path: root/lib/rbot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rbot')
2 files changed, 170 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rbot/auth.rb b/lib/rbot/auth.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c865636c..00000000
--- a/lib/rbot/auth.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-module Irc
- # globmask:: glob to test with
- # netmask:: netmask to test against
- # Compare a netmask with a standard IRC glob, e.g foo! would
- # match *!*, foo!*@*, *!bar@*, etc.
- def Irc.netmaskmatch( globmask, netmask )
- regmask = Regexp.escape( globmask )
- regmask.gsub!( /\\\*/, '.*' )
- return true if(netmask =~ /#{regmask}/i)
- return false
- end
- # check if a string is an actual IRC hostmask
- def Irc.ismask?(mask)
- mask =~ /^.+!.+@.+$/
- end
- 'UserData', :level, :password, :hostmasks )
- # User-level authentication to allow/disallow access to bot commands based
- # on hostmask and userlevel.
- class IrcAuth
- BotConfig.register 'auth.password',
- :default => 'rbotauth', :wizard => true,
- :desc => 'Your password for maxing your auth with the bot (used to associate new hostmasks with your owner-status etc)' )
- BotConfig.register 'auth.default_level',
- :default => 10, :wizard => true,
- :desc => 'The default level for new/unknown users' )
- # create a new IrcAuth instance.
- # bot:: associated bot class
- def initialize(bot)
- @bot = bot
- @users = do
-['auth.default_level'], '', [])
- end
- @levels =
- @currentUsers = nil )
- if( File.exist?( "#{@bot.botclass}/users.yaml" ) )
- "#{@bot.botclass}/users.yaml" ) { |file|
- # work around YAML not maintaining the default proc
- @loadedusers = YAML::parse(file).transform
- @users.update(@loadedusers)
- }
- end
- if(File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/levels.rbot"))
- IO.foreach("#{@bot.botclass}/levels.rbot") do |line|
- if(line =~ /\s*(\d+)\s*(\S+)/)
- level = $1.to_i
- command = $2
- @levels[command] = level
- end
- end
- end
- if @levels.length < 1
- raise RuntimeError, "No valid levels.rbot found! If you really want a free-for-all bot and this isn't the result of a previous error, write a proper levels.rbot"
- end
- end
- # save current users and levels to files.
- # levels are written to #{botclass}/levels.rbot
- # users are written to #{botclass}/users.yaml
- def save
- Dir.mkdir("#{@bot.botclass}") if(!File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}"))
- begin
- debug "Writing new users.yaml ..."
-"#{@bot.botclass}/", 'w') do |file|
- file.puts @users.to_yaml
- end
- debug "Officializing users.yaml ..."
- File.rename("#{@bot.botclass}/",
- "#{@bot.botclass}/users.yaml")
- rescue
- error "failed to write configuration file users.yaml! #{$!}"
- error "#{e.class}: #{e}"
- error e.backtrace.join("\n")
- end
- begin
- debug "Writing new levels.rbot ..."
-"#{@bot.botclass}/", 'w') do |file|
- @levels.each do |key, value|
- file.puts "#{value} #{key}"
- end
- end
- debug "Officializing levels.rbot ..."
- File.rename("#{@bot.botclass}/",
- "#{@bot.botclass}/levels.rbot")
- rescue
- error "failed to write configuration file levels.rbot! #{$!}"
- error "#{e.class}: #{e}"
- error e.backtrace.join("\n")
- end
- end
- # command:: command user wishes to perform
- # mask:: hostmask of user
- # tell:: optional recipient for "insufficient auth" message
- #
- # returns true if user with hostmask +mask+ is permitted to perform
- # +command+ optionally pass tell as the target for the "insufficient auth"
- # message, if the user is not authorised
- def allow?( command, mask, tell=nil )
- auth = @users[matchingUser(mask)].level # Directly using @users[] is possible, because UserData has a default setting
- if( auth >= @levels[command] )
- return true
- else
- debug "#{mask} is not allowed to perform #{command}"
- @bot.say tell, "insufficient \"#{command}\" auth (have #{auth}, need #{@levels[command]})" if tell
- return false
- end
- end
- # add user with hostmask matching +mask+ with initial auth level +level+
- def useradd( username, level=@bot.config['auth.default_level'], password='', hostmask='*!*@*' )
- @users[username] = level, password, [hostmask] ) if ! @users.has_key? username
- end
- # mask:: mask of user to remove
- # remove user with mask +mask+
- def userdel( username )
- @users.delete( username ) if @users.has_key? username
- end
- def usermod( username, item, value=nil )
- if @users.has_key?( username )
- case item
- when 'hostmask'
- if Irc.ismask?( value )
- @users[username].hostmasks = [ value ]
- return true
- end
- when '+hostmask'
- if Irc.ismask?( value )
- @users[username].hostmasks += [ value ]
- return true
- end
- when '-hostmask'
- if Irc.ismask?( value )
- @users[username].hostmasks -= [ value ]
- return true
- end
- when 'password'
- @users[username].password = value
- return true
- when 'level'
- @users[username].level = value.to_i
- return true
- else
- debug "usermod: Tried to modify unknown item #{item}"
- # @bot.say tell, "Unknown item #{item}" if tell
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- # command:: command to adjust
- # level:: new auth level for the command
- # set required auth level of +command+ to +level+
- def setlevel(command, level)
- @levels[command] = level
- end
- def matchingUser( mask )
- currentUser = nil
- currentLevel = 0
- @users.each { |user, data| # TODO Will get easier if YPaths are used...
- if data.level > currentLevel
- data.hostmasks.each { |hostmask|
- if Irc.netmaskmatch( hostmask, mask )
- currentUser = user
- currentLevel = data.level
- end
- }
- end
- }
- currentUser
- end
- def identify( mask, username, password )
- return false unless @users.has_key?(username) && @users[username].password == password
- @bot.auth.usermod( username, '+hostmask', mask )
- return true
- end
- # return all currently defined commands (for which auth is required) and
- # their required authlevels
- def showlevels
- reply = 'Current levels are:'
- @levels.sort.each { |key, value|
- reply += " #{key}(#{value})"
- }
- reply
- end
- # return all currently defined users and their authlevels
- def showusers
- reply = 'Current users are:'
- @users.sort.each { |key, value|
- reply += " #{key}(#{value.level})"
- }
- reply
- end
- def showdetails( username )
- if @users.has_key? username
- reply = "#{username}(#{@users[username].level}):"
- @users[username].hostmasks.each { |hostmask|
- reply += " #{hostmask}"
- }
- end
- reply
- end
- # module help
- def help(topic='')
- case topic
- when 'setlevel'
- return 'setlevel <command> <level> => Sets required level for <command> to <level> (private addressing only)'
- when 'useradd'
- return 'useradd <username> => Add user <mask>, you still need to set him up correctly (private addressing only)'
- when 'userdel'
- return 'userdel <username> => Remove user <username> (private addressing only)'
- when 'usermod'
- return 'usermod <username> <item> <value> => Modify <username>s settings. Valid <item>s are: hostmask, (+|-)hostmask, password, level (private addressing only)'
- when 'auth'
- return 'auth <masterpw> => Create a user with your hostmask and master password as bot master (private addressing only)'
- when 'levels'
- return 'levels => list commands and their required levels (private addressing only)'
- when 'users'
- return 'users [<username>]=> list users and their levels or details about <username> (private addressing only)'
- when 'whoami'
- return 'whoami => Show as whom you are recognized (private addressing only)'
- when 'identify'
- return 'identify <username> <password> => Identify your hostmask as belonging to <username> (private addressing only)'
- else
- return 'Auth module (User authentication) topics: setlevel, useradd, userdel, usermod, auth, levels, users, whoami, identify'
- end
- end
- # privmsg handler
- def privmsg(m)
- if(m.address? && m.private?)
- case m.message
- when (/^setlevel\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)$/)
- if( @bot.auth.allow?( 'auth', m.source, m.replyto ) )
- @bot.auth.setlevel( $1, $2.to_i )
- m.reply "level for #$1 set to #$2"
- end
- when( /^useradd\s+(\S+)/ ) # FIXME Needs review!!! (\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?)?)? Should this part be added to make complete useradds possible?
- if( @bot.auth.allow?( 'auth', m.source, m.replyto ) )
- @bot.auth.useradd( $1 )
- m.reply "added user #$1, please set him up correctly"
- end
- when( /^userdel\s+(\S+)/ )
- if( @bot.auth.allow?( 'auth', m.source, m.replyto ) )
- @bot.auth.userdel( $1 )
- m.reply "user #$1 is gone"
- end
- when( /^usermod\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ )
- if( @bot.auth.allow?('auth', m.source, m.replyto ) )
- if( @bot.auth.usermod( $1, $2, $3 ) )
- m.reply "Set #$2 of #$1 to #$3"
- else
- m.reply "Failed to set #$2 of #$1 to #$3"
- end
- end
- when( /^setpassword\s+(\S+)/ )
- password = $1
- user = @bot.auth.matchingUser( m.source )
- if user
- if @bot.auth.usermod(user, 'password', password)
- m.reply "Your password has been set to #{password}"
- else
- m.reply "Couldn't set password"
- end
- else
- m.reply 'You don\'t belong to any user.'
- end
- when (/^auth\s+(\S+)/)
- if( $1 == @bot.config['auth.password'] )
- if ! @users.has_key? 'master'
- @bot.auth.useradd( 'master', 1000, @bot.config['auth.password'], m.source )
- else
- @bot.auth.usermod( 'master', '+hostmask', m.source )
- end
- m.reply 'Identified, security level maxed out'
- else
- m.reply 'Incorrect password'
- end
- when( /^identify\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ )
- if @bot.auth.identify( m.source, $1, $2 )
- m.reply "Identified as #$1 (#{@users[$1].level})"
- else
- m.reply 'Incorrect username/password'
- end
- when( 'whoami' )
- user = @bot.auth.matchingUser( m.source )
- if user
- m.reply "I recognize you as #{user} (#{@users[user].level})"
- else
- m.reply 'You don\'t belong to any user.'
- end
- when( /^users\s+(\S+)/ )
- m.reply @bot.auth.showdetails( $1 ) if( @bot.auth.allow?( 'auth', m.source, m.replyto ) )
- when ( 'levels' )
- m.reply @bot.auth.showlevels if( @bot.auth.allow?( 'config', m.source, m.replyto ) )
- when ( 'users' )
- m.reply @bot.auth.showusers if( @bot.auth.allow?( 'users', m.source, m.replyto ) )
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/rbot/core/auth.rb b/lib/rbot/core/auth.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a30dc0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rbot/core/auth.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+class AuthModule < CoreBotModule
+ def initialize
+ super
+ load_array(:default, true)
+ debug "Initialized auth. Botusers: #{@bot.auth.save_array.inspect}"
+ end
+ def save
+ save_array
+ end
+ def save_array(key=:default)
+ if @bot.auth.changed?
+ @registry[key] = @bot.auth.save_array
+ @bot.auth.reset_changed
+ debug "saved botusers (#{key}): #{@registry[key].inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ def load_array(key=:default, forced=false)
+ debug "loading botusers (#{key}): #{@registry[key].inspect}"
+ @bot.auth.load_array(@registry[key], forced) if @registry.has_key?(key)
+ end
+ # The permission parameters accept arguments with the following syntax:
+ # cmd_path... [on #chan .... | in here | in private]
+ # This auxiliary method scans the array _ar_ to see if it matches
+ # the given syntax: it expects + or - signs in front of _cmd_path_
+ # elements when _setting_ = true
+ #
+ # It returns an array whose first element is the array of cmd_path,
+ # the second element is an array of locations and third an array of
+ # warnings occurred while parsing the strings
+ #
+ def parse_args(ar, setting)
+ cmds = []
+ locs = []
+ warns = []
+ doing_cmds = true
+ next_must_be_chan = false
+ want_more = false
+ last_idx = 0
+ ar.each_with_index { |x, i|
+ if doing_cmds # parse cmd_path
+ # check if the list is done
+ if x == "on" or x == "in"
+ doing_cmds = false
+ next_must_be_chan = true if x == "on"
+ next
+ end
+ if "+-".include?(x[0])
+ warns << ArgumentError("please do not use + or - in front of command #{x} when resetting") unless setting
+ else
+ warns << ArgumentError("+ or - expected in front of #{x}") if setting
+ end
+ cmds << x
+ else # parse locations
+ if x[-1].chr == ','
+ want_more = true
+ else
+ want_more = false
+ end
+ case next_must_be_chan
+ when false
+ locs << x.gsub(/^here$/,'_').gsub(/^private$/,'?')
+ else
+ warns << ArgumentError("#{x} doesn't look like a channel name") unless @bot.server.supports[:chantypes].include?(x[0])
+ locs << x
+ end
+ unless wants_more
+ last_idx = i
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ warns << "trailing comma" if wants_more
+ warns << "you probably forgot a comma" unless last_idx == ar.length - 1
+ return cmds, locs, warns
+ end
+ def auth_set(m, params)
+ cmds, locs, warns = parse_args(params[:args])
+ errs = { |w| w.class <= Exception }
+ unless errs.empty?
+ m.reply "couldn't satisfy your request: #{errs.join(',')}"
+ return
+ end
+ user = params[:user].sub(/^all$/,"everyone")
+ begin
+ bu = @bot.auth.get_botuser(user)
+ rescue
+ m.reply "couldn't find botuser #{user}"
+ return
+ end
+ if locs.empty?
+ locs << "*"
+ end
+ begin
+ locs.each { |loc|
+ ch = loc
+ if m.private?
+ ch = "?" if loc == "_"
+ else
+ ch = if loc == "_"
+ end
+ cmds.each { |setval|
+ val = setval[0].chr == '+'
+ cmd = setval[1..-1]
+ bu.set_permission(cmd, val, ch)
+ }
+ }
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply "Something went wrong while trying to set the permissions"
+ raise
+ end
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ debug "User #{user} permissions changed"
+ m.reply "Ok, #{user} now also has permissions #{params[:args].join(' ')}"
+ end
+ def auth_login(m, params)
+ begin
+ if params[:password]
+ li = @bot.auth.login(m.source, params[:botuser], params[:password])
+ else
+ li = @bot.auth.login(m.source, params[:botuser], params[:password], true)
+ end
+ case li
+ when true
+ m.reply "welcome, #{@bot.auth.irc_to_botuser(m.source).username}"
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ else
+ m.reply "sorry, can't do"
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply "couldn't login: #{e}"
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+auth =
+ "permissions set *args for :user",
+ :action => 'auth_set',
+ :auth_path => ':edit::set:'
+ "permissions reset *args for :user",
+ :action => 'auth_reset',
+ :auth_path => ':edit::reset:'
+ "login :botuser :password",
+ :action => 'auth_login',
+ :public => false,
+ :defaults => { :password => nil },
+ :auth_path => '!login!'
+ "login :botuser",
+ :action => 'auth_login',
+ :defaults => { :password => nil },
+ :auth_path => '!login!'
+auth.default_auth('*', false)