',
+ :default => 20, :desc => "Default open timeout for HTTP connections")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.use_proxy',
+ :default => false, :desc => "should a proxy be used for HTTP requests?")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.proxy_uri', :default => false,
+ :desc => "Proxy server to use for HTTP requests (URI, e.g")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.proxy_user',
+ :default => nil,
+ :desc => "User for authenticating with the http proxy (if required)")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.proxy_pass',
+ :default => nil,
+ :desc => "Password for authenticating with the http proxy (if required)")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.proxy_include',
+ :default => [],
+ :desc => "List of regexps to check against a URI's hostname/ip to see if we should use the proxy to access this URI. All URIs are proxied by default if the proxy is set, so this is only required to re-include URIs that might have been excluded by the exclude list. e.g. exclude /.*\.foo\.com/, include bar\.foo\.com")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.proxy_exclude',
+ :default => [],
+ :desc => "List of regexps to check against a URI's hostname/ip to see if we should use avoid the proxy to access this URI and access it directly")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.max_redir',
+ :default => 5,
+ :desc => "Maximum number of redirections to be used when getting a document")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.expire_time',
+ :default => 60,
+ :desc => "After how many minutes since last use a cached document is considered to be expired")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.max_cache_time',
+ :default => 60*24,
+ :desc => "After how many minutes since first use a cached document is considered to be expired")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.no_expire_cache',
+ :default => false,
+ :desc => "Set this to true if you want the bot to never expire the cached pages")
+ Bot::Config.register'http.info_bytes',
+ :default => 8192,
+ :desc => "How many bytes to download from a web page to find some information. Set to 0 to let the bot download the whole page.")
+ class CachedObject
+ attr_accessor :response, :last_used, :first_used, :count, :expires, :date
+ def self.maybe_new(resp)
+ debug "maybe new #{resp}"
+ return nil if resp.no_cache
+ return nil unless Net::HTTPOK === resp ||
+ Net::HTTPMovedPermanently === resp ||
+ Net::HTTPFound === resp ||
+ Net::HTTPPartialContent === resp
+ cc = resp['cache-control']
+ return nil if cc && (cc =~ /no-cache/i)
+ date =
+ if d = resp['date']
+ date = Time.httpdate(d)
+ end
+ return nil if resp['expires'] && (Time.httpdate(resp['expires']) < date)
+ debug "creating cache obj"
+ end
+ def use
+ now =
+ @first_used = now if @count == 0
+ @last_used = now
+ @count += 1
+ end
+ def expired?
+ debug "checking expired?"
+ if cc = self.response['cache-control'] && cc =~ /must-revalidate/
+ return true
+ end
+ return self.expires <
+ end
+ def setup_headers(hdr)
+ hdr['if-modified-since'] =
+ debug "ims == #{hdr['if-modified-since']}"
+ if etag = self.response['etag']
+ hdr['if-none-match'] = etag
+ debug "etag: #{etag}"
+ end
+ end
+ def revalidate(resp = self.response)
+ @count = 0
+ self.use
+ = resp.key?('date') ? Time.httpdate(resp['date']) :
+ cc = resp['cache-control']
+ if cc && (cc =~ /max-age=(\d+)/)
+ self.expires = + $1.to_i
+ elsif resp.key?('expires')
+ self.expires = Time.httpdate(resp['expires'])
+ elsif lm = resp['last-modified']
+ delta = - Time.httpdate(lm)
+ delta = 10 if delta <= 0
+ delta /= 5
+ self.expires = + delta
+ else
+ self.expires = + 300
+ end
+ # self.expires = + 10 # DEBUG
+ debug "expires on #{self.expires}"
+ return true
+ end
+ private
+ def initialize(resp)
+ @response = resp
+ begin
+ self.revalidate
+ self.response.raw_body
+ rescue Exception => e
+ error e
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Create the HttpUtil instance, associating it with Bot _bot_
+ #
+ def initialize(bot)
+ @bot = bot
+ @cache =
+ @headers = {
+ 'Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8;q=1.0, *;q=0.8',
+ 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip;q=1, deflate;q=1, identity;q=0.8, *;q=0.2',
+ 'User-Agent' =>
+ "rbot http util #{$version} (#{Irc::Bot::SOURCE_URL})"
+ }
+ debug "starting http cache cleanup timer"
+ @timer = @bot.timer.add(300) {
+ self.remove_stale_cache unless @bot.config['http.no_expire_cache']
+ }
+ end
+ # Clean up on HttpUtil unloading, by stopping the cache cleanup timer.
+ def cleanup
+ debug 'stopping http cache cleanup timer'
+ @bot.timer.remove(@timer)
+ end
+ # This method checks if a proxy is required to access _uri_, by looking at
+ # the values of config values +http.proxy_include+ and +http.proxy_exclude+.
+ #
+ # Each of these config values, if set, should be a Regexp the server name and
+ # IP address should be checked against.
+ #
+ def proxy_required(uri)
+ use_proxy = true
+ if @bot.config["http.proxy_exclude"].empty? && @bot.config["http.proxy_include"].empty?
+ return use_proxy
+ end
+ list = []
+ begin
+ list.concat Resolv.getaddresses(
+ rescue StandardError => err
+ warning "couldn't resolve host"
+ end
+ unless @bot.config["http.proxy_exclude"].empty?
+ re = @bot.config["http.proxy_exclude"].collect{|r|}
+ re.each do |r|
+ list.each do |item|
+ if r.match(item)
+ use_proxy = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unless @bot.config["http.proxy_include"].empty?
+ re = @bot.config["http.proxy_include"].collect{|r|}
+ re.each do |r|
+ list.each do |item|
+ if r.match(item)
+ use_proxy = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ debug "using proxy for uri #{uri}?: #{use_proxy}"
+ return use_proxy
+ end
+ # _uri_:: URI to create a proxy for
+ #
+ # Return a net/http Proxy object, configured for proxying based on the
+ # bot's proxy configuration. See proxy_required for more details on this.
+ #
+ def get_proxy(uri, options = {})
+ opts = {
+ :read_timeout => @bot.config["http.read_timeout"],
+ :open_timeout => @bot.config["http.open_timeout"]
+ }.merge(options)
+ proxy = nil
+ proxy_host = nil
+ proxy_port = nil
+ proxy_user = nil
+ proxy_pass = nil
+ if @bot.config["http.use_proxy"]
+ if (ENV['http_proxy'])
+ proxy = URI.parse ENV['http_proxy'] rescue nil
+ end
+ if (@bot.config["http.proxy_uri"])
+ proxy = URI.parse @bot.config["http.proxy_uri"] rescue nil
+ end
+ if proxy
+ debug "proxy is set to #{} port #{proxy.port}"
+ if proxy_required(uri)
+ proxy_host =
+ proxy_port = proxy.port
+ proxy_user = @bot.config["http.proxy_user"]
+ proxy_pass = @bot.config["http.proxy_pass"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ h =, uri.port, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass)
+ h.use_ssl = true if uri.scheme == "https"
+ h.read_timeout = opts[:read_timeout]
+ h.open_timeout = opts[:open_timeout]
+ return h
+ end
+ # Internal method used to hanlde response _resp_ received when making a
+ # request for URI _uri_.
+ #
+ # It follows redirects, optionally yielding them if option :yield is :all.
+ #
+ # Also yields and returns the final _resp_.
+ #
+ def handle_response(uri, resp, opts, &block) # :yields: resp
+ if Net::HTTPRedirection === resp && opts[:max_redir] >= 0
+ if resp.key?('location')
+ raise 'Too many redirections' if opts[:max_redir] <= 0
+ yield resp if opts[:yield] == :all && block_given?
+ # some servers actually provide unescaped location, e.g.
+ #
+ # rediects to something like
+ # curve ball?sessid=8457b2a3752085cca3fb1d79b9965446
+ # causing the URI parser to (obviously) complain. We cannot just
+ # escape blindly, as this would make a mess of already-escaped
+ # locations, so we only do it if the URI.parse fails
+ loc = resp['location']
+ escaped = false
+ debug "redirect location: #{loc.inspect}"
+ begin
+ new_loc = URI.join(uri.to_s, loc) rescue URI.parse(loc)
+ rescue
+ if escaped
+ raise $!
+ else
+ loc = URI.escape(loc)
+ escaped = true
+ debug "escaped redirect location: #{loc.inspect}"
+ retry
+ end
+ end
+ new_opts = opts.dup
+ new_opts[:max_redir] -= 1
+ case opts[:method].to_s.downcase.intern
+ when :post, :"net::http::post"
+ new_opts[:method] = :get
+ end
+ if resp['set-cookie']
+ debug "set cookie request for #{resp['set-cookie']}"
+ cookie, cookie_flags = (resp['set-cookie']+'; ').split('; ', 2)
+ domain =
+ cookie_flags.scan(/(\S+)=(\S+);/) { |key, val|
+ if key.intern == :domain
+ domain = val
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ debug "cookie domain #{domain} / #{}"
+ if == - domain.length
+ debug "setting cookie"
+ new_opts[:headers] ||=
+ new_opts[:headers]['Cookie'] = cookie
+ else
+ debug "cookie is for another domain, ignoring"
+ end
+ end
+ debug "following the redirect to #{new_loc}"
+ return get_response(new_loc, new_opts, &block)
+ else
+ warning ":| redirect w/o location?"
+ end
+ end
+ class << resp
+ undef_method :body
+ alias :body :cooked_body
+ end
+ unless resp['content-type']
+ debug "No content type, guessing"
+ resp['content-type'] =
+ case resp['x-rbot-location']
+ when /.html?$/i
+ 'text/html'
+ when /.xml$/i
+ 'application/xml'
+ when /.xhtml$/i
+ 'application/xml+xhtml'
+ when /.(gif|png|jpe?g|jp2|tiff?)$/i
+ "image/#{$1.sub(/^jpg$/,'jpeg').sub(/^tif$/,'tiff')}"
+ else
+ 'application/octetstream'
+ end
+ end
+ if block_given?
+ yield(resp)
+ else
+ # Net::HTTP wants us to read the whole body here
+ resp.raw_body
+ end
+ return resp
+ end
+ # _uri_:: uri to query (URI object or String)
+ #
+ # Generic http transaction method. It will return a Net::HTTPResponse
+ # object or raise an exception
+ #
+ # If a block is given, it will yield the response (see :yield option)
+ #
+ # Currently supported _options_:
+ #
+ # method:: request method [:get (default), :post or :head]
+ # open_timeout:: open timeout for the proxy
+ # read_timeout:: read timeout for the proxy
+ # cache:: should we cache results?
+ # yield:: if :final [default], calls the block for the response object;
+ # if :all, call the block for all intermediate redirects, too
+ # max_redir:: how many redirects to follow before raising the exception
+ # if -1, don't follow redirects, just return them
+ # range:: make a ranged request (usually GET). accepts a string
+ # for HTTP/1.1 "Range:" header (i.e. "bytes=0-1000")
+ # body:: request body (usually for POST requests)
+ # headers:: additional headers to be set for the request. Its value must
+ # be a Hash in the form { 'Header' => 'value' }
+ #
+ def get_response(uri_or_s, options = {}, &block) # :yields: resp
+ uri = uri_or_s.kind_of?(URI) ? uri_or_s : URI.parse(uri_or_s.to_s)
+ unless URI::HTTP === uri
+ if uri.scheme
+ raise "#{uri.scheme.inspect} URI scheme is not supported"
+ else
+ raise "don't know what to do with #{uri.to_s.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ opts = {
+ :max_redir => @bot.config['http.max_redir'],
+ :yield => :final,
+ :cache => true,
+ :method => :GET
+ }.merge(options)
+ req_class = case opts[:method].to_s.downcase.intern
+ when :head, :"net::http::head"
+ opts[:max_redir] = -1
+ Net::HTTP::Head
+ when :get, :"net::http::get"
+ Net::HTTP::Get
+ when :post, :"net::http::post"
+ opts[:cache] = false
+ opts[:body] or raise 'post request w/o a body?'
+ warning "refusing to cache POST request" if options[:cache]
+ Net::HTTP::Post
+ else
+ warning "unsupported method #{opts[:method]}, doing GET"
+ Net::HTTP::Get
+ end
+ if req_class != Net::HTTP::Get && opts[:range]
+ warning "can't request ranges for #{req_class}"
+ opts.delete(:range)
+ end
+ cache_key = "#{opts[:range]}|#{req_class}|#{uri.to_s}"
+ if req_class != Net::HTTP::Get && req_class != Net::HTTP::Head
+ if opts[:cache]
+ warning "can't cache #{req_class.inspect} requests, working w/o cache"
+ opts[:cache] = false
+ end
+ end
+ debug "get_response(#{uri}, #{opts.inspect})"
+ cached = @cache[cache_key]
+ if opts[:cache] && cached
+ debug "got cached"
+ if !cached.expired?
+ debug "using cached"
+ cached.use
+ return handle_response(uri, cached.response, opts, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ headers = @headers.dup.merge(opts[:headers] || {})
+ headers['Range'] = opts[:range] if opts[:range]
+ headers['Authorization'] = opts[:auth_head] if opts[:auth_head]
+ if opts[:cache] && cached && (req_class == Net::HTTP::Get)
+ cached.setup_headers headers
+ end
+ req =, headers)
+ if uri.user && uri.password
+ req.basic_auth(uri.user, uri.password)
+ opts[:auth_head] = req['Authorization']
+ end
+ req.body = opts[:body] if req_class == Net::HTTP::Post
+ debug "prepared request: #{req.to_hash.inspect}"
+ begin
+ get_proxy(uri, opts).start do |http|
+ http.request(req) do |resp|
+ resp['x-rbot-location'] = uri.to_s
+ if Net::HTTPNotModified === resp
+ debug "not modified"
+ begin
+ cached.revalidate(resp)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ error e
+ end
+ debug "reusing cached"
+ resp = cached.response
+ elsif Net::HTTPServerError === resp || Net::HTTPClientError === resp
+ debug "http error, deleting cached obj" if cached
+ @cache.delete(cache_key)
+ end
+ begin
+ return handle_response(uri, resp, opts, &block)
+ ensure
+ if cached = CachedObject.maybe_new(resp) rescue nil
+ debug "storing to cache"
+ @cache[cache_key] = cached
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ error e
+ raise e.message
+ end
+ end
+ # _uri_:: uri to query (URI object or String)
+ #
+ # Simple GET request, returns (if possible) response body following redirs
+ # and caching if requested, yielding the actual response(s) to the optional
+ # block. See get_response for details on the supported _options_
+ #
+ def get(uri, options = {}, &block) # :yields: resp
+ begin
+ resp = get_response(uri, options, &block)
+ raise "http error: #{resp}" unless Net::HTTPOK === resp ||
+ Net::HTTPPartialContent === resp
+ if options[:resp]
+ return resp
+ else
+ return resp.body
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ error e
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ # _uri_:: uri to query (URI object or String)
+ #
+ # Simple HEAD request, returns (if possible) response head following redirs
+ # and caching if requested, yielding the actual response(s) to the optional
+ # block. See get_response for details on the supported _options_
+ #
+ def head(uri, options = {}, &block) # :yields: resp
+ opts = {:method => :head}.merge(options)
+ begin
+ resp = get_response(uri, opts, &block)
+ # raise "http error #{resp}" if Net::HTTPClientError === resp ||
+ # Net::HTTPServerError == resp
+ return resp
+ rescue Exception => e
+ error e
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ # _uri_:: uri to query (URI object or String)
+ # _data_:: body of the POST
+ #
+ # Simple POST request, returns (if possible) response following redirs and
+ # caching if requested, yielding the response(s) to the optional block. See
+ # get_response for details on the supported _options_
+ #
+ def post(uri, data, options = {}, &block) # :yields: resp
+ opts = {:method => :post, :body => data, :cache => false}.merge(options)
+ begin
+ resp = get_response(uri, opts, &block)
+ raise 'http error' unless Net::HTTPOK === resp or Net::HTTPCreated === resp
+ return resp
+ rescue Exception => e
+ error e
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ # _uri_:: uri to query (URI object or String)
+ # _nbytes_:: number of bytes to get
+ #
+ # Partial GET request, returns (if possible) the first _nbytes_ bytes of the
+ # response body, following redirs and caching if requested, yielding the
+ # actual response(s) to the optional block. See get_response for details on
+ # the supported _options_
+ #
+ def get_partial(uri, nbytes = @bot.config['http.info_bytes'], options = {}, &block) # :yields: resp
+ opts = {:range => "bytes=0-#{nbytes}"}.merge(options)
+ return get(uri, opts, &block)
+ end
+ def remove_stale_cache
+ debug "Removing stale cache"
+ now =
+ max_last = @bot.config['http.expire_time'] * 60
+ max_first = @bot.config['http.max_cache_time'] * 60
+ debug "#{@cache.size} pages before"
+ begin
+ @cache.reject! { |k, val|
+ (now - val.last_used > max_last) || (now - val.first_used > max_first)
+ }
+ rescue => e
+ error "Failed to remove stale cache: #{e.pretty_inspect}"
+ end
+ debug "#{@cache.size} pages after"
+ end